From: [] Hi George; Happy New Year to you also, I agree, negative people drag you down. May I add
that the word of God (bible) says to surround yourselves with like minded people. From: [] George: Thanks...and you and your family have a Very Happy & Healthy New Year! Mitch From: [] Happy New Year George....May good health and prosperity be yours in
the new year. From: [] Thanks George, a great new year to you as well!! Best regards, Stephen From: haldo [] Right back at you George........and a prosperous one too...........Al From: CLYDE PEELER [] GEORGE, I ENJOY YOUR SIGHT. THANKS AND HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL AND PROSOEROUS NEW YEAR. BY THE WAY, I MAY NEED SOME HELP ON MY WEB SITE. THANKS AGAIN, From: Daly & Marilyn [] HI, that is something I will need to keep in mind. Best, Marilyn Macgrayne From: [] Thank you my Dear Mega-Star friend i shall try to do just that Have a From: Dennis Polisky [] Hi George - Great resolution! Happy New Year! From: Douglas Forziati [] I Love you. From: [] George: Thanks for the I know where my letter to Santa went! Have A Very Merry Christmas & Happy & Heathly New Year! Mitch From: [] George: Are you getting nostalgic with all these videos you're sending out? Thanks for all of them! Have A Wonderful Christmas and New Years! Mitch From: Brownie Macintosh [] Actually, when you think about it, this will be an improvement for most patrons. That is very funny George...Thanks! From: Brownie Macintosh [] Good One George, Have a Merry, Merry Christmas! From: [] George, From: [] You always bring a smile to my face. Be well, take care, From: [] Hi George....Nice to here from you and thank you for the christmas greetings...Hope you have a very happy and safe holiday season...keep up the good work......MERRY CHRISTMAS Lenny From: [] I AGREE 100% From: Dennis Polisky [] Hi George - Thank you for the wonderful greetings. I hope you have a great
holiday season. Keep in touch. From: Butch Bouchard [] George, Thanks very much for the Christmas Card, and, right back at you.... HAVE A COOL YULE AND A FRANTIC FIRST ! From: [] VERY NICE CARD PRETTY TUNE VERY NICE From: Brownie Macintosh [] Thanks George! A very Merry Christmas to you as well! From: John K Huzzen [] Dear George, I hope you have a wonderful X-mas also. Take care... Jake From: james a. minkalis [] Nice job George From: [] I still get a chuckle out of the TREE FIRE!!!! ha ha From: Douglas Forziati [] Doug Forziati here. From: [] Same to you George! From: Art Nunes Sr. [] George, thanks, I loved it, great musical card......excellent.... From: [] Yessum. Apparently selective concealment is very acceptable in our society today. Apparently our Justices, Judges, Lawmakers, Lawyers are above, beyond and makers of the law rather than respectors and practitioners of the law. Let John Q public try to interpret the law the way these guys do and John Q would be slammed in jail. Oh, that's right, a person in today's society lies at least 20 - 30 times a day and if you say you don't lie like that at all, you are lying. Yessum. And, Obama says he respects the middle class, respects the citizen, respects the elderly and infirm. Where is that respect for us when he refuses to produce a document that is simple to produce? Where is that respect when he refuses to produce a document to verify his credentials? Where is that respect when he refuses to comply? How can we think that he has our interests at heart? How can we think that he is straightforward, open, honest, fair, caring and such? From: [] Here's a good one...... USE YOUR BRAIN From: Matthew Hayden [] Hey George, All I have to say is, its about damn time!. Getting the book...and let me know if he's running for President on the Independent ticket...he's got my vote and thats coming from a register democrate...its about time I had a candidate that actually upheld the foundation of what the democratic party was SUPPOSED to be. The working mans party, not the hidden socialist party! Ted for President! Matt From: [] HOORAY! From: haldo [] George , I find this stuff you're sending me rather interesting and have forwarded it so others can have something more to think about in regards to whom should vote and for whom they should vote, thanks, Al From: [] Yeah, watch the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight" which I am sure many kids have seen for the part where the Joker makes a pencil disappear. How about drowning someone in a toilet. Pushing them down a stairwell or out a window. You might as well handcuff and shackle all the kids if you want zero tolerance. They are intent on raising a generation of obedient slaves who have no independent thought. Liberal Fascists. Ugh. Glad I'm not a kid now. From: [] I'm going to start feeling sorry for Dr. Jay From: [] I'm with From: [] This lady has been pretty darn! plus she will be an outstanding grandmother! she will finally bring people to their senses. oxD From: [] Hi George, Thanks for sending all the fantastic photos! It was great to see you again. Looking forward to next year. Frank From: Brownie Macintosh [] George, sounds great! Thanks! From: Dudas, Stephen V - Orlando, FL [] I have always considered you one of the finest musicians I have had the pleasure of knowing. Thanks for sending the excerpt from the concert, I wouldn't mind if you send some more sound bites. I hope all is well in NC Thanks Stephen V. Dudas From: THEODORE HAMEL [] Just a not to say hi and how good it was to see you at the Chicopee Fest Of All.
I also got a chance to talk with Jim Janik and his wife that evening. Hope all is well at
your end as things are fine here. Again it was good to see that you are still going strong
in the entertainment business. From: Jim Janik [] FANTASTIC !!! From: james kaveney [] Good morning From: [] George....sorry this is taking so long to get back to you on this missive. First of all, I have personal knowledge on this subject. Randy's mom who resides in Vancouver, B.C. had to go to the emergency room late one evening and remained in the hallway for at least a day or so. They could not find her a room for her anywhere. So, where did they put her? In a closet room! The room was quite small but they did get another person pushed in there too! The room was used to store the crutches and slings they used for broken arms, etc. I find that in Canada, since I lived there for awhile, that the majority of people who use the medical insurance there use it for EVERYTHING! Got a cold, go to the doctor. Got a sprained toe, go to the doctor. Since it is paid for through their taxes they reallly use it! It puts a strain on the medical facilities and the quality of care is really times. My personal opinion of course. My mother who had Kaiser Permanente insurance for close to 50 years had some major clitches as well. Since my mom's insurance was paid for through her civil service work, she had very little out of pocket expense. BUT.....while she was in the hospital for a month prior to her death, I had to fight tooth and nail to keep her in the hospital room! Once the doctor thought she was well enough to go home he sent the discharge nurse to me. She was totally unprofessional! She wanted my mom's bed and she wasn't going to take "no" for an was a Friday and they wanted that room! I argued with her that my mom couldn't even get out of bed and how in the hell was I going to get her in the car to get her home??? I even told her that she would probably die on the way home. I was able to get the nurse to finally say that I could have at least the weekend to make arrangements to get her home. The sad part of all this is that my mom heard the conversation outside the room. I had been in the emergency room many times with my mom in the last few years of her life and it was a rare time that I got a doctor and nurses who I could fully understand....why? Because most of the staff are foreigners, with the majority of them coming from either Asia or the Philippines.... A good friend of ours, whose mother is living with her had a similar experience. Another horrible experience with a bad infection. Her mom now does not want to go to any hospital here in Las Vegas because she is scared that she will become a statistic! Oh yeah, she has Blue Cross/Blue Shield. It is not the insurance and whether the government or privately you pay for it......JUST DON'T GET SICK!! And you are screwed big time if you are a senior or have a loved one going through any system! oxox From: Jason Foisy [] Beautiful! From: GoChi Jason [] DUDE, You're HILARIOUS!!! LOL That's too funny! From:
[] Yay! it will be great to see you perform again! I'm glad you're close enough to
come visit us during the Fest of All. See you then! Ann. From: [] George: Thanks for the head's up. Have A Great Day! Mitch From: fred Shortsleeve [] Hey George - The Dempublican government prints money and gives it to us? That's what the Confederate government did with their non specie paper money. By the middle of the war, people could light their cigars with it.-Fred From: [] George - I read a while ago, a study on CO2 output. It seems a person jogging puts out more CO2 [I don't remember the exact number] than a car traveling the same distance. It's a good thing this info wasn't made too available, or otherwise can you imagine a BAN ON POLKA DANCES because it is environmentally un-friendly, not to mention the methane produced by kielbasa, pierogi and kapusta. Andy |
Updated - Wednesday, December 31, 2008 12:17:57 PM