Millie's Pierogi [] Thanks - I needed that! Ann. Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2003 11:25 AM Subject: Re: MUD SLIDES IN CALIFORNIA I was wondering how long it was going to take you to point your finger at the radical left. Thanks for never disappointing me! lol oxD Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 8:57 AM To: Subject: Re: Christmas Fun Caution You are soooooo funny. Have you ever thought of being funny for a living? (Like I don't know you did) From:
Paul J. Baptiste [] Actually George some of this info is useful: With my work it
is common to paste Excel tables into Word. Last year I was writing a mammoth
document which required that task. It was sort of painstaking and didnt
work that well. From: [] WHO IS THAT GUY WHO IS STANDING WITH SEAN AND CLARK???? George you look FABULOUS!!! I knew you were losing weight a few months ago, but my dearest what a wonderful surprise.....oxoxox Dale & Randy From:
Phil [] Thanks George for sharing these photos. I have listened to both of these talented guys but have never seen them.... till now. Thanks again. I DO hope to see you next year. Phil D. From:
Ray & Carmen Schoenrock [] Hi George, Great photos! From:
Jim Janik [] Hi George, Your 'Network Server' setting has changed the speed of my computer from Francis the Mule to Seabisquit. Thanks Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 9:56 PM Subject: Re: FREE SPEECH VIOLATIONS? THIS SO TOTALLY PISSES ME OFF!!! We listened to the arguments of this issue and were totally enraged by it....I guess you know that I don't have to tell you, "PLEASE DON'T GET ME STARTED!!!" oxD From: [] I guess that proves the old addage "You get the government you deserve". I can't believe the morons vote that fool in! From: [] Hi George: From: [] From: [] Thank you so much George for your comments and rock! oxD From: [] I will pray on my knees every night to see this come to fruition...maybe even throw in some "sack cloth" to wear for the next year.....oh please, oh please....let's make this happen....oxD From: [] From: [] YES!!! oxD From: [] From: Mike Midura [] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:17 PM Subject: Re: Where The Middle East Is Located George, You are the bset! I'm laughing my ass off at work right now! You are famous already here in the office...People are checking out your website and cracking up!! Michael From: Clem Sepulveda [] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:26 AM Subject: Re: Stella awards George, Thanks for all the STUFF you share with me. The jury awards for all these 'stella' cases are unbelieveable. I couldn't believe those awards. -Clem- Thanks George for sharing this one, and all the other stuff you send my way. I rarely have a chance to thank you, ...but you are appreciated. -Clem- PS: By the way,...I got 4 out of 11. Don't tell Bill Gates. From: [] George....I don't know if I had told you yet....but, I loved this description. So right on! Thanks. oxD From: [] Big KUDOS and BRAVOS to you!! Couldn't have said it better myself. oxD From: [] From: [] From: [] From: [] Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2003 12:25 AM Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2003 HI, GEORGE, WE ARE WATCHING YOUR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION, IT IS GREAT. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT OLYMPIC DIVING CHAMPION? THAT IS WHAT I LOOKED LIKE SWINGING FROM THE HANGING ROPE DOWN ON THE CONNECTICUT RIVER......LOLOLOLOL WE HAD THE TIMES SQUARE CELEBRATION WITH DICK CLARK, ON AND SWITCHED TO YOUR PROGRAM, YOU TOPPED HIM BY FAR......GO, GO, GO. HAPPY NEW YEAR ART AND RACHEL NUNES |
Updated - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:47:02 PM