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11th Annual Lunch With The Entertainment Greats 2008!

Monday, July 7, 2008

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George with Al Lehmann - The Special Sauce

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George with Grammy Award Winning Al Noble and John Dumont

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George with Bill Koszewski

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George with Bill Koszewski and Joe Pereira

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George with Frank Knight

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George with Frank Knight and Radio Legend Phil D

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George with Frank Knight and Phil D

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George with Joe Baptiste

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George with Joe Baptiste and Mike Wiater

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George with Joe Pereira and Lynn Barsalou

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George with Ken Kostek

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George with The Lone Arranger Ken Morey - Last Supper 3

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George with the Lunch Group

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George with Singer/Songwriter Lynn Barsalou

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George helps Lynn Barsalou select an appropriate beverage.

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George with Michael Levreault and Lynn Barsalou

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George with Mitch Kupiec and Ernie Daigle

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George with Richie Kmon

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George with Tom Tisdell

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Audio Engineer Al Lehmann

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Apparently, Al Lehmann has had too much exposure to microwave equipment on The Mountain.

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Al Noble & Joe Baptiste

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Al Noble & John Dumont

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Al Noble & Phil Greco

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Bill Koszewski & Richie Kmon

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Butch Bouchard & Cal McClain

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Butch Bouchard can't seem to handle his dessert.

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Hopefully, he won't be creaming and driving.

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Dick Booth

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Dick Booth demonstrates one of his favorite top-secret hand signals that he has used in the film industry for years.

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Dick Booth & Phil D

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Frank Knight

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Frank Knight & Butch Bouchard

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Freddy Korona & Walter Kieszek

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Joe Baptiste & Richie Kmon

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Joe Baptiste

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Joe Baptiste & Mike Wiater

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Joe Pereira

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Joe Pereira & Lynn Barsalou

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Joe Pereira & Matt Lucier

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John Dumont

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John Dumont & Dick Pariseau

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Ken Kostek

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Ken Kostek & Jan Lessin

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The Lone Arranger Ken Morey

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Ken Morey's Famous Last Supper 3. Next year we will present Last Supper 4.

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Lynn Barsalou & Joe Pereira

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Lynn attempts the patented Mega-Star Pose

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Matt Lucier & Cal McClain

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Mike Wiater

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Mitch Kupiec & Ernie Daigle

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Phil Greco & Freddy Korona

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Phil Greco makes an emergency call on his Bat Phone

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Steve Tracy

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Apparently, Steve Tracy has also had too much exposure to microwave equipment.

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Steve Tracy & Phil D

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Walter Kieszek

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Walter Kieszek & Ken Morey

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