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8th Annual Lunch With The Entertainment Greats 2005!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

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George and long time friend and performer, Allen Willey

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George and Grammy Award Winner Al Noble

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George with Cal McClain and Charlie Catania

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George with Joe Baptiste, Richie Midura (The World's Greatest Clarinet Player) and Charlie Catania

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George inspects John Dumont's Desserts

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George with Dr. Farley (Musician/Dentist) and Chet Dragon

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George with Walter and Emily Dragon

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George with musicians Jolly Joe Koziol and Chet Dragon

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George visits with long time friend Mario Biancuzzo before the lunch begins.

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George with Dick Booth. This is what happens when you spend too much time with Macs and microwave equipment.

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George and musicians Bill Koszewski, Chet Dragon and Ed Kedzior

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George with Jolly Joe Koziol

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George with Mike Wiater, Wally Szczuka and Dick Pariseau

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George with Allen Willey and Radio Engineer, Steve Tracy

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George with Wally Gonet, Steve Tracy and Frank Knight

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George with The Lone Arranger, Ken Morey

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George with Frank Knight

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Dick Booth

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Bill Koszewski

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Ed Kedzior and Bill Koszewski

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Dick Booth, undercover agent.

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Well, not quite undercover.

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Frank Knight recreates one of his famous weather reports for Chet and Mary Lou Dragon, Wally Szczuka and Dick Pariseau. As you can see from his expression, Dick actually saw the original broadcast over 20 years ago.

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Dr. Don Farley and Matt Lucier

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John Dumont and Jan Lessin

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Wally Gonet, Steve Tracy, Frank Knight and Cal McClain.

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CSC-TV Program Director, Jan Lessin

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Joe Baptiste

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Joe Baptiste and Richie Midura

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Jolly Joe Koziol

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Jolly Joe Koziol visits with Al Noble and Joe Baptiste.

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John Dumont and Jan Lessin

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Mike Wiater, Ken Morey, and Walter and Emily Dragon

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Mike Wiater, Ken Morey, Walter and Emily Dragon, and Frank Knight

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Radio Engineer, Steve Tracy

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Radio Engineer, Steve Tracy, Mary Lou Dragon and Frank Knight

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Radio Engineer, Steve Tracy and Recording Engineer, Wally Gonet

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Bill Koszewski and Wally Szczuka

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Radio Engineer, Steve Tracy

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Recording Engineer, Wally Gonet

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Dick Booth prepares to setup his Mac. (Note: Macs are not real computers as we shall prove with this scientific and entertaining experiment.)

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Dick Booth needs a little more time.

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Dick Booth checks his logistics which should probably be done in private. After all, this is Massachusetts.

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Dick Booth attempts to play the video.

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Perhaps it is a cable problem?

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Dick Booth abandons his camcorder in order to focus on his Mac problems.

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The Crowd awaits the video presentation.

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Dick Booth continues to attempt to clear the "black screen of death."

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Even Ed Kedzior is perplexed by the display.

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Dick Booth acquires more footage.

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Steve Tracy replays one of his famous station IDs LIVE without tape for Frank Knight.

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George observes the "black screen of death" on the Mac.

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So far, the black screen is the best part of the video.

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George entertains the crowd during the technical difficulties and clarifies that this display is NOT affiliated with Prime Time Teleproductions.

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Still no video.

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Dick Booth makes the official announcement that there are technical difficulties.

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George concludes the experiment with a display on how to correctly operate and handle a Mac.

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