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9th Annual Lunch With The Entertainment Greats 2006!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

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George with Bill Koszewski and Richie Midura

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George with Singer/Songwriter, Lynn Barsalou

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George shows Lynn Barsalou the Mega-Star Pose

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George with Richie Kendra

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George with Barbara Heissler and Steve Tracy

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George and Grammy Award Winning Al Noble

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George with The Lone Arranger and his Chauffeur/Barber/Trumpet Player, Phil Greco

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George with Radio Legend, Phil D and his Daughter

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George and Cal McClain

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George and Bill Koszewski

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George inspects the passing desserts.

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George and The Lone Arranger, Ken Morey

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George with a few of the broadcasters attending the Big Lunch.

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George and CSC-TV Program Director, Jan Lessin

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George with Dick Pariseau, Lynn Barsalou and Frank Knight

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George with Bill Koszewski and Joe Koziol

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George and Art Nunes

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George and Frank Knight

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George points out a few details for Dick Booth.

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Ken Morey's Famous Last Supper. Next year we will present Last Supper 2.

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Al Lehmann lectures Dick Booth on Proper Voice Over Techniques.

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Lynn Barsalou Arrives at the BIG Lunch.

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Matt Lucier enjoys dessert at the BIG lunch.

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Michael Levreault - The World's Loudest Guitar Player

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Phil D and his lovely daughter.

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Phil D and his daughter pose with a long time fan.

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Dick Booth needs a few more pointers form Al Lehmann.

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Grammy Award Winning Al Noble

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Al Noble and Bill Koszewski

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Al Noble and Michael Levreault

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Ken Morey and his Dessert Cart.

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Joe Baptiste and Al Noble

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Richie Kendra - The Most Famous Health Director in the Country

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Richie Kendra and Bill Koszewski

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Lynn Barsalou can't quite remember the name of the television show that Frank Knight hosted.

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George and Lynn Barsalou inspect Richie Midura's dessert at the checkpoint.

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Lynn Barsalou poses with Richie Kendra

060815BarbaraHeisslerWallyGonetCalMcClain4748.jpg (79882 bytes)

060815BillKoszewskiJoeKoziol4686.jpg (71154 bytes)

Bill Koszewski and Joe Koziol

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Cal McClain and Steve Tracy

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Dick Booth and his camera. Note: He still hasn't viewed his tapes from last year.

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Dick Booth insists on No More Autographs

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Dick Booth performs his famous Talking Chicken.

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Dick Pariseau and Jan Lessin enjoy dessert.

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Frank Knight and Bill Koszewski

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The always exciting and talented, Al Lehmann

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Frank Knight has dessert in peace and quiet.

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Frank Knight, Steve Tracy and Al Lehmann

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George visits with Cal McClain

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Dick Booth points to the Mega-Star for arriving guests.

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Dick Booth demonstrates his popular presentation of "Slow Ninja".

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060815GDDickBoothSlowNinja4736.jpg (64198 bytes)

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George visits with Ken Morey and Phil Greco.

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Lynn Barsalou is slightly amused by Dick Booth's antics.

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Steve Tracy and George

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Richie Midura and Joe Baptiste

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Joe Koziol

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Joe Koziol and Tom Tisdell

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Ken Morey and Joe Koziol

060815KenMoreyPhilGrecoJoeKoziol4706.jpg (69481 bytes)

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060815LynnBarsalouJoeBaptiste4710.jpg (58543 bytes)

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060815LynnBarsalouTomTisdell4726.jpg (71665 bytes)

060815PhilGrecoKenMoreyJoeKoziolFrankKnight4749.jpg (70586 bytes)

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Richie Kendra and Joe Baptiste

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Richie Midura and Art Nunes

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Richie Midura and Joe Baptiste

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Richie Midura and Joe Koziol

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Steve Tracy demonstrates his latest innovation in modern ocular devices.

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Steve Tracy insists that there are similarities between Radio Engineering and Train Engineering.

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Dick Booth inquires as to whether Steve Tracy will eat his carrots or corn first.

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Tom Tisdell and Joe Koziol

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Tom Tisdell and Ken Morey

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Tom Tisdell and Richie Kendra

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060815TomTisdellRichieKendraJoeBaptisteLynnBarsalou4704.jpg (75171 bytes)

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Recording Engineer, Wally Gonet

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A Picture of Dick Booth Taking a Picture of Al Lehmann.

I LOVE Technology!


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