![]() In a free society, government exists, at most, to protect people's rights, and should neither provide for people nor punish them for activities that interfere with no one else. George Dorunda An Historical Perspective We the people went to war, with what was at the time the most powerful country on the planet, because we did not want to work from January 1st through January 15th to pay taxes to King George. By contrast today, the average American works from January 1st through May 15th to pay taxes to our morbidly obese government. Solution: It is time for us, we the people, to take our country back. So what have we learned in 2 millennia? "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." - Cicero - 55 B.C. Marketing Bambi in 2008: Oh yes, there will be blood! Is this a joke? Don't stare at the graphics too long as you are certain to get a headache. No, not really. In fact, study shows teens that take abstinence pledges are just as likely to be sexually active as those that don't and they are less likely to use birth control. Bristol Palin is unavailable for comment. Here are some of the worst predictions that were made about 2008. Savor them -- a crop like this doesn't come along every year.
Peter Kraus - a former top executive at Merrill Lynch who received a $25 million golden parachute after only three months' work - has landed himself a $37 million Park Avenue pad. The palatial pad - featuring 11-foot-high ceilings, three fireplaces, three maid's rooms, a library, a gallery and a family room/gym - sold for twice what the previous owners, Democratic fund-raisers Carl Spielvogel and Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel, paid for it nearly two years ago. Although he did not officially start work until September, Kraus hit the jackpot after just a couple of days, when Merrill CEO John Thain sold the company to Bank of America for $50 billion amid the stock-market meltdown. The sale automatically triggered the $25 million payout under Kraus' contract. He left Merrill this month. The amount represents about 0.1 percent of Bank of America's $25 billion capital injection from the government as part of Congress' rescue package. Your tax dollars at work. Yellowstone was jostled by a host of small earthquakes for a third straight day, and scientists watched closely to see whether the more than 250 tremors were a sign of something bigger. This must all be caused by Manmade Global Warming. Big deal! I have been ripping his "socialist" tactics for years. Comrade Bush has increased spending more than any other president in history. In what would amount to a slap in the face to a sitting Republican president and the party's Senate and House leaders, national GOP officials are sponsoring a resolution opposing the resort to "socialist" means to save capitalism. Barack Obama remained silent over the violence in Gaza as Israel today threatened to continue its attacks for weeks. This is not "change." Obama is contemplating about voting "present." No, I am not making this up. Just when politicians in Europe and America have been adopting the most costly and damaging measures politicians have ever proposed, to combat this supposed menace, the tide has turned in three significant respects. I sure hope so! First, all over the world, temperatures have been dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by all those computer models which have been used as the main drivers of the scare. Secondly, 2008 was the year when any pretence that there was a "scientific consensus" in favor of man-made global warming collapsed. At long last, as in the Manhattan Declaration last March, hundreds of proper scientists, including many of the world's most eminent climate experts, have been rallying to pour scorn on that "consensus" which was only a politically engineered artifact, based on ever more blatantly manipulated data and computer models programmed to produce no more than convenient fictions. Thirdly, as banks collapsed and the global economy plunged into its worst recession for decades, harsh reality at last began to break in on those self-deluding dreams which have for so long possessed almost every politician in the western world. Manmade Global Warming is dead! Politicians can now move into the next scam. It was reported that Ms. Schlossberg uttered no less than 196 "you knows" in a 35 minute interview. Now this inarticulate woman feels entitled to be a U.S. Senator from New York. Actually, she will fit right in with After being criticized for not taking questions from the press recently now she's under scrutiny for the answers that she's given in a flurry of interviews in recent days. There is a saying in New York politics that it's all about the three I's, Italy Ireland and Israel. A year ago, the Oregon Department of Transportation announced it had demonstrated that a new way to pay for roads - via a mileage tax and satellite technology - could work. Governor's website: "As Oregonians drive less and demand more fuel-efficient vehicles, it is increasingly important that the state find a new way, other than the gas tax, to finance our transportation system." Critics worried that the technology could be used to track where vehicles go, not just how far they travel, and that this information would somehow be stored by the government. Big Brother will track your every move. The gas tax would stay in force - Kulongoski has proposed that it be raised 2 cents - for vehicles not equipped to pay the mileage tax. Governor to tax citizens both ways. The Obama team, pledging the ''most open and transparent transition in history,'' gets an ''A'' for disclosing donors to the Jan. 20 inauguration and a ''F'' when it comes to revealing transition meetings with groups. Contrary to its own ''seat at the table transparency policy,'' meetings are not posted on a Web site. During the presidential primary campaign, then candidate Obama made a pledge: Obama said if president, he would post his meetings on the Internet. The fraud continues! A lot of fairly well-known public companies either disappeared or went bankrupt this year. A man is under arrest on suspicion of murder after police say he pushed a panhandler who insisted on washing his windows, resulting in a fatal head injury. You are driving around Northern California. Someone assaults your vehicle. You tell the perpetrator not to touch your car. You try to protect your property and push the assailant away. The reporter alleges that the push caused the perpetrator "to fall and hit his head on the pavement." This is not true as it was the perpetrator's insistence to continue the assault of the vehicle that caused his demise. Is this where we are heading in our society? We are rapidly losing our right to protect ourselves and our property from unwanted assault. Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. Few took his argument - that economic and moral collapse will trigger civil war and the breakup of the U.S. - very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience. "There's a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur," he says. "One could rejoice in that process," he adds, poker-faced. "But if we're talking reasonably, it's not the best scenario -- for Russia." Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S. Americans hope President-elect Barack Obama "can work miracles," he wrote. "But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles." People like him have forecast similar cataclysms before, he says, and been right. He cites French political scientist Emmanuel Todd. Mr. Todd is famous for having rightly forecast the demise of the Soviet Union -- 15 years beforehand. "When he forecast the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1976, people laughed at him," says Prof. Panarin. It was a burglary investigation right out of a horror movie. A man is accused of stealing from a woman's home and police believe he had been living in the attic for days. The homeowners had no idea he was there stealing food, household items and even their kids' Christmas presents. WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR A PLAYSTATION 3? From and actual Craigslist posting:
Would you take him up on this? By the way, I doubt this guy is an actual NAVY SEAL. Swindler extraordinaire Bernard Madoff got a taste of his own medicine last weekend when a burglar stole a $10,000 statue from his posh, $9.4 million Palm Beach estate. How does it feel, Bernie? "She doesn't know yet that she has been married," the lawyer said then of the girl who was about to begin her fourth year at primary school. The father had agreed to marry off his daughter for an advance dowry of 30,000 riyals ($8,000), as he was apparently facing financial problems. Phonies like Obama only "spread the wealth around" when it is with other peoples' money. " I am my brother's keeper " - Barack Obama August 29, 2008 Get lost in the wilderness? Play your favorite Polka music and get rescued. Swiss rescue officials say they have found two missing skiers after spotting the light from their MP3 music player. The case brought by authorities against a food co-op in Ohio came to a head when police officers used SWAT-style tactics to burst into the home, hold family members including children at gunpoint and confiscate the family's personal food supply. A former Assemblyman and Parole Board member who pleaded guilty to using the Internet to entice minors for sex will collect a $53,000-a-year pension for the rest of his life. He admitted to having repeatedly e-mailed and called what he thought was a woman pimping out her 11- and 12- year-old daughters. Cops found video equipment and "sex paraphernalia" in his hotel room. In the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts, political hacks believe it is better for government to squander money than to let the people who actually earned the money keep it and spend it as they choose. Her name isn't Kennedy, it's Schlossberg. Caroline (Kennedy) Schlossberg responded to the suggestion she's only in the race because of her last name and praised Hillary Clinton and J.Lo alike. Poor Caroline must be suffering from dementia. If appointed, she won't be the only Senator with mental disorders. As Caroline (Kennedy) Schlossberg pursues her bright-lights, big-city bid for the U.S. Senate, another child of dynasty is quietly testing the waters for his own Senate run. We have achieved a tri-monarchy: Kennedy, Clinton, Bush It seems that Illinois' legally challenged Gov. Rod Blagojevich is not the only close Barack Obama associate and Democratic governor being investigated by the feds. A South Philadelphia man enraged because a father and son were talking during a movie took care of the situation when he pulled a .380-caliber gun and shot the father. Global warming was blamed for everything from beasts gone wild to anorexic whales to the complete breakdown of human society this year -- showing that no matter what it is and where it happens, scientists, explorers, politicians and those who track the Loch Ness Monster are comfortable scapegoating the weather. 10 things that global warming allegedly caused - or will no doubt soon be responsible for - as reported in the news around the world in 2008. 1. Cannibalism 2. The Death of the Loch Ness Monster (Also, the death of every mythical creature shall be attributed to Global Warming.) 3. Beer Gets More Expensive (You would think the alcohol Nazis would be happy.) 4. Pythons Take Over America (Giant Burmese pythons - big enough to eat alligators and deer in a single mouthful - will be capable of living in one-third of continental U.S. as global warming makes more of the country hospitable to the cold-blooded predators. I hear that they are quite tasty if roasted slowly.) 5. Kidney Stones 6. Skinny Whales 7. Shark Attacks (A surge in fatal shark attacks was the handiwork of global warming.) 8. Black Hawk Down (Although it happened in 1993, the crash of a U.S. military helicopter in Mogadishu that became the film "Black Hawk Down" was blamed on global warming by a Massachusetts congressman in 2008.) 9. Frozen Penguin Babies (Frozen equals warming? Go figure.) 10. Killer Stingray Invasion And, as a bonus: The temperatures on Mars rose this year. Global Warming strikes again. The ultimate fraud continues. Beverly Hills doctor Craig Alan Bittner turned the fat he removed from patients into biodiesel that fueled his Ford SUV and his girlfriend's Lincoln Navigator. Somehow, this must be caused by Global Warming as well. Actually, with Rosie O'Donnell, we can cut oil imports by 20%. Dr Platt added: "For a zero-emission Christmas light show, you may consider using solar powered lights. This guy is a genius! Use solar powered Christmas lights and only use them during the day. More than 600 passengers trying to get to the Pacific Northwest were stuck on the train and in cold waiting rooms for nearly a day. The toilets were frozen, the switching lines were frozen. Amtrak blamed weather - snow and bitter cold across the country - that froze equipment and created rail problems. Global Warming strikes again! Environmentally conscious travelers flying out of San Francisco will soon be able to assuage their guilt by buying certified carbon offsets at airport kiosks. The manmade Global Warming scam continues. The weather at the time was miserable, with the temperature close to freezing and a mix of driving rain and snow. This must also be caused by Global Warming. Caroline (Kennedy) Schlossberg will feel right at home in the Millionaires' Club known as the U.S. Senate. The depressing reality of the trillion-dollar Obama economic stimulus plan is slowly emerging. It seems more about liberal politics and liberal economic agendas. Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." Let the pork fly. A former state senator in Massachusetts who resigned after he was charged with harassing women is trying to double his pension. James Marzilli Jr. cites a law that allows elected officials under age 55 with more than 20 years of service to boost their pensions if they fail to win re-election. This buffoon didn't "fail to win re-election," he resigned. Barack Obama has chosen a poet who will read at his oath of office. And you may not want your children near the TV. Do the following lines represent the best that modern American literature offers? "Her genitalia will float inside a labeled pickling jar . . . " "Monsieur Cuvier investigates between my legs, poking, prodding . . . " "Since my own genitals are public I have made other parts private." They come from "The Venus Hottentot," the most celebrated poem of Elizabeth Alexander, chosen by the Obama to compose an original work to read at his inauguration. Rather than subject Americans to musings about private parts, poetry at the 2009 inaugural would better be, as Frost would say, a "road not taken." The report shows a level of interest and involvement in his Senate seat that Obama has not admitted to publicly. "The President-Elect understood that Rahm Emanuel would relay these names to the Governor's office as additions to the pool of qualified candidates who might already be under consideration. Mr. Emanuel subsequently confirmed to the President that he had in fact relayed these names." This discussion of specific candidates was taking place with the expectation that the governor would be told about Obama's preferences. And Rahm Emanuel did as he was told, in conversations with Blagojevich's then chief of staff. Obama's deceit continues and he hasn't even assumed office yet. Change? Robin was victim of police brutality at Phoenix airport. She mistakenly went through security with bottle of contact solution. When asked about the bottle at the X-Ray station she said, "Oh, that's just my contact lens solution. Feel free to throw it out." She was immediately escorted to the secondary screening area. Unprovoked, a police officer came from behind, picked her up and threw her across the room into another passenger and into a metal chair. He then took Robin's arm and twisted it around until she claims she felt it breaking. He then slammed her head into a table. Robin claims, "Going to the airport now, I'm afraid of being beat up by security again. It scares me to death." Incompetent government employees strike again. Is beating up a woman, who posed no physical threat, over a bottle of contact lens solution making our airports and country safer? Be sure to view the video. In 1993, he testified before Congress that scientific data didn't support fears about the ozone hole and global warming, remarks that caused then-Vice President Al Gore to fire him. Al Gore said, "Science will not intrude on public policy". Kennedy, who has asked Governor David Paterson to appoint her to succeed Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - is declining to provide a variety of basic data. If she were running for election to the Senate, Kennedy would have to file a 10-part, publicly available report disclosing her financial assets, credit card debts, mortgages, book deals and the sources of any payments greater than $5,000 in the last three years. Are you surprised? By the way, the media needs to get this right. Her name isn't Kennedy anymore. Her name is Mrs. Schlossberg. And enough with her lack of political experience. If it's good enough for a president, then Caroline Schlossberg certainly has the right lack-of-stuff to be a US Senator. To hear the city's spin, road crews are making "great progress" in clearing the ice-caked streets. But it turns out "plowed streets" are "snow-packed" by design. The city's approach means crews clear the roads enough for all-wheel and four-wheel-drive vehicles. Go figure. The people who run the streets in Seattle in snowstorms want them icy; and the only cars that can pass the roads after Seattle has "cleared" them are the cars the leftist government is trying to ban: SUVs, and four-wheel drives. 1. Understand the difference between needs and wants. Many kids may consider movies and designer jeans needs, but they need to understand that needs are the true essentials - such as food, clothing and shelter. Wants can make life easier, but kids need to learn that they must address and pay for their needs before they can spend money on their wants. 2. Set financial goals and budget accordingly. One of the best ways for young people to learn about managing money is for them to set and achieve a simple financial goal. Younger teens can benefit from opening a savings account and choosing something to save for. Like owning their first house of 5,000 square feet at age 21, with zero financing, brought to you by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Freddie Mae, Fannie Mac. Kids see their mindless parents doing this so why shouldn't kids expect the same? Can you imagine being such a low-life human being that you need the media to tell you how to be a parent and the basics of budgeting? Most parents these days are obviously incompetent and unqualified, and they certainly shouldn't be breeding. President Bush today commuted one prison sentence and granted 19 pardons, including forgiveness for convictions ranging from gun and drug violations to bank and mail fraud. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I think we are. And, you know, you -- you asked me earlier, uh, if I'm worried about the exceedingly high expectations that people have for President Barack Obama, and I said domestically I wasn't so worried about that, but internationally I am. I've been contacted by so many world leaders. Their expectation for Barack's, ehhh, presidency is overwhelming." - Joe Biden Fact: Yes we can has become uh, no, uh, I don't, uh, think, uh, we can. Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie has extensive ties to both the ACORN organization now under federal investigation for vote fraud, and to MoveOn.org ultra-liberal kingmaker George Soros. Even before taking office, Hillary Rodham Clinton is seeking to build a more powerful State Department, with a bigger budget, high-profile special envoys. A founder of a hedge fund that lost as much as $1.4 billion in the alleged Bernard Madoff scheme committed suicide in his New York City office. "We live in a time when great efforts have been made, and continue to be made, to falsify the record of the past and to make history a tool of propaganda; when governments, religious movements, political parties, and sectional groups of every kind are busy rewriting history as they wish it to have been, as they would like their followers to believe that it was." The freezing cold left residents all over the Bay State with chapped hands and rosy cheeks. This wasn't part of the mythical Global Warming computer model. Crashing auto demand, especially in its key U.S. market, and the profit erosion from a surging yen proved too much for Japan's top automaker. Obama tapped four blacks for Cabinet posts, but some members of the Congressional Black Caucus are unhappy. Representative Danny Davis D-IL: "Some people, sure, thought there should be a bit more color in it." I though this wasn't supposed to be about race. China's Communist Party leadership has been accumulating weapons at a startling rate - one far exceeding what American intelligence analysts deem necessary for China's security. Sheriff's offices, farmers, and a U.S. Congressman have all made their opinion about the patrol's increased presence known, and not all of it has been friendly. "Checkpoints" and "roadblocks;" show me your papers. The only commonality in Canvassing Board decisions was that the outcome benefited Franken. When the recount is in Franken's favor that is used. When the original machine tally works best that is used. Franken wants it both ways. What methodology do we use? Whatever gets more votes for Franken. Fair and balanced? Cons con. The northern hemisphere is losing two minutes of sunlight every day, and if this crisis continues, we will be in total darkness by June. The data indicates drastic changes to the environment that have already started: Many species of birds, millions of individual birds have left the northern hemisphere. The impact of the loss of these birds is unimaginable. Insect life has been severely affected. Most can no longer be observed. Large mammals have been observed lying in a state of near death torpor in their dens. Crop production has fallen to dangerously low levels, and the models and the research predict famine in the very near future. Additionally, while not indicated by the computer models, actual eyewitness observations have discovered that most, if not all, leaves have fallen off trees in the researcher's area. These and other effects of the loss of daylight demand our immediate attention if we are to prevent a genuine climate catastrophe. There are those who disagree with the scientific computer models saying that this is cyclical and that the daylight is going to come back. Those people are clearly deniers of this disaster. Legions of scientists have run this on their models, and there is no question that we are losing daylight. Consensuses of scientists are extremely alarmed and concerned about this crisis that we are losing daylight in the entire northern hemisphere, not just in the United States. Note: This has not been linked to climate change. Something other than climate change is causing this leakage of sunlight. This is a genuine emergency! The Supreme Court must force the government to begin releasing some of the daylight they have been saving and storing under the mandated "Daylight Savings Plan." Total darkness and everything that would result from it will occur by June if we do not enact policies now that change this leakage. Contact your Senators and Congressmen and tell them that we need tax increases and stimulus package spending, in order to help people get through the impending darkness. Benefits included cash bonuses, stock options, personal use of company jets and chauffeurs, home security, country club memberships and professional money management. The total amount given to nearly 600 executives would cover bailout costs for many of the 116 banks that have so far accepted tax dollars to boost their bottom lines. Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates. Average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals. Democrats, who speak passionately about the hungry and homeless, personally fork over less money to charity than Republicans. European countries seem to show more compassion than America in providing safety nets for the poor, and they give far more humanitarian foreign aid per capita than the United States does. But as individuals, Europeans are far less charitable than Americans. Americans give sums to charity equivalent to 1.67 percent of G.N.P. The British are second, with 0.73 percent, while the stingiest people on the list are the French, at 0.14 percent. Liberals have figured out that it is easier to be generous with other people's money. It was a year when one word filled the air - change. It was a year Democrats came to believe in the audacity of hope. Or maybe just plain audacity. Unprecedented snow in Las Vegas has some scratching their heads - how can there be global warming with this unusual cold and snowy weather? CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said, "Mother Nature is so big, the world is so big, the oceans are so big - I think we're going to die from a lack of fresh water or we're going to die from ocean acidification before we die from global warming, for sure." He also said trying to determine patterns occurring in the climate would be difficult based on such a short span. "But this is like, you know you said - in your career - my career has been 22 years long," Myers said. "That's a good career in TV, but talking about climate - it's like having a car for three days and saying, 'This is a great car.' Well, yeah - it was for three days, but maybe in days five, six and seven it won't be so good. And that's what we're doing here." "If we go back really, in recorded human history, in the 13th Century, we were probably 7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than we are now and it was a very prosperous time for mankind," Dr. Jay Lehr said. "If go back to the Revolutionary War 300 years ago, it was very, very cold. We've been warming out of that cold spell from the Revolutionary War period and now we're back into a cooling cycle." "The last 10 years have been quite cool," Lehr continued. "And right now, I think we're going into cooling rather than warming and that should be a much greater concern for humankind. But, all we can do is adapt. It is the sun that does it, not man." Bush cronies tied to auto bailout The Cerberus Bailout Connection: Connect the dots. Bush gave General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC up to $17.4 billion. Cerberus bought 80.1 percent of Chrysler from Daimler AG for $7.4 billion in 2007. Cerberus said it doesn't have the funds necessary to bail out Chrysler. General Motors sold a 51% stake in its GMAC finance unit to an investor group led by Cerberus Capital Management in November 2006. On Oct. 19, 2006, John W. Snow - President Bush's second Secretary of the Treasury - was named chairman of Cerberus. Dan Quayle is chairman of global investments for Cerberus Capital Management. Why would George W. Bush choose to bail out two companies controlled by Cerberus Capital Management, which is controlled by Bush cronies? "See the USA in your Chevrolet!" trilled Dinah Shore week after week on TV. Can you still see the USA in your Chevrolet? Through a windscreen darkly. General Motors now has a market valuation about a third of Bed, Bath & Beyond, and no one says your Swash 700 Elongated Biscuit Toilet Seat Bidet is too big to fail. GM has a market capitalization of about $2.4 billion. For purposes of comparison, Toyota's market cap is $100 billion and change (the change being bigger than the whole of GM). General Motors, like the other two geezers of the Old Three, is a vast retirement home with a small money-losing auto subsidiary. The UAW is AARP in an Edsel: It has three times as many retirees and widows as "workers" (I use the term loosely). GM has 96,000 employees but provides health benefits to a million people. Honda and Nissan make a pretax operating profit per vehicle of around $1,600; Ford, Chrysler and GM make a loss of $500 to $1,500. That's to say, they lose money on every vehicle they sell. Like Henry Ford said, you can get it in any color as long as it's red. During the Cold War democratic capitalism had competitors breathing down its neck in the form of socialism and communism, which kept it on the straight and narrow. But no sooner was the Cold War over than all restraints were abandoned. In the 1990s Russia's new capitalist system quickly morphed into Russian organized crime, which went global. In the United States, democratic capitalism gradually morphed into casino capitalism and, more recently, bandit capitalism, which scored some spectacular successes. Fortune magazine named Enron "America's most innovative company" for six consecutive years. But Enron's success was an elaborate scam that drove it into the biggest bankruptcy case in U.S. history. A Good Samaritan whose well-meaning but careless rescue effort injures an accident victim can be sued for damages, the state Supreme Court ruled. The 4-3 ruling allows a 27-year-old Los Angeles woman to go to trial in her suit against a friend who pulled her out of a wrecked car and, in the process, allegedly caused injuries that left her permanently paralyzed. The friend, Lisa Torti, said she had seen smoke and thought the car was about to explode, but other witnesses said they had seen no signs of danger. This only further discourages people from trying to save lives. Pentagon resources and U.S. troops may be used if needed to quell protests and bank runs during an economic crisis, the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Institute reported. The defense contractor is offering cash and free dinner inducements to job applicants. There's a catch: Many jobs require highly specialized skills and a security clearance. Consider the latest opening at Northrop for a "cryogenic propellant management engineer." According to surveys, people like the way the inside of Burger King Restaurants smell. The alluring aroma of French fries and burgers. Up next, recycled French fry oil hair gel. More proof that there is a market for anything. Actually, when you think about it, this will be an improvement for most patrons. Al Gore to begin selling "light credits."
The idea that the American people are "symbolically the children of the future president" would have not only appalled the Founding Fathers, it would have insulted them. It should insult us, too. We now live in a country where the government educates us, gives us food stamps and school lunch programs when we're hungry, gives us money when we lose our jobs, frets constantly about differences in free market salaries, orders home loans to be given to people who can't afford them, bails out failing companies, and provides for our retirement. The Bush administration came to the rescue of the troubled U.S. auto industry today, offering $17.4 billion in loans in exchange for concessions from carmakers and their workers. Before friendly audiences, Barack Obama speaks passionately about something called "economic justice." He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code - socialist code. "Economic justice" simply means punishing the successful and redistributing their wealth by government fiat. It's a euphemism for socialism. Among his proposed "investments": Universal," "guaranteed" health care. "Free" college tuition. "Universal national service" (a la Havana). "Universal 401(k)s" (in which the government would match contributions made by "low- and moderate-income families"). "Free" job training (even for criminals). "Wage insurance" (to supplement dislocated union workers' old income levels). "Free" child care and "universal" preschool. More subsidized public housing. A fatter earned income tax credit for "working poor." (People who don't pay taxes.) And even a Global Poverty Act that amounts to a Marshall Plan for the Third World, first and foremost Africa. A "living wage," with a $10 minimum wage indexed to inflation. Open your wallet my fellow taxpayer. "The Obama family asked for an early check-in at Blair House, the presidential guest quarters across the street from the White House, but the Bush administration said no. Apparently Blair House is booked. The White House kindly offered up temporary accommodations on a nearby military base. The Obamas politely declined. They've also apparently ruled out his Senate apartment. The couple told 60 Minutes Michelle Obama has never slept there. The future first lady recently stayed at the Mayflower, a hotel that's probably eager to have famous guests other than Eliot Spitzer. But hotel rooms in this city are now in short supply," reported David Wright. It's time to get Bubba fitted for a burnoose. Arkansas good ol' boy Bill Clinton turned the ancient lands of Arabia into his personal ATM. Bill Clinton has raised millions of dollars from governments and politicians in the Middle East and Asia, raising fresh concerns about the impartiality of his wife's role as secretary of state. A top priority of the incoming Democratic Congress and Obama administration is the misnamed Employee Free Choice Act. The EFCA, as is well known, introduces a card-check procedure that allows a union to gain recognition without an election by secret ballot. The parents of American-born Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh pleaded with President Bush to set their son free before he leaves office next month. The National Weather Service in Las Vegas has issued a winter storm warning for heavy snow for the valleys and deserts of Clark, southern Nye and Lincoln counties Nevada. No planes are departing for Las Vegas from anywhere in the U.S. right now. The airport doesn't have snow removal or deicing equipment, which means there's no way for snow-covered planes to leave safely. This storm is expected to bring 3 to 6 inches of snow to the valley floors and up to 10 inches to the foothills above 2500 feet. Will somebody turn up the Global Warming? Bernard Madoff, accused of the largest fraud in U.S. history (aside from the political Social Security Scam), will be allowed to remain in his $7 million Park Avenue apartment instead of being sent to jail. Police arrested Joan Tuckruskye after allegedly finding her in the backseat of a parked car on school grounds with a 13-year-old boy. Police "observed a woman in her 40s and a boy who appeared to be a teenager. They were not clothed from the waist down." The boy claimed he and the PTA mom were only kissing. Not clothed from the waist down and only kissing? Islamic proposals to ban criticism of religion, which have gathered strength since the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad two years ago, threaten to derail an already troubled U.N. anti-racism conference planned for next year. Limits on free speech are needed to stop the publication of offensive articles and images. Here we go with more censorship to protect the hyper-offended. A Muslim woman arrested for refusing to take off her head scarf at a courthouse security checkpoint said she felt her human and civil rights were violated. Caroline Kennedy And The Senate Caroline Kennedy has avoided politics most of her life. She has yet to utter a word publicly about her interest in running for Hillary's seat. She's not going to have to run for it. All you have to do these days is buy these seats with a blank check. What are her qualifications? She's a dilettante. She's JFK's daughter. She is an Obama team leader and was involved in selecting his vice president. She is a woman. She is rich. She is thin. The bottom line is her name is Kennedy and the Senate is not the Senate without a Kennedy. But keep in mind that there are other people in the Senate just as unqualified as she is. The difference is they had to go out, campaign and get elected. Gary Ackerman said, "I don't know what Caroline Kennedy's qualifications are except that she has name recognition, but, you know, so does J. Lo." That says it all. Here we go with the American Idol name recognition politics again. The Global Warming Gospel according to Al Gore For Your Edification: Imply and Infer Only the SPEAKER can imply. Only the LISTENER can infer. The father testified that his son came up behind him as he sat on the couch and said, "Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you." Daniel Petric shot his parents -- killing his mother -- because they wouldn't allow him to play the violent video game Halo 3. Why do you need a big screen TV to survive? In the coming months, mental health experts expect a rise in theft, depression, drug use, anxiety and even violence as consumers confront a harsh new reality and must live within diminished means. Some people know how to live within your means and aren't playing this game of wealth envy. Unfortunately, the majority of people in this country are more concerned about the size of their TV screen than their child's education. A rise in violence? This sounds like a good time for you to buy a gun and learn to use it. Learn to protect yourself from predators who break into homes and threaten innocent law-abiding citizens. An intended rape victim shot and killed her attacker when he broke into her home to rape her a second time. The 57-year-old woman shot Ronnie W. Preyer, 47, a registered sex offender, in the chest with a shotgun when he broke through her locked basement door. The victim was awake watching television, when Preyer switched off the electricity to her house. She tried to call 911, but couldn't because the power was off. She got a shotgun and waited as the man began banging on the basement door. She fired when Preyer came crashing through the door. When Preyer collapsed, the woman escaped and went to a neighbor's home, where she called police. Officers, who arrived within a minute, found a bleeding Preyer stumbling away from the house. He was taken to St. Francis Medical Center, where he died several hours later. This woman had a gun and knew how to use it. This perpetrator won't be raping anyone anymore. Success! An employee of a Forest Park cell phone store fatally shot a man trying to rob the store. Tyrie Rolland, 18, of Decatur and another man entered the Metro PCS cell phone store and tried to rob two workers closing up the shop. Gunfire was exchanged between the suspects and one of the workers, and Rolland was hit in the head and later died. The shooting by the worker appears to be self-defense and no charges have been filed. This law-abiding citizen had a gun and knew how to use it as well. The perpetrator won't be causing harm to anyone anymore. Success! Secret Service officials faced questions about how an Iraqi television reporter was able to hurl not one but two shoes at the president without the agents responsible for protecting him being able to move into the line of fire. When Rahm Emanuel was a Clinton aide he relaxed rules to naturalize even criminal immigrants and secure their votes, charges a former INS official who attended meetings. If you live or work in New York City you pay federal income tax, state income tax and city income tax. The Governor of New York will be adding 88 new taxes just for you. There is even going to be an iPod tax. Movie tickets, taxi rides, soda, beer, wine, cigars and massages will be taxed. Also extended are sales taxes to cable and satellite TV services and removal of the tax exemption for clothes costing less than $110. Why should government live within its budget when there are so many additional ways to tax you. William Felkner says the college wouldn't approve his final project on welfarereform because he was on the "wrong" side of issues and countered the school's "progressive" agenda. "You can say what you want about the war on poverty and how it's going, but I think that it hasn't gone well and I think there are better alternatives, and I think it was a shame I wasn't even allowed to research and pursue those interests," Felkner said. "It's indoctrination." The August 2007 raid on Your Black Muslim Bakery was postponed 48 hours to accommodate the vacation schedules of two SWAT commanders, which likely cost journalist Chauncey Bailey his life. Two senior SWAT commanders, Deputy Chief David Kozicki and Capt. Ed Tracey, were on a backpacking trip, and they wanted to be present. We need to use OUR tax dollars to keep Canadians employed. Bush's comments reflect an extraordinary departure from his longtime advocacy for an unfettered free market, as his administration has orchestrated unprecedented intervention. "I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system," Bush told CNN television, saying he had made the decision "to make sure the economy doesn't collapse." This is the understatement of the year! The free-market system would save itself if it wasn't for the government. Then why play with this bailout nonsense? Only in government will you bailout a company only to force them into bankruptcy later. Your tax dollars at work. Let them go bankrupt without the bailouts like I have been saying right along. Most Americans continue to oppose a government-backed rescue plan for Detroit's Big Three automakers as majorities blame the industry for its own problems. Yet out political hacks in Washington continue to penalize winners to reward the losers. With our money! Barack Obama has been toying with the idea of dialogue with the Islamic world for two years now - but he has yet to approach the idea of actually saying anything meaningful. "The message I want to send is that we will be unyielding in stamping out the terrorist extremism we saw in Mumbai," Obama told The Chicago Tribune last Tuesday. Note that the American president-elect mentions Mumbai - and not the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington or scores of others carried out by Islamic terrorists against Western targets. Note also that he talks of "terrorist extremism," not "Islamic" or even "Islamist" terrorism. Americans on Nov. 4 turned over control of the United States of America to a management team possessing no executive experience, having never run, as I liked to put it, nothing. Americans usually get the government they deserve, and I urge you all to get ready for this 21st century version of amateur hour. It's going to be an embarrassing and dangerous time for America and American ideals. There won't be much, I'm afraid, to be thankful for. Quotes and Facts Quote: "The politics of 2009 will be dominated by a continuation and deepening of the global Depression. Under the guise of stimulating the economy, look for Obama to pursue a radical, socialist agenda that will bring America into conformity with the government domination of health care and the economy that prevails in the European Union. When the dust clears, the economy will still be in the tank. The new president's stimulation packages will do little or nothing to abate the depression, but they will transform American life and politics. For his part, Obama will take advantage of his built-in majorities in Congress to pass his agenda, but will suffer rapidly dropping ratings. By the end of the year, he will be as radioactive as Bush is today. Obama, bless his heart, is a man who only sees a government solution to almost any problem. He is not programmed to look to the private sector for solutions to any problem past labeling a can of beans. As such, Obama is the ideal president for our times. Generations of our children have been educated (by the government) to also believe that the government is the solution to all significant problems. Now think about it: If you went to a Catholic school you were surely taught that Catholicism was the way to go. A Jewish school? Judaism is the proper path. Government school? Connect the dots. It will take at least a generation - a generation without government schools - to once again bring about an appreciation for freedom and free markets." - Dick Morris Fact: I have been saying this for years. Mexican gunmen have kidnapped a U.S. security consultant who negotiated the release of dozens of kidnap victims in Latin America. The report by the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Institute said a defense community paralyzed by conventional thinking could be unprepared to help the U.S. cope with a series of unexpected crises. Lexus liberals with Volkswagens on their brains; Condo commies; lunch room Lenins. Remember the days when Sen. John McCain was the Democratic Party's best friend? Well, they're ba-a-a-ck! John McCain, resuming his place as a favorite Sunday morning talking head, gave Democrats and liberal media types exactly what they wanted this weekend: He attacked the Republican National Committee for highlighting Barack Obama's connections to Illinois' scandal-ridden soon-to-be ex-governor, Rod Blagojevich. No wonder McCain lost, even in once-safe Republican states. Social Security: The World's Largest Ponzi Scheme The Madoff $50 billion is small potatoes compared to the Social Security Ponzi scheme. Every Ponzi scheme eventually collapses because at some point everybody in it wants their money, and there isn't any money. Does this sound familiar? Washingtonians cannot give up the power that running this Ponzi scheme gives them. So, when will the political hacks who continue to perpetrate this fraud be going to jail? Italy's most shoplifted product is rescued by a government bail-out. Parmesan cheese is in trouble so the Italian Government is bailing it out to the tune of $45 million. However, producers of Italy's other celebrated cheese - buffalo mozzarella - are looking on enviously after suffering an 18 per cent drop in sales in the last year. So, whether it's cars, banks, homes or cheese, it's not fair no matter who you're bailing out. Bailouts don't work. A can of Coke could soon cost New Yorkers more than just calories. I predicted this long ago: It starts with tobacco and alcohol but beware the encroaching "fat tax." Next we will be hearing about the dangers of secondhand fat. Guilty and stressed, layoff survivors suffer, too. Employees who remain face extra work, uncertainty - and no sympathy. This is absurd. The survivors are also victims! Everybody wants their "syndrome." We are inventing our traumas. And, you can expect someone will demand that health insurance pay for treatment of these manufactured disorders. Despite the nation's tenth straight year of temperatures cooler than 1998's peak, and New England's worst ice storm in decades, the AP published one of the most hysterical articles. This despite: Fact: The mean global temperature (as measured by satellite) is the same as it was in 1980. The Global Warming Scam continues no matter how cold the planet becomes. Facts are immaterial when there are votes to buy so unusual cooling now illustrates how fast the world is warming. First there was the dotcom bust of the late 1990s, then came the real-estate bubble that's deflating before our eyes. Next up: the green bubble. Alternative energy ventures have received a lot of great press, heavy investment and lip service from politicians in the last couple of years, but many of the nascent green industry's balance sheets are beginning to bleed red. Nancy Pelosi and her husband invested a hundred grand with T. Boone's green company. Isn't this a conflict? Gasoline and oil prices have to remain high for any alternative energy program to work, unless, of course, somebody from the government is trying to "help us" and forces it on us. President-elect Barack Obama, relatively young and inexperienced, is facing a rapidly growing list of monumental challenges as he prepares to take the reins of a nation in turmoil. We're not in the Great Depression. We don't have 25% unemployment. We don't have people jumping out windows, yet. Our country has seen greater challenges. Obama: The most inexperienced, most clueless, but with the wave of his angelic, messianic hand, it will all get magically repaired. Sonia Ringoir, a restaurant worker from the Belgian tourist haven of Ghent, was arrested and charged after the allegations were made by her estranged husband. Ringoir also has five other children aged between three and 13 by two different fathers Does this surprise you with welfare brood mares who continually download kids they can't afford to raise? Alun Elder-Brown was left feeling "like a piece of dirt" after being barred from bringing the animal into a restaurant in England on religious grounds. Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of an American political dynasty, has decided she will pursue the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. Will she be elected because of qualifications or American Idol style name recognition? At least she has a better driving record than her uncle Ted. The Kennedy, Clinton and Bush dynasties continue. We are no longer a republic but a tri-monarchy. Dorothy Glenn of South Tyneside, England, was stunned when a housing association worker came to her house to inform her the decorations she was displaying might offend her neighbors. I'm offended by idiots. Where do I file my complaint? The traditional Christian crucifix was erased from the chapel's blueprints after discussion with a Muslim imam. The room has been split in two, with one half featuring heated foot baths so Muslim worshippers can wash their feet before prayer. But the other side, dedicated to Christian prayer, contains just a simple wooden cross and portable alter - both of which can be removed if necessary. Can the heated footbaths "be removed if necessary?" Someone might be offended. Iraq faces mounting calls to release the journalist who hurled his shoes at President Bush, an action branded shameful by the government but hailed by many in the Arab world. The question is where was the Secret Service and why were they unable to stop a shoe thrower? If they can't accomplish this menial task, they appear to be incompetent to protect the president from a severe threat. Government incompetence. By the way, what would happen if someone threw a show at Obama? When it comes to bailouts, Barney Frank and the Congress may be just getting started. Nearly 2 trillion tax dollars have been shoveled into the hole that Wall Street dug and people wonder where the bottom is. There is no bottom as the political hacks think the taxpayers have bottomless pockets. A federal judge on Monday threw a lifesaver to investors who may have been duped in one of Wall Street's biggest alleged frauds, saying they need the protection of a special government reserve fund set up to help investors at failed brokerage firms. I always thought that with investments and business comes risk. Typically, the larger the risk, the greater the potential gain. Today, everybody gets a bailout. The next thing you know we will be bailing out everyone in Las Vegas who made bad decisions and lost money gambling. Madoff cheated his investors and now the investors are cheating us. The taxpayers get stuck with the bill for everyone's bad decisions. This is pathetic. According to Federal Election Commission records, Bernard Madoff was a generous donor to Democrat politicians. Was the hedge fund manager just hedging his bets? Daily News owner and real-estate mogul Mort Zuckerman is one of the investors ripped off by swindler Bernard Madoff, it was reported today. It was also reported that powerhouse movie director Steven Spielberg's charity, Wunderkinder Foundation, also got burned, investing roughly 70 percent of its money with Madoff. A spokesman said he couldn't comment on whether Spielberg had any of his own money invested. That's OK, we the taxpayers will bailout everyone for making stupid decisions. Top world financial groups today revealed massive potential losses from an alleged scam run by Wall Street trader Bernard Madoff, admitting they were fooled by a classic pyramid fraud. Therefore, these bank executives need to be fired and not bailed out. Only about half of the claimed $50 billion figure has been accounted for. Where is the other half and who is going to jail? Sen. Frank Lautneberg - undisclosed amount; Avram and Carold Goldberg - portion of their $29 million charitable trust; Lawrence Velvel, dean of Massachusetts School of Law - millions. Velvel is apparently too stupid to be teaching at any level, let alone having the position of dean of a law school. Well, it is the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts. He probably got his position the old fashioned way: Political enticement. CNN proposes that because Michelle Obama was making a lot of money before the election, and now she has to give it up. She has to give up the paycheck. "Why should Michelle Obama have to work for free?" is what CNN asked. This has nothing to do with her giving up her job. The Nobel Prize Committee is facing criminal investigation of bribery and corruption after allegedly taking huge payments from a pharmaceutical company that directly benefits from the work of this year's Nobel Prize winner in medicine. Quotes and Facts Quote: "We are not going to rest until we change the rules, change the laws and make sure New York remains No. 1 for decades on into the future." - Senator Charles E. Schumer, referring to financial regulations, Jan. 22, 2007 Fact: New York senator reaps fruit of federal bailout measures. Political plunder continues. Republicans are criticizing Obama's silence over contacts his aides may have had with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, saying he is breaking promises to bring openness to government. The Obama transition team's refusal to talk has contributed to a maelstrom around Obama's incoming White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago congressman likely to have been in contact with the governor. Blagojevich was arrested this week in a corruption scandal. When they light the town Christmas tree in Armonk, N.Y., there will be a Jewish menorah alongside, as usual. There will also be something new - an Islamic crescent and star. Pittsburgh Public Schools officials may change a policy that makes 50% the lowest grade students can receive -- even if they do zero work. More dumbing down of our government schools. This sounds like our congressional political hacks. Many of these people who are supposed to be representing we the people do zero work. School officials say that the policy is meant to help students recover from a bad grade or the odd missed assignment. But the district's teachers complain that some students refuse to hand in assignments because they're content to get the "50 percent" grade for doing nothing. There's a simple way to recover from low grades. Work harder and get better ones. The Fed refused a request to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. Quotes and Facts Quote: "GM is in a better financial situation than the government that wants to bail it out. The only difference between these two failing entities (GM and the government) is that the government can print the money. GM can't." - South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint Fact: He's absolutely correct. We don't have the money. Government politicians who are drunk with power think they will be able to bailout the people that support their power. Quote: "The primary driver behind this is the unions, because bankruptcy allows the auto companies to basically restructure all their contracts in a way that a bankruptcy judge says will make them sustainable ... And if they do that, then essentially the unions lose all their leverage. It's the unions that have brought them to the brink. So definitely, I think the reason they want a political solution and a car czar is because a car czar can protect the unions through this whole process at the expense of the taxpayer." - South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint Fact: All the unions had to do in order to get the Senators to approve this $15 billion bailout was to promise to reduce union wages to the level paid to automakers in the Toyota and Nissan plants by the end of 2009. The unions said no way. GM has hired bankruptcy council. Who can possibly live on $48 an hour? There's a lot of pork in the auto bailout bill. If the $14 billion bailout plan for U.S. automakers passes, it will help more than just Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. Federal judges would get a pay raise, as well. Your Senators and your Congressmen are getting a $5,000 raise on January 1st. That must be for all of the great work that they have done spending your tax dollars and putting your grandchildren on the hook for trillions and trillions of dollars. This is on top of the 2.8% raise that the judges are "expected" to be awarded next year. How many of you are getting a $5000 cost of living increase in your salary? Only in government. Do you really want to help Detroit? Get government out of it. There are people who earn a lot less than members of United Auto Workers who do not want to subsidize them. The EFCA, or "card-check" bill, would enable unions to organize a workplace by obtaining the signatures of a majority of workers on authorization cards. Under current law, employers may require secret ballots. The Service Employee Union told its members that "McDonald's isn't lovin' free choice for its employees." The unions are calling the end of your right to a secret ballot "free choice." Look for all of our fast food jobs to be sent off shore (to Bangladesh). Also, a $2.00 Big Mac will cost $35.00 and can be ordered from McDonalds.com, hopefully the shipping will be free (unless you want it overnight) then it could become costly. Five years from now it will be Burger King, Mac Donalds and Jack in the Box seated before Congress begging for a bail out! Comrade Bush to ignore the Constitution. The Bush administration said today it was ready to step in and prevent the U.S. auto industry from collapsing after the Senate refused to pass a rescue bill. The production of handmade figurines for nativity scenes is big business in this southern Italian city and has been for centuries. But beyond the thousands of angel, sheep, Mary and Joseph figures filling market stalls before Christmas, craftsmen say Obama has become a top seller. Obama is the Messiah. Who plays Joseph? Less than 15% of U.S. voters support, and 53% oppose, a proposal pushed by health insurers requiring every American to provide proof of private health insurance or face tax penalties or other fines. Less than 15% say they would support it. Another 31% are undecided. Opposition is also strongest in the West (61% oppose; 16% favor), North Central states (54% oppose; 16% favor), the South (51% oppose; 13% favor) and in the Northeast (45% oppose; 18% favor). Where in our Constitution does the Imperial Federal Government of the United States derive the power to force one single American citizen to BUY ANYTHING? That's right; the Constitution doesn't count any more. After you win the election, polls don't matter. All Americans are likely to have health insurance. The bad news is that the ranks of the uninsured, previously about 46 million, probably will swell by another 5 million to 6 million because of the recession, and a similar number will be added to strained public programs such as Medicaid and SCHIP. That means the cost of covering everyone will surge far above previous estimates -- which were probably low to begin with -- of $150 billion a year. The 10-year cost of providing insurance to all who need it could be far more than $3 trillion. Hey, there are votes to buy with your tax dollars. "Did you communicate directly or indirectly with Blagojevich about picking your replacement in the U.S. Senate?" "Why didn't you or someone on your team correct your close adviser David Axelrod when he said you had spoken to Blagojevich about picking your replacement?" "When did you learn the investigation involved Blagojevich's alleged efforts to 'sell' your Senate seat, or of the governor's impending arrest?" "Did you or anyone close to you contact the FBI or U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald about Blagojevich's alleged efforts to sell your Senate seat to the highest bidder?" "Did federal investigators interview you or anyone close to you in the investigation?" "When did you and Blagojevich last speak and about what?" "Do you regret supporting Blagojevich?" Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has not even been confirmed as the new secretary of state. But Congress has already decided that she should get less than the person currently holding the job, Condoleezza Rice. The move actually removes doubts about Mrs. Clinton's ability to take the post. According to an obscure clause in the Constitution, known as the Emoluments clause, a member of Congress may not be appointed to a government position if the compensation rate for that position was increased during his or her term. In 2006, the salary for cabinet posts was increased to $191,300 from $186,600. So late on Wednesday, Congress cut the pay for the secretary of state by about $4,700. The warning comes at a time when Barack Obama, who is to be voted the next president by the Electoral College Monday, has expressed his belief the U.S. Constitution needs to be interpreted through the lens of current events. Obama said in a 2001 radio interview the Constitution is flawed in that it does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth. And this is a bad thing? Oh, that's right. Obama is the "spread the wealth around" guy. Technically, he hasn't accomplished anything yet. Go ahead; tell me he was elected based on issues. He merely won an American Idol Beauty Pageant style election. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has a long history of being tough on crime, but critics say his overzealous pursuits sometimes cross the line. He now has Rod Blagojevich in his sights, having capped a three-year investigation with the arrest Tuesday morning of the Illinois governor and his chief of staff. It brought to light what Fitzgerald called "a political corruption crime spree" that brought Illinois politics "to a truly new low." An environmental activist who conspired to destroy a Northern California dam and a genetics lab has been sentenced to five months' home confinement. Are you sure that isn't too severe? As Blagojevich was trying to pick Illinois' next senator, businessmen with ties to both the governor and Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. discussed raising at least $1 million for Blagojevich's campaign. The Illinois attorney general filed a motion with the state's highest court today asking justices to strip scandal-plagued Gov. Rod Blagojevich of his powers. "I'm getting regular death threats. You've put my home address on national television. I'm pissed at the networks. You've intruded too much, " Emanuel said. The Pentagon warned that piracy rampant in the Horn of Africa cannot be solved by force alone. American International Group Inc. is cutting prices to win new business and boost market share, competitors and others in the industry say, but taxpayers could again be stuck with the tab. Since a U.S. government bailout, which last month swelled to more than $150 billion, industry executives say AIG has been lowering prices -- even as market fundamentals indicated insurance rates need to rise. Your tax dollars at work! Ametek Rotron Inc. has a manufacturing operation on Hasbrouck Lane in Woodstock. The company makes parts for helicopters, rocket launchers, tanks and armored personnel carriers. Studies conducted by the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts show "conversion from military to peaceful production can be done without jeopardizing jobs." That is why manufacturing jobs are fleeing the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts. What a way to drive business out of your area. A Wall Street legend was busted yesterday on charges of running a scam investment business for the super rich after telling his sons it was just "a big lie" - losing a whopping $50 billion. Bernard L. Madoff, 70, a former Nasdaq chairman, was arrested a day after his sons Andrew and Mark, both senior employees, turned him in for running a business that had been insolvent for years. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the browser they use but by the search engine they use. The Obama Birth Certificate Battle Presents Some Interesting Questions What would happen if you woke up one morning and found out that the President of the United States was a USURPER, a FRAUD, a PHONY? What would happen if the leader of the free world was constitutionally ineligible to be President of the United States but - in direct and undisputable violation of the letter of the Constitution - decided to take and hold office anyway? Would any bill this Usurper signed into law be valid? Would this Usurper's Supreme Court appointments be valid? Would the military recognize this Usurper as Commander-in-Chief and what actions would those within our military take? What would our enemies around the world do? What would happen to the economy, your job, your home, your assets or what you've put away for retirement? Would our society destabilize uncontrollably and would we actually start down the road to anarchy? Would a flagrant, callous and outright disregard of the Constitution send a clear message to judges and legislators that a nuanced approach was no longer necessary, that they could literally strip our rights, liberties and freedoms with tyrannical impunity, that the Constitution of the United States is effectively a WORTHLESS PIECE OF PAPER? Could the will of the people become merely something that could be ignored by those who tyrannically hold the reins of political power at the moment? If JUST ONE SECTION of our Constitution can be flagrantly and callously ignored, IS ANY PART OF THE CONSTITUTION VALID ANYMORE? If President-elect Obama is NOT compelled to verify that he is Constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States, the consequences could be dire for you, for your children, for your grandchildren, and for our nation! President-elect Obama's maternal grandmother was claiming that she was present at Obama's birth in Mombasa in what is now Kenya. A birth certificate that turned out to be a forgery made its way onto Obama's website. Why did he produce a forged birth certificate? There were the ambiguous statements from officials in Hawaii who claimed that a "Certificate of Live Birth" exists for President-elect Obama in Hawaii. However the laws of Hawaii allow for a child to be furnished a "Certificate of Live Birth" even if the child was NOT born in Hawaii. Officials in Hawaii became mysteriously silent when asked if the "Birth Certificate" listed Obama's actual place of birth. There was the issue of college records that Obama refuses to release. Could those records indicate that he received financial aid as a foreign student? Dr. Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to see if he could find a birth certificate for President-elect Obama but was detained by Kenyan officials. We cannot ignore President-elect Obama's unwillingness to release an authentic copy of his birth certificate, nor can it be ignored that President-elect Obama has hired teams of attorneys (not individual attorneys but teams of attorneys) to thwart attempts by third parties to compel him to produce a birth certificate. What is Lord Obama hiding? If the Electoral College actually allowed an unqualified person to be elected President of the United States, or allowed a person to be elected without verifying that that he or she is qualified, our entire form of government could be compromised! Commonsense isn't welcome in government schools in the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts. A school resource officer named of Derek Jones proposed government school children need to be trained to defend themselves if they are ever being held by a gunman. He said, "Do we want the kids to sit there and literally have the gunman be able to shoot them one at a time? Or do we want to allow instincts to kick in and basically allow them to protect themselves against the threat?" Makes sense to me. Unfortunately, most parents and school officials are worried about how the children would handle the training emotionally. It may frighten them! What is more frightening, children learning techniques on how to use their backpacks or textbooks to fight or defend themselves, or sit and wait for their turn to be attacked? The Southern Hemisphere sea ice area narrowly surpassed the previous historic maximum of 16.03 million sq. km to 16.17 million sq. km. Manmade Global Warming is about control and power; it is not about saving the Earth. That is the reason Kyoto Treaty omitted nations like China while punishing the economies of the United States. Manmade Global Warming is a scam! Yesterday we had snow in Houston, in the middle of global warming. Today it is snowing in New Orleans. Meanwhile, President-select Obama endorsed his whole plan to deal with global warming. The scam continues! Watch out, Americans - a generation from now, your kid is going to fetch coffee for a Chinese boss. China is cutting business taxes to stimulate growth. While China improves its business climate by lowering the burden of state confiscation, the US plans to increase it, and in some cases by a significant amount. When one looks to Beijing for rational tax policies, it's a sad day for Americans. The parent was upset her child was told to sing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" in the school's holiday concert. She was concerned the words "Christmas" and "Santa" hold religious meaning. School administration and lawyers determined the song was secular - Santa and his reindeer are non-religious figures. Her daughter will not participate in the concert, and school officials say that's okay since the performance is not mandatory. This hysterical fool in obviously incapable of rational thought and properly raising a child. How will she ever deal with seriously difficult situations? Blago's wife, after he was elected governor, was in charge of condom flavor and style. Under the program, health workers distributed hundreds of thousands of colored, flavored condoms in an effort to combat sexually transmitted diseases. Health officials had defended the plan, saying condoms with cherry, grape, lemon and orange flavoring encourage safe sexual practices among youths. Some health workers said they were disappointed that Blago had ordered the Illinois Department of Public Health not to buy any more condoms in bright colors or flavors for distribution at clinics and local health agencies. Is Blagojevich related to the hysterical mother that hates Rudolph? A Tennessee woman chose not to follow the old saying "Finders keepers, losers weepers" when she discovered nearly $100,000 in a bag at the Cracker Barrel. When GM, Ford and Chrysler pleaded their case for a multibillion-dollar bailout, the automakers' CEOs told Congress that letting their companies fail would diminish the choices of patriotic Americans who want to buy American cars. But buying a Honda or a Toyota or any one of several other "imports" can be buying American, too. Many "foreign" cars built by the Big Three's competitors are made in the U.S.A. - coming off assembly lines from South Carolina to California and providing jobs for tens of thousands of Americans. A politically connected private equity firm could reap double benefits from the $15 billion auto industry rescue. New York-based Cerberus Capital Management owns a majority stake in Chrysler and GMAC, the lending arm of General Motors Corp. The political plunder continues! From pricey luxury sedans to popular hybrid cars, automobiles made overseas are stacking up at ports and parking lots around the United States as supplies far outstrip demand. At the Long Beach port near Los Angeles, Toyota Motor Corp vehicles including Prius hybrids, FJ Cruiser sport utility vehicles and Lexus IS 250 luxury sedans are being stored on a vast construction site that will one day be a new container terminal. Unlike conventional police cruisers, which are retrofitted consumer vehicles such as the Ford Crown Victoria, the E7 is the first car designed and built specifically for law enforcement. President-elect Barack Obama's Transition website launched "Open for Questions." Feel free to ask anything. However, all Blagojevich questions will be censored by the Comrade Obama team. Obama is of course a product of that corrupt system and played by Chicago Machine rules ... and this is the kind of operator the smugly-moralizing Democrats have put in the White House. What remains to be seen is whether this episode will put an end to the national media's "almost willful" fantasy that Mr. Obama and Chicago's political culture have little to do with each other. Obama wanted to the move his family and his transition team to Blair House two weeks before the president-select historically moves in there on January 15th, five days before the inauguration. Obama is more interested in just being president than doing anything. In asking to go to Blair House he's caught up in the notion he thinks he's royalty. Rev. Jesse Jackson said it's "common in politics for people to try to leverage relationships," but his son didn't do such a thing. Now we have evidence that Jesse Jackson, Jr. "misspoke" when he claimed yesterday the meeting he had Monday with Blagojevich was the first time the two had met in four years. In his life and career in Illinois, President-elect Barack Obama has crossed paths with some notable figures who have drawn scorn and scrutiny. Among them:
She developed "a fear of working out." She apparently hasn't developed a fear of the mega-buffet. Why is this considered news? Australians were urged to eat camels to stop them wreaking environmental havoc, just months after being told to save the world from climate change by consuming kangaroos. Officials may soon be marketing slogans like: "Eat a camel a day to keep global warming away."
Manmade Global Warming is a fraud! 20 year record snowfall in Dolomites enough to last all season. Some Swiss train services cancelled due to excess snow. Still more heavy snow in the Pyrenees. More snow for Scotland. The record snowfall has been so great that it has closed roads, brought down power lines and even led to the cancellation of some Swiss rail services. Alessandro Fregni of Skiinfo.com's Italian office commented, "In three days ski areas have seen almost as much snowfall as for the whole winter last year." The snow has arrived with perfect timing for the ski resorts who are seeing a boom in ticket sales at a time of economic uncertainty. Alessandro believes the snow is enough to last all season and will also mean resorts can save money by not needing to use snow making equipment. The Global Warming scam continues. Many scientists are skeptical of the notion that human activity has a significant effect on the planet's climate, or that such an effect can be reliably measured or predicted. Some point out that global temperatures peaked in 1998 and have been falling since then. Several argue that a period of global cooling is on the way. Nearly all would argue that climate is always changing, and that no one really knows whether current computer models can reliably account for the myriad of factors that cause that natural variability. Studies include: "Strengths and Weaknesses of Climate Models" "Ecological and Demographic Perspectives on the Status of Polar Bears" "The Overstated Role of Carbon Dioxide on Climate Change" Science is not settled by majority vote, especially in a field as young as climate science. The debate goes on, as it should. A solar-powered toilet: Your tax dollars at work. Temperatures in Siberia will be 81 degrees this week. BELOW ZERO! Will somebody turn up the global warming? The U.N. global warming conference under way in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists who criticize the claims of the U.N. IPCC and Al Gore. Study: Half of warming due to Sun!
Manmade Global Warming is a politically driven fraud! One of its staff members was verifying CDM projects without proper qualifications; operating without a license. Don't you just hate it when government bureaucracy interferes with government scams? When have you ever heard about small businesses that screw up and go out of business getting "a second chance?" President-elect Barack Obama is being urged to strengthen enforcement of fair housing laws to ensure that the mortgage foreclosure crisis doesn't disproportionately hit minorities and the poor. Foreclosures should hit people who don't pay their mortgages. It's that simple. Obama is an expert at blowing your money. The federal government ran a record budget deficit in November, putting Uncle Sam on track to post an all-time high annual shortfall of $1 trillion or more. There was no glimpse of anger at the governor, no sense of betrayal in the tone of his words. He spoke as if Blagojevich had been in a car accident. Even if Obama and Blago weren't close, shouldn't this say SOMETHING about the political culture that produced Barack Obama? Obama endorsed Blagojevich for governor in 2002 and 2006. He also served as a top advisor to him during his 2002 run. By the way, Rahm Emanuel was also in the picture. In fact, Obama and Emanuel were among Blagojevich's top strategists when he won in 2002. In 2002, on a Chicago TV show, Obama had the following exchange: Obama: "Right now, my main focus is to make sure that we elect Rod Blagojevich as Governor, we..." Host: "You working hard for Rod?" Obama: "You betcha" Host: "Hot Rod?" Obama: "That's exactly right" The bottom line: Our next president came from the same political culture as did this corrupt governor, Chicago-style politics. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. is the anonymous "Senate Candidate #5" whose emissaries Gov. Rod Blagojevich reportedly claimed offered up to a million dollars to name him to the U.S. Senate. Hate preacher Anjem Choudary claimed the festival was the 'pathway to hell" and urged his followers to boycott it.
Obama promised during his campaign that one of his priorities would be a speech delivered in a Muslim capital. It is going to take a considerable amount of additional time in the workforce for older employees to recoup losses collectively totaling $2 trillion in 401(k)s and IRAs. A presidentially appointed "car czar" to oversee the restructuring of struggling U.S. automakers could be named as soon as this week if Congress approves an industry bailout. "I would want the czar to be appointed before one dollar was spent ... so theoretically this week," she said. Barney Frank: "We don't think the $15 billion is enough to get them into March, but given the administration's insistence ... that's where we are now." "Once we get a new administration we will replenish that money," he said. You taxpayers have deep pockets. The foundation has an astounding $13 billion in assets. Socialism: When government not only controls but OWNS the means of production The Imperial Federal Government is thinking about taking part ownership in the Big Three automakers in return for bailout cash. Look for more bailout's on the horizon. I'm a writer but I won't be holding my breath waiting for my bailout check. Ocean Temperatures off The Coast of California Are at a 20 Year Low Man-made Global Warming is a scam. According to the political hacks, when the oceans warm or cool it is part of a cycle. When the earth warms or cools man did it with his SUVs and coal-fired power plants. How politically convenient. Recent data suggests that many of the borrowers who have received help refinancing their mortgages earlier this year are re-defaulting on their payments. The data found that after three months, 36% of borrowers who restructured their mortgages re-defaulted. After six months, the rate of people re-defaulting jumped to 53%. And after eight months, almost 60% of restructured mortgages had re-defaulted. Their priorities are new flat-screen TVs so they can watch the new American Idol series in style. Political hacks are screaming for more assistance. The real solution would be to foreclose on these deadbeats once and for all. Treasuries rose, pushing rates on the three-month bill negative for the first time, as investors gravitate toward the safety of U.S. government debt amid the worst financial crisis. Unemployment hit 6.7 percent. That's the highest for the Bush presidency. At this rate, it will soon get as bad as it was in 1993 - when Bill Clinton was president. Unemployment peaked at 7.1 percent during the Clinton's term. I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana. But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible. In the aftermath of the Mumbai terror attacks, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has come out with a plan to get all 1,000 rookie cops ready to use heavy artillery in time for New Year's Eve. Blagojevich was taped saying unless he received "something real good" for the appointment of a top adviser to Barack Obama to fill the president-elect's Senate seat he would appoint himself. "I've got this thing and it's f***ing golden, and, uh, uh, I'm just not giving it up for f***in' nothing. I'm not gonna do it. And I can always use it. I can parachute me there," Blagojevich said in a phone call secretly recorded by the FBI on Nov. 5, the day after the election, according to the affidavit. "It is conduct that would make Lincoln roll over in his grave," said U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. The series of allegations say Blagojevich tried to sell Obama's vacated Senate seat to the highest bidder. President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening." Convicted Obama fund-raiser Tony Rezko is closely tied to Blogojevich. The ethics panel voted to expand an already far-ranging probe into the New York Democrat to examine whether he protected an oil drilling company from a big tax bill. Viewership for President-elect Barack Obama's weekly YouTube "fireside chats" has tanked, dropping more than 50 percent since his initial video three weeks ago. Could the Chosen One's followers be having buyer's remorse? Congressman Gohmert plans to introduce bill to stop income tax for two months. The Congress has already passed a $700 billion stimulus bill, and about a half of that is gone (magically disappeared, politicians in Washington must be brilliant magicians to have the ability to make vast amounts of revenue vanish so quickly), leaving $350 billion of your money left to be spent. Congressman Gohmert doesn't want the political hacks to spend the money on wasteful corporate kickbacks. He thinks it might be a better idea to allow the people who actually earned this $350 billion to spend it. The plan (Note: Political hacks in Washington might have a problem comprehending a commonsense plan): Our government collects approximately $167 billion per month in income and payroll taxes. The $350 billion is slightly over two times the amount of income and payroll taxes our government seizes in one month. The solution: The government absorbs the remaining $350 billion from the stimulus bill and suspends the collection of all income and payroll taxes for two months. For two months you get your entire paycheck, less any state withholding. The government ends up with the same amount of money, and the income earners in this country have some extra money to spend, an average about $2,000 per taxpayer, over a two month period. How simple and effective is that? Allow the people who actually earned this $350 billion to spend it as they see fit. The politicians won't get to choose who will have stimulus money to spend, and they won't get to decide how that money will be spent (probably wasted on more wasteful government giveaway programs). You, the taxpayers who are driving our economy by working hard and earning enough money to pay income taxes, get to choose how you can spend the money you earned. Give the power back to the taxpayers. We the people! Now, take action to make this happen. Contact your Congressman and Senators immediately! Imperial Federal Government to charge fees for air-polluting animals. Specialized gas meters to be attached to guilty animals. Why does this sound stupid, even for a Saturday Night Live skit? That's right, it's a Government plan. Biden is going to have a busy schedule making a daily inquiry as to the health of the president and attending funerals. Hey, it's a government gig. Man-made Global Warming is a hoax! This is not the first time, of course, that Mrs. Clinton has saved a man from exceedingly bad behavior with women. In fact, it's her signature skill. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I think the important principle, because sometimes when we start talking about taxes, and I say I want a more balanced tax code, people think, well, that's class warfare. No. It turns out that our economy grows best when the benefits of the economy are most widely spread. And that has been true historically." - Barack Obama December 7, 2008 Fact: The "spread the wealth" mentality continues. "That's not change, that's more of the same." I would like a more balanced tax code. I would like for more people to actually pay income taxes. 43% of income earners pay no income taxes at all. In the meantime the top one percent pays about 39% of all income taxes while earning about 19% of all income. That's not balanced, so more balance is okay with me. Quote: " ...part of what I'm hoping to introduce as the next president is a new ethic of responsibility where we say that if you're laying off workers, the least you can do when you're making $25 million a year is give up some of your compensation and some of your bonuses ... That kind of notion of shared benefits and burdens is something that I think has been lost for too long, and it's something that I'd like to see restored." - Barack Obama December 7, 2008 Fact: In the mind of Comrade Obama, this means "restored" by government edict. First, government control over executive compensation; next, government control over ALL compensation. Government will control prices and salaries just to be fair. When businesses are privately owned but are controlled by the government, it is called Fascism. That would make Comrade Obama a Fascist. Another "See I told you so." And here is the Government solution: Automakers in Argentina have been mandated to sell basic models of their cars AT COST through state-subsidized loans in a plan to protect jobs. Does this sound familiar? Each automaker will be required to offer two of its most economic models for the plan, while the government will provide three different financing packages with interest rates much lower than market rates, to be funded by the SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM. First Argentina moved to seize private pension plans and blend them into their social security system. Sound familiar? Now they will be using their social security system to finance the automakers. Coming soon to the Peoples' Republic of the United States! Jonathan Cutler, an associate professor of sociology at Wesleyan University, calls for unionizing the foreign automakers' U.S. plants. More proof that education is not a substitute for intelligence and common sense. Expect this to be another edict from Comrade Obama. This sounds like a rerun of the failed "New Deal" of the 1930s. Maybe I'll get a job sleeping I mean, raking leaves in a National Forest. How are we expected to trust this guy on important issues.
It's a simple question: "Have you stopped smoking?" A yes or no answer will suffice. I would have asked the follow-up question: "How does continuing to smoke make you "much healthier?" Hey, this political hack will probably rape the tobacco companies to fund a special White House anti-smoking program. As gun sales shoot up around the country, President-elect Barack Obama said gun-owning Americans do not need to rush out and stock up before he is sworn in next month. "I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment," Obama said at a news conference. "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven't indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word." Yea, right! Prior to his campaign for president, his record as a state legislator and as a U.S. Senator shows he voted for the most stringent forms of gun control, the most Draconian legislation, gun bans, ammunition bans and even an increase in federal excise taxes up to 500 percent for every gun and firearm sold. Obama warned "things are going to get worse before they get better" as he outlined details of an economic stimulus package that could reach $1 trillion. Currently, Comrade Bush holds the spending record of any president. Comrade Obama will break that record right out of the gate. Government grows exponentially and you, the taxpayers, will be footing the bill. Liberals are growing increasingly nervous - and some just flat-out angry - that President-elect Barack Obama seems to be stiffing them on Cabinet jobs and policy choices. I have been saying right along that Comrade Obama can't be trusted. I am still waiting for him to give straight answers to straight questions. His mindless myrmidons will be learning an important lesson. The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth.
There have been more than a dozen financial crises since the end of World War II. The aftermath of each was transitory, and markets rebounded rather quickly. The current crisis will be different; it will usher in profound and lasting structural, behavioral and regulatory changes. Here are some of the more important: Risk modeling will lose popularity. Financial concentration will gain even greater momentum and influence. The end of an era of ballooning nonfinancial debt. U.S. government borrowing will continue to swell, at least for a few years. There is a silver lining: Americans will begin to save again. Regulatory reform of financial markets will carry high stakes. A Dutch gay group said it has planned a "Pink Christmas" festival for the first time in Amsterdam, featuring a manger stall with two Josephs and two Marys. Five people accused of plotting the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, have asked a judge at Guantanamo Bay to allow them to "confess" their guilt. According to the study, Americans read an average of 11 books a year, with the average Briton reading eight books. The U.N. survey reported that every year, one new book title is published per 12,000 people in the Arab world, as compared with one per 500 people in Britain. Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) says Israel publishes more than 4,000 books a year, making Israel the second highest per-capita publisher in the world, after the People's Republic of China. The United Nations Development Program Literacy Report for 2007-2008 listed Israel in 56th place for world literacy, with the Palestinian Authority coming in 80th, Jordan 84th, Lebanon 97th, Iran 114th, Syria 120th, and Egypt in 132nd place. People will soon be able to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges. The Bush administration said Friday it is overturning a 25-year-old federal rule that severely restricts loaded guns in national parks. Under a rule to take effect in January, visitors will be able to carry a loaded gun into a park or wildlife refuge - but only if the person has a permit for a concealed weapon and if the state where the park or refuge is located also allows concealed firearms. "If you can carry (a gun) on Main Street, you are allowed to carry in a national park," said Chris Paolino. a spokesman for the Interior Department. Finally, national parks will be safer for law abiding citizens. A group representing park rangers, retirees and conservation organizations said the rule change will lead to confusion for visitors, rangers and other law enforcement agencies. I can see where marginally employable government employees would be confused. Bill Wade, president of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees said, "This regulation will put visitors, employees and precious resources of the National Park System at risk. We will do everything possible to overturn it and return to a commonsense approach to guns in national parks that has been working for decades." What is "commonsense" about not permitting law abiding citizens to protect themselves? Keep in mind that criminals don't obey gun bans, which puts everyone at risk. And, apparently, the present gun ban hasn't been working anyway. That fact was underscored by the July 11 slayings of a Seattle mother and daughter on a trail in the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, killings that remain unsolved. The shootings of Mary Cooper, 56, and Susanna Stodden, 27, prompted hikers and campers to briefly stay away from the popular recreation areas near Mount Pilchuck at the height of camping season. Park officers regularly encounter fugitives living deep in the backcountry who survive by stealing from campers. Guns are an insurance policy. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. School districts eliminate policies that allow children to be given failing marks. At public schools in Grand Rapids, Mich., high school students will no longer receive "F"s but instead will earn the letter "H" when their work falls woefully short. A white social studies teacher attempted to enliven a seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two black girls. Superintendent Brian Monahan said, "We encourage our teachers to deliver the curriculum in a variety of ways, to go beyond just reading the textbook. We don't want to discourage creativity. But this obviously went wrong because the student was upset." So, in the mind of this obviously incompetent government school administrator, if the student wasn't upset, this activity would be OK. More proof that if you, as a parent, turn your kids over to a pathetic government school, you should be charged with child abuse. A man in Massachusetts is appealing a $100 ticket he got for driving to a hospital in the breakdown lane of a gridlocked Boston highway while his wife was in labor. The trooper made them wait five to 10 minutes while he wrote a ticket for another car on Route 2 and asked to see Jennifer's belly to prove her pregnancy, then issued them a ticket. Defense Secretary Gates has authorized the military services to recruit foreigners who have lived in the U.S. legally for at least two years to provide language skills "vital to the national interest." A husband and wife are accused of smoking marijuana and watching pornography with their teenage son. The prosecuting attorney found out about the parents' actions while detectives were investigating allegations the teenage son molested at least three young children. Asked about the photos, Favreau declined comment. A transition official said he had "reached out to Senator Clinton to offer an apology." Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines cast the photos as evidence of increased bonhomie between the formerly rival camps. "Senator Clinton is pleased to learn of Jon's obvious interest in the State Department, and is currently reviewing his application," he said in an e-mail. Obama White House asks applicants for positions: "please provide any other information ... that could ... be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the President-Elect." I guess 27-year-old speechwriter, Jon Favreau, wasn't asked that question. He can probably be placed in the Intern Department with Bill Clinton and John Edwards. Rep. Charles Rangel steered nearly $80,000 in campaign cash to an Internet company run by his son - paying lavishly for a pair of political websites so poorly designed an expert estimated one should have cost no more than $100 to create. President-elect Barack Obama, returning to his home state of Hawaii for the holidays, plans a beachside vacation at one of Oahu's most exclusive properties. A rapid-fire dose of cold fronts that have been pushing deep into Florida sent average morning low temperatures down nearly six degrees below normal for November. The morning low temperatures for November actually were on average with a typical December. Gainesville's average low last month was 44.4 degrees, while Ocala's was 47.7 degrees. Both were about six degrees below normal. Wednesday morning's low temperature dipped to 28 degrees in both Ocala and Gainesville thanks to another cold front that slipped through the area early this week. There were six days in November in Gainesville where the temperature was at or below 32 degrees. No other time in recorded weather records has that happened. Manmade Global Warming is clearly a fraudulent scam. His unhealthy Western influence is not welcome in Russia. Speaker of the Russian Parliament Boris Gryzlov insisted Santa "get out of the profession, at least in Russia." A dog weighing more than 120 pounds survived being frozen to a sidewalk overnight, probably because he was insulated by layers of fat. Yet the Global Warming scam continues. "Cap-and-Trade" Equals "FRAUD" If the Imperial Federal Government accuses your company of "over-polluting," the Government will tell you to buy credits from a company the Government decides is "under-polluting." Or, you will have the option to plant a few hundred trees somewhere. This fraudulent scam will continue to fester. Our idiotic Political Hacks in Washington are taking over the auto industry and are conditioning the bailout based on how many electric cars these companies are going to build while we're looking at one-dollar-a-gallon gasoline. GM CEO Drives a Chevy Volt to Washington. Well Sort Of. This was nothing more than a huge PR stunt. They drove around the corner for the cameras with two old buffoons (a congressman and a senator) in the back seat. They were smiling like little kids in the toy cars at Disney World. What a farce! They didn't need to ship a car to Washington to impress Nancy Pelosi, she's already on their bandwagon. Only 156 electric cars were sold in Great Britain so far this year. Meanwhile, back at the trough, California Senator Diane Feinstein sent a little letter to some of her colleagues on Capitol Hill demanding that a share of any bailout money be spent on an upstart manufacturer of electric cars in San Jose. Do you really want to trust government with your money? Consumers should pick the winners and losers in the marketplace, not the politicians. Minutes before his sentence, Simpson apologized to the judge and said he didn't mean to steal from anybody when he tried to retrieve memorabilia. The lighting of Boston's official non-denominational holiday shrub. California, the world's eighth largest economy, may pay vendors with IOUs for only the second time since the Great Depression. Not if you are marginally employable (most government employees) Al Franken. After the recount, he still comes up short. Now this madman wants a "systematic forensic search" for ballots that probably don't even exist! Franken is proving himself to be a pathetic waste of oxygen. How about a "systematic forensic search" for Al Franken's brain? A range of Lego-style fighting figurines - including an Islamic terrorist militant - has sparked outrage among Muslims. Who Is Outraged On Google The winner: peace loving Muslims. "Muslims Outraged" 12,200 hits. "Christians Outraged" 1,270 hits "Jews Outraged" 7,490 hits "Buddhists Outraged" 292 hits. "Hindus Outraged" 291 hits. "Atheists Outraged" 866 hits "Wiccans Outraged" 8 hits "Democrats Outraged" 2,950 hits "Republicans Outraged" 2,010 hits "Libertarians Outraged" 302 hits "Postal Workers Outraged" 3 hits "Yoga Instructors Outraged" 0 hits Most Americans agreed that alcohol suppression was worse than alcohol consumption. Absolutely correct! Put him in charge of the interns. Wait, Bill Clinton wanted that job. Creator, Jean-Jacques Attisso has made 100 cans simply by sticking his labels on cans of energy drink. Why does the word "fraud" keep following Obama? Do you wonder why? New York City's gun law is unconstitutional. New York Giants star receiver Plaxico Burress is facing a mandatory 3½ years in prison and the end of his football career. His crime? Not having a license, which New York City never would have issued him, for the exercise of his constitutional right to bear arms. This November, in fact, was the fifth-coldest since records started being kept in Charlotte, in October 1878. The low on Nov. 22 at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport was 13 degrees, the earliest it ever has been that cold in Charlotte. The Global Warming Scam continues! Nowhere is it mentioned that these "green-collar jobs" would be terribly costly, and that the planned "investments" are really just subsidies. Things that require subsidies aren't competitive in the market, and thus aren't profitable. In last six months, 65 percent of days when Fed chairman speaks show market declines, including three of worst drops in history. The mother of a Wisconsin teenager was stunned when her high school senior brought home a questionnaire assigned by his English teacher that asked, among several provocative questions, "Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?" The student was struggling to answer the following questions:
What does this questionnaire have to do with English class? Keep sending your kids to government schools. Some troubled teens are embedding nails, paper clips, bits of rock, glass and even crayons in their bodies as a way to cope with disturbing thoughts and feelings. Some studies suggest that 13 to 24 percent of high school students in the U.S. and Canada have practiced deliberate self-injury at least once. "Patients will usually have reported behavior that includes cutting and even ingesting things like battery acid and Drano (drain cleaner) before they engage in self-embedding." The Senate's senior member and staunchest constitutional advocate on the Democratic side of the aisle, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is exploring whether Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is eligible to become secretary of state in the Obama administration. Hasn't Byrd figured out yet that the Constitution doesn't matter to Obama and his power grabbing cronies? How Large Is A Trillion If you were counting right now, one, two, three, four, five, six, it would take you 32 days to get to a million. It would take you 32 years to count to a billion. It would take you 32,000 years to count to a trillion. The Government tosses trillions of dollars around like Monopoly money. Start counting, it's your money. The proposal basically sets standards for upkeep and appearance and gives town officials the right to enter homes. If the owner refuses to allow the official to enter, the town can go to a judge for an "administrative search warrant" to allow access to the interior of buildings. Angry residents likened the proposal to rules created by Communist or Nazi dictatorships. One person said the result would be to create a network of spies to snitch on neighbors to council members and other town officials. Remember, to political hacks, your Constitutional rights don't matter anymore. That's "change." Why was India -- a nation that has suffered enormously from terrorism in the past seven years -- unprepared for the Mumbai attacks? And why are America, Britain and most of the rest of the civilized world equally unprepared? At the UN, Islamic states have successfully pushed through a resolution criminalizing "blasphemy," i.e., criticism of Islam, while ignoring one that was introduced denouncing violence committed in the name of religion. That in itself is telling. Talk about fear mongering. Officials from General Motors, Chrysler and Ford are using words like "catastrophic" and "depression" to describe the nation's economic future if lawmakers refuse to give their companies a taxpayer funded bailout. But that doesn't matter to political hacks like Nancy Pelosi who is still preaching that bankruptcy is "not an option." Translation: Bankruptcy isn't a political option. Bailout is. After all, you can buy more votes with a bailout. One logical question: If bankruptcy isn't an option, why are there bankruptcy courts? Thousands of laid-off union member auto workers are paid $31 an hour to do nothing all day. If Congress goes ahead with an auto industry bailout, American taxpayers may have to pay for thousands of laid off auto workers to literally do nothing all year. This program is likely to continue if Congress approves a $25 billion bailout of the industry. There is one solution. Bankruptcy. The restructuring plan comes up short on the most fundamental question. Will this company actually make money? Just look at the details - or what details are lacking. Nowhere in the document does GM lay out, year by year, its own projected market share. This is perhaps the most critical part of any business plan. The kind of thing you learn in the first day of business school. No wonder those executives are willing to work for a dollar a year. They aren't even worth that. All because the price of oil has dropped below $80 a barrel. But the profit margins are still the same. It was politically convenient and all about wealth envy and blaming the evil rich oil companies when prices were high. Russia pushing ahead with a symbolic projection of Moscow's power in a traditional U.S. zone of influence. Government loves to "regulate." It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Ambassador! Clinton could be named as a sort of super-ambassador on a specific issue like India, or on a broad topic like restoring goodwill for the United States abroad. The extortion and corruption continues in Washington as now Obama has to pay back the Clintons. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill. said it would be a "national disgrace" if Obama's seat were not filled by an African American. What about actual qualifications? None of this could possibly be about race. You get arrested and your drugs are taken away from you. Did you know that this is a breach of your human rights? The massive rip-off illustrates a gaping loophole in the city's system for recording deeds, mortgages and other transactions.
The family of a worker trampled to death in a crush of bargain hunters filed a wrongful-death lawsuit, claiming store ads "created an atmosphere of competition and anxiety." So now it is the fault of the ads. Just like some people think McDonald's ads are responsible for overweight people. Why sue Walmart and not the actual people who did the trampling? Allegedly, there is video of the incident. The difference is Walmart has the deep pockets. At least these guys know how to get the job done. A Rastafarian man who refused to shave off his beard or cut his hair to comply with a Jiffy Lube employee grooming policy can take his religious discrimination case to trial. The Rastafarian "faith" urges followers to let their hair grow unbridled. Many grow their hair into long, matted strands called dreadlocks to express a oneness with nature. Banks torpedoed rules that could have saved them. The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown. Hand over taxpayer funds or we're going to bail. Auto executives offered a series of mostly symbolic moves. No plan. No changes to their failing business models. Just give us your money or else. Sounds like extortion to me. With arrogance like this, I say let them fail. Or even better, the magic word is bankruptcy. Under Chapter 11, all outstanding contracts that are making it difficult for these automakers to compete and survive would or could be cancelled, and that includes the contracts with the United Auto Workers. Nancy Pelosi doesn't like that. She said, "I think it's pretty clear that bankruptcy is not an option." Why you may ask? There are too many union votes to buy. The capitalist system, free enterprise, has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever devised by man. Freedom works and that means the freedom to fail if you don't live up to consumer expectations or if you permitted yourself to enter into unprofitability by idiotic union agreements and products that consumers don't want. Elections officials magically found nearly 200 ballots they claim were not counted. He claims that he is now behind by only 50 votes. Al The Magnificent will snap his fingers and "find" a few more ballots. Isn't it wonderful how political hacks can make ballots magically appear? Latrica Ryan is a 29-year-old single stay-at-home mother of 10 children ranging from 2 months to 13 years old. Even without a car, Ryan manages to stay involved in her children's school life, volunteering and meeting with teachers to check on their progress. Don't you think she should have looked for "help" before she downloaded 10 kids she obviously couldn't afford to raise? "With 10 kids and no vehicle, Latrica Ryan is used to juggling." Do you think she could find a way to juggle a job into her life? "Max Rameau delivers his sales pitch like a pro." "He also breaks into the homes he shows. And his clients don't have a dime for a down payment." Isn't that what got us into this "crisis" in the first place? "He is helping homeless people illegally move into foreclosed homes." There is an upstanding citizen for you. He breaks the law and the media acknowledges him like he is some sort of hero. India's strict gun control laws were quite effective in killing more than a hundred innocent citizens and police officers. Lesson #1: Don't bring a bamboo stick to a gunfight. Lesson #2: Terrorists and criminals don't obey gun control laws. We have seen just how well gun control laws worked out for the innocent people of Mumbai, and perhaps it is time for the citizens of New York City, Washington DC, and Chicago to learn from the example and demand the repeal of their cities' gun laws. The heavily built men, who had undergone training at a special marine camp established by the Lashkar-e-Taibat terrorist group in Pakistan, also used steroids to build a tougher physique. It was a bizarre and abrupt way to die for a man who, by all accounts, went at life full-bore and was fit and agile from riding his bicycle everywhere he went. Every generation convinces itself that it's living in a "new era," where "all the rules have changed," and consequently stumbles into the same potholes which swallowed countless ancestors. Those New York residents who are considering decorating a Christmas tree in front of their homes in the city limits should think twice. Holiday trees become illegal once the traditional ornaments and Christmas lights are added. At the University of Illinois, being an athlete gets you access to a $6 million facility with oversized leather chairs and Oriental rugs. You education tax dollars at work. Let's look at the studies. "Activists" head out there with their pollsters and start asking questions. The questions are cleverly worded like: "Have any of your children complained about being hungry during the last year?" It doesn't matter how much money you make, if you have a child, chances are that you child is going to say "I'm hungry" at least once a week. Presto! You have your statistic. Another child was hungry. The Department of Agriculture reported, that 691,000 children went hungry in America in 2007. But now that you know the rest of the story about how they actually conduct these studies, that doesn't sound so bad. By the way, look at all of the overweight kids who are going hungry. The bailout has cost more than all of these big budget government expenditures - combined: Marshall Plan: Cost: $12.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $115.3 billion TOTAL: $3.92 trillion That is $686 billion less than the cost of the credit crisis thus far. The only single American event in history that even comes close to matching the cost of the credit crisis is World War II: Original Cost: $288 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $3.6 trillion. It's only our money. Just what we need, more government control of the press/media. During the home invasion, he shot them both. Armed with a tractor or a backhoe, Alvin Peterson moves dirt to drain prairie potholes on his land, saying he's putting the land back to the way God intended. "They've done this in a sneaky way-you'd think you were living in Russia," Alvin Peterson said. "I've had trouble with them ever since they stole this land from my father." Can you say private property rights? There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military's role in domestic law enforcement. Our founding fathers said there would be no standing army is because the federal government has no place in your town. The power to order troops with weapons in your neighborhood must not ever be in the hands of the President or the congress. It must be in the hand of the individual governors. Our founders knew this could happen. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin The knocks on his door came at 6:40 a.m., Vittorio de Filippis recalled, when Paris was still dark and he was fast asleep. Three police officers -- a pair of men and a woman, all wearing armbands -- had come to take him in. By the time his ordeal ended five hours later, about 11:30 a.m. Friday, the journalist wrote, he had been manhandled, handcuffed, humiliated in front of his sons, twice forced to strip and submit to body cavity searches and interrogated without lawyers by an investigating magistrate. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. A luxury cruise ship carrying dozens of British passengers has been attacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia, en route to Oman. From oil tankers to cruise ships. What's next? Staging a global forum on climate change is a dilemma, as it adds to the very problem it is trying to solve. Around 13,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be added to the Earth's greenhouse effect from the December 1-12 meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Global Warming scam continues. High-ranking members of Congress were flown to a lush Caribbean resort for a three-day conference planned and paid for by several of the country's most powerful corporations. Remember, It's our money. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but they just didn't shoot back." "What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera." Is there such a thing as having too much self-esteem? Data collected over the past three decades shows today's high school seniors. A new analysis of data collected over the past three decades shows that today's high school seniors are more likely than ever to think that they'll be terrific mates, parents and employees. Like the housing bubble, we're on the verge of a self-esteem bubble that could burst. His name is Azam Amir Kasav, he is 21 years old, speaks fluent English, hails from Pakistan, and is the only terrorist to have been captured alive. "I do not want to die," he reportedly said. But it seems the police grilling was so intense that before he left the hospital for an undisclosed location, he pleaded with the police and the medical staff to kill him. "Now, I don't want to live," he said. Salvation Army bell ringers were silenced this season inside a Maryland mall after complaints from neighboring merchants. Valley Mall in Hagerstown told the charity to replace the clappers inside their bells with paper clips for a quieter ring. A worker died after being trampled and a woman miscarried when hundreds of shoppers smashed through the doors of a Long Island Wal-Mart this morning. Tis the season of joy and friendship? That's why I choose to avoid shopping as much as possible during the Christmas season. I don't want to get mauled at the malls. Since the Supreme Court upheld the individual right to own guns, one municipality with handgun bans after another has faced reality. Then there is Chicago, which is being sued for violating the 2nd Amendment but refuses to confront the possibility that what the Supreme Court said may apply to this side of the Appalachians. In addition to the storied Pontiac brand, Hummer and Saab, the review reportedly included the Saturn brand. After killing two security personnel in the terrace of the Cama Hospital in Mumbai, terrorists escaped to the housing quarters where they killed two, even their benefactor who had served them water when asked for. This is a devastating assault on India, its democracy, its way of life and its brilliant economy, all of which excite envy and hatred from Islamic extremists. But it is also a message from Terror Central to Barack Obama. Rule number one of burglary is 'don't get yourself photographed'. Probably coming in somewhere around rule number 437, meanwhile, is 'don't make an enemy of someone who owns billboards all around your city'. The thief was caught on camera stealing expensive equipment, but he'd picked the wrong target - because now the billboard company he was stealing from has plastered his image around Aukland, New Zealand's largest city, seeking his capture. The thief had had one piece of good luck: If he had tried stealing the transformers at night 'when they have 50,000 volts going through them - he'd be dead.' David Bellamy is a botanist, author of 35 books, and has presented 400 television programs.
Man-made global warming is a hoax. Climate change skeptics on Capitol Hill are quietly watching a growing accumulation of global cooling science and other findings that could signal that the science behind global warming may still be too shaky to warrant cap-and-trade legislation. The U.S. annual mean temperature has fluctuated for decades and has only risen 0.21 degrees since 1930, which is caused by fluctuating solar activity levels and ocean temperatures, not carbon emissions. His other pardons include people who were: Convicted of aiding and abetting the theft of government property. (Multiple) Sentenced for misapplication of bank funds. Sentenced for making false entries, books, reports or statements to a bank. Convicted of bank embezzlement. (Multiple) Receiving kickbacks in defense procurement contracts. (Multiple) Possessing stolen mail. Making a false statement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to obtain a mortgage. Conspiracy to make false statements on a loan application. (Multiple) Yet Comrade Bush can't find the time to pardon border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean who are serving prison sentences for doing their jobs. So much for supporting the people who are protecting and defending our borders. While subprime lender New Century was failing, key executives continually changed their stock trading plans and often sold within days of colleagues' trades. White House Hanukkah card has Christmas tree on front. A picture of a Christmas tree is not the first thing you would expect to see on an invitation to an event celebrating Hanukkah, but that is exactly what American Jewish leaders got in the mail. "But understand where the vision for change comes from first and foremost. It comes from me. That's my job - is to provide a vision in terms of where we are going" If Congress moves forward with an auto industry bailout, American taxpayers may have to pay for thousands of laid off auto workers to literally do nothing all year. Thousands of laid-off auto workers get paid $31 an hour to sit around and do nothing all year under a controversial program that could continue even if American taxpayers bail out the American auto industry. You tax dollars at work or not at work as the case may be. Vaclav Klaus says the global warming fight has contributed to the financial crisis, branded Al Gore an "apostle of arrogance," and accused the EU of acting like a communist state. A professor at the diplomatic academy of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the U.S. will break into six parts because of the nation's financial crisis. "Dissatisfaction is growing, and it is only being held back at the moment by the elections, and the hope" that President- elect Barack Obama "can work miracles," he said. "But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles." Contrary to popular wisdom, the New Deal never came close to ending the great slump of the 1930s. And many experts believe its creator, FDR, actually made it much, much worse. A society that erases the memory of how it overcame barbarism in the past inevitably loses sight of the meaning of civilization, and the means of sustaining it. The U.S. government is prepared to lend more than $7.4 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers, or half the value of everything produced in the nation last year. Americans slouch into the 21st Century -- a free and confident people blissfully unaware of how we got here or how we shall continue our 232-year-old tradition of limited self-government.
And you wonder why I describe our recent elections as "American Idol Beauty Pageants." So much for those pledges of "open government." So much for those promises of "change." So much for his upcoming oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Barack Hussein Obama is still refusing to disclose to the American public something as innocent and as basic as his full, undoctored birth certificate to establish beyond any shadow of a doubt - and that doubt is growing daily - that he is a natural-born American citizen. Do you believe the American people have a right to know for certain their next president is constitutionally eligible for the job? If the Constitution is not taken seriously as concerns the eligibility of the president, is it likely to be taken seriously in other matters? Quotes and Facts Quote: "We are inheriting a, um, array of problems unlike any that any president has faced, maybe since Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to be quick." - David Axelrod, the campaign director for Barack Obama Quote: "This may be a long haul. 2009 is going to be a very, very hard year. Some economists are saying we're not going to get out of this for two years. Others are saying it's going to be three or four, maybe five years. We all have to be very careful about the expectations that we are putting on this man, our president-elect. If we all assume that it's going to be the first hundred days, we're going to be disappointed." - Former Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich Quote: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel Fact: "Yes we can" is rapidly becoming "No we can't." All we hear from The Chosen One and his cohorts are excuses. Executive Management Qualifications Would you hire the best auto executive in the world if he could repair the problem with the American auto industry but demands $100 million dollars a year in income? Or, would you rather hire somebody who doesn't have a clue as to what they're doing but is willing to earn less than $400,000? Political hacks using wealth envy will kill the American auto industry. How could that happen? Could Al Gore and The Chosen One, Comrade Obama be wrong? As a result of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder suggested more speech restrictions on the Web. Government censorship coming soon to your computer all in the name of "safety." A little less "I'm Lovin' It" could put a significant dent in the problem of childhood obesity, suggests a new study that attempts to measure the effect of TV fast-food ads. It is not the TV commercials, it is what parents feed their kids. It all comes down to bad parenting. U.S. economic and political clout will decline over the next two decades and the world will be more dangerous, with food and water scarce and advanced weapons plentiful, U.S. spy agencies project. What has Obama accomplished other than get himself elected? Warning: This is Obama's mantra, take from those who have achieved and give to those who haven't. Soon nothing will remain named Martin Luther King. Boulevards and schools will soon change to Barack Obama Boulevards and schools. I suppose that would depend on who is singing the Carols. "Noise pollution?" How about annoying people on cell phones? Dow drops 445 points, 10% loss in 2 days Stocks again plunged in the final hour of trading today, after flirting with gains following news a bailout deal for automakers might have been reached. In eight weeks we will be viewing the coronation of a new president that is clearly not fond of capitalism. Barack Obama wrote of his flirtations with Marxism during his college years. His campaign rhetoric parroted many Marxist maxims. In fact, Comrade Obama has never praised the role of business and entrepreneurs in the American economy or made any pro-capitalism statements. Chinese carmakers SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire GM and Chrysler, China's 21st Century Business Herald reports. The high court declined to hear an appeal by Canadian airlines of a government decision that people who are "functionally disabled by obesity" deserve to have two seats for one fare Do people with multiple personalities "have a right" to multiple separate seats? Airlines should charge passengers in the same manner of other shipping and transportation businesses, by the pound. That's "fair." Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make a single atom bomb, according to nuclear experts analyzing the latest report from global atomic inspectors. Italy and Germany agree that measures to cut greenhouse gases shouldn't weigh on the economy. At least Italy and Germany recognize the Global Warming scam. You will get exactly what you voted for. Obama will "mandate" that you purchase health insurance. Next he will solve the automobile "crisis" and "mandate" that every citizen purchase a new Ford, Chevy or Chrysler. The total outstanding balance for all US mortgages that have been incorporated into mortgage-backed securities is $6.6 trillion. The outstanding balances on these securitized mortgages accounts for 59 percent of all money now owed by Americans on home mortgages, which is $11.2 trillion. Who are these political hacks trying to kid with these bailout scams? Hold onto your wallets! $4.28 trillion to be exact. To put this into perspective: That's $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources. They should be utilizing their time and money bailing themselves out.
Our founding fathers were indeed wise people: There is no constitutional right to vote in a presidential election. In his first speech on global warming since winning the election, Obama promised to set stringent limits on greenhouse gases, saying the need is too urgent for delay. The Global Warming Fraud Will Continue and Escalate. Obama also made a point of backing technologies that many environmentalists despise - nuclear power and "clean coal," which involves trapping and storing underground the emissions from coal-burning power plants. Is this before or after he bankrupts the coal industry? Al-Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri insulted Barack Obama in the terror group's first reaction to his election, calling him a "house negro" who does the bidding of whites. Obama will setup an unconditional meeting and talk to these "leaders." That will solve everything. Daschle will be responsible for helping set health care policy. He supports a government-funded insurance program for the nation's uninsured. Most Americans have had little or no teaching about totalitarianism, or about its conjoined twins, Communism and Nazism. Our schools do not teach about it, and our media, by and large, ignore it. When they do address it, it is to tell us that it does not exist. Now, some of its victims and witnesses are speaking out. They are trying to warn the American people that what has happened in their former countries is rapidly approaching us, also.
Thomas Jefferson Knew Better Than Our Contemporary Political Hacks "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) The problem with gun violence isn't that law abiding citizens have access to assault weapons (whatever that means.) It's that criminals use them to commit crimes. Read that last sentence. Commit crimes is the key part of that sentence. Having these guns be illegal will not limit the criminal's access to them. It will only make them better armed than their victims.
First order of business: Mandate that every American has health insurance. Next on the agenda: Mandatory coverage for elective surgeries such as weight loss and plastic surgery. Then watch your insurance rates skyrocket. Where in our Constitution does the Imperial Federal Government obtain the "right" to "mandate" that any American purchase anything? The UK is now considering making a permanent ruling that certain medications that are "too expensive" should be excluded from government-funded treatment. Coming soon to your mandated "right" to government healthcare. "The media coverage of this campaign was so scandalous, so beyond bias into the realm of media malpractice." Obama Should Think Twice About This Clinton Retread "That's not change, that's more of the same." Wilson Watson taught college students for 35 years and has now retired. But his students' sentences trail behind him like ship's anchors, evidence of the sinking of American writing skills.
College students? Remember these people vote. Obama vowed today he would "engage vigorously" in global climate change talks and said denial was no longer an acceptable response to global warming. The Global Warming fraud continues. Judges who use foreign laws to interpret the U.S. Constitution are rewriting it rather than respecting its founders, Justice Antonin Scalia told a roomful of judges and top lawyers. Even as the price of gold itself comes under pressure, people around the world are demanding so many of the valuable coins that government mints are having difficulty filling orders. What will they be working together on? That is the question. They are whining for FDR style programs. Government whining for help from government. Look for all government programs to grow at our expense. Hold onto your wallets. Since 2000, government spending has increased by more than 55 percent. Are you surprised? Government plunder encouraged by San Francisco Chronicle Hey, it's only the government's money. Wait, that's out money. Let's all do the politically correct thing and save energy. It is now time to turn off the TV "Today". An extensive new research study has found that unhappy people watch more TV while those consider themselves happy spend more time reading and socializing. "TV is not judgmental nor difficult, so people with few social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it." Unhappily married couples also watch more TV: "(Happily married couples) engage in 30% more sex, and they attend religious services more and read newspapers on more days Those not happy with their marriages watch more TV." This is not difficult to believe. Just look at today's TV programming.
Apparently, his past steroid use is starting to affect his brain. The world has never seen such freezing heat. China's official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its "worst snowstorm ever". The US registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month, and ranked it as only the 70th-warmest October in 114 years. The greatest harm to humanity will be governments' wasteful re-direction of limited resources and creating laws to solve a non-existent problem. Climate change has been around for millions of years. It is called weather, the natural phenomenon that these "experts" can't accurately predict more than a day or two out. Yet they fantasize about changes decades away and call it "science." Kyle Smith: Bush was the worst president (except for all the others) Forbes magazine estimates that the full impact of the financial crisis is going to cost the taxpayers upwards of $5 trillion. In order to pay for these government entitlement programs, the Heritage Foundation estimates that it will require three things: Doubling all tax rates. Eliminating all other federal programs, including defense and education. Running massive budget deficits that eventually would capsize the economy. It is not the government's job to restructure the auto industry. The only guarantee you have from government is mediocrity. Look for government to grow; I can see it now. First we need a Federal Department of Automobiles. Then a Secretary of Cars and Undersecretary of Trucks. In the words of one of Obama's transition czars: Obama will be ready to "take power and rule from day one." Every industry will have a czar in Washington to oversee operations! Barack Obama's transition team is showing its hostility toward lawful firearm owners by "weeding out" job applicants who own firearms themselves. "Question 59 provides clear insight into how Obama and his people perceive firearm owners," said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "The questionnaire poses a number of questions asking the applicant to reveal any unethical activities, or embarrassing Internet chats, then wraps up by asking if anyone in the applicant's family owns a firearm. Obviously, Obama feels that owning a firearm is akin to talking dirty in Internet chat rooms." "Once again, we have to ask ourselves just what candidate Obama was talking about when he said he has 'respect' for the 2nd Amendment," said Pearson. Years after being advised by a state agency to stop, the Dallas Independent School District continued to provide foreign citizens with fake Social Security numbers to get them on the payroll quickly. Some of the numbers were real Social Security numbers already assigned to people elsewhere. And in some cases, the state's educator certification office unknowingly used the bogus numbers to run criminal background checks on the new hires. Unlawfully using "real Social Security numbers already assigned to people elsewhere." Why aren't the people involved being charged and prosecuted for identity theft? There is a solidly mediocre work ethic for you to admire. Now that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has essentially admitted that his Wall Street bailout plan isn't working, it's worthwhile to examine the fawning media coverage he received when he pressured President Bush and Congress into approving it. First it was "Big Government to the Rescue." But since that didn't work, we now need "Global Government to the Rescue." We will not only lose our money but the sovereignty of our nation. Our media have been active accomplices in this unfolding catastrophe. Scientists now say global warming is not the problem. They claim we are actually heading for the next Ice Age. And what's more, the experts blame the global change on falling - rather than climbing - levels of greenhouse gases.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." This sound pretty comprehensible and clear-cut to me. Somehow, I can't find that "right" listed anywhere in the constitution. That would mean that some people think they have a "right" to the goods and services of other people. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. And that is just for the first year. By 2018, the plan will increase to over $1 trillion to fund this government insurance scam. And we know how accurate the government is in estimating actual costs of its programs. Expect this number to at least triple. The report acknowledged, "Unless costs are cut, growing health care costs will increase the costs of Obama's plan dramatically over time and reduce the effectiveness of mandates. This could make the federal costs unsustainably high." Additionally, the analysis exposed that Obama's plan may worsen problems like shortages of primary care doctors. Employers will be required to provide health insurance to employees. Translation: Healthcare will cease to be a benefit. It will be a government mandate. If the company does not provide health insurance, it will be forced to pay into a fund to cover the uninsured. Show me your papers and your health insurance card. Quotes and Facts Quote: "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all... The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic... There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else." - Teddy Roosevelt Fact: With all due respect, Barack Obama is going to be the next President of the United States. He is an AMERICAN president, not an AFRICAN-AMERICAN president. Hamas spokesman Ahmed Yusuf said the relations were maintained after Obama's electoral victory, and the president-elect's advisers requested it be kept secret so as not to aid his political rival. Admissions officers might be more selective. Do you think we should set the bar this high and make the entrance requirements to college so complicated? Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley says Barack Obama could permanently block drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by turning it into a national monument. Quote: "I'm not opposed to drilling." - Joe Biden September 1, 2008 Quote: "Let's say it makes sense to drill. It doesn't, I'm against it." - Joe Biden September 3, 2008 (Three Days Later) Paulson changes his mind on buying troubled assets. This is what happens when you bestow ultimate power to one person, in this case the Treasury Secretary, to do whatever he wants to do to "ensure economic well-being." Of course, using our money in the process. If you were operating your private business in this same manner, you would be arrested and charged with fraud. Will Paulson be going to jail? Care to apply for some Troubled Asset Recovery Program money? Isn't it great to see the Imperial Federal Government making it so easy to give away our money? The U.S. is moving closer to a Nazi-style totalitarianism, warns a former German member of the Hitler Youth.
Fairness (Censorship) Doctrine Those who want to reinstate the Fairness (Censorship) Doctrine insist that broadcasters use the "public airwaves" to deliver their messages. If they could have foreseen broadcasting, the framers of our Constitution would have undoubtedly incorporated broadcasting in the protections offered by the First Amendment. Another point: What about newspapers? Newspapers do not magically appear on your doorsteps. They are delivered using publicly owned highways and roads. Therefore, using the same leftist logic, we need to impose the same Fairness (Censorship) Doctrine for newspaper editorial pages. I know we have the Constitution, but to the political hacks, that doesn't seem to matter anymore. It's all about "fairness" you know. A Gun History Lesson In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. Total number of defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million. With Guns: We Are "Citizens." Without Guns: We Are "Subjects." It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent. Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent. Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent! Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property. Gun-control laws adversely affect only law-abiding citizens. During W.W.II the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED. Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attache to the U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor & our Army had been deprived of funding & was ill prepared to defend the country. It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his reply was that he had lived in the U. S. & knew that almost all households had guns. Motto: NEVER SURRENDER YOUR GUNS! Automaker Puts Texas Plant On Overtime Without government interference, the free market works every time. "Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." The Federal Election Commission is unlikely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of how Barack Obama raised and spent his presidential campaign's record-shattering windfall. The Messiah is off limits and above the law for some reason. However, the FEC is obligated to complete a rigorous audit of McCain's campaign coffers, which will take months, if not years, and cost McCain millions of dollars to defend. 3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana's Bakken Formation-25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate Now to keep the Imperial Federal Government from interfering with our independence. In Oregon, Jackson County's Circuit Court ruled that each individual must specify that he or she doesn't want any personal information released. If not, their names are public record. What purpose would this serve other than harassment of gun owners.
Fact: Remember when the phrase was, "As goes GM, so goes the country"? Now it's, "As goes the US government, so goes GM," and Ford, Chrysler. Reid and Pelosi said they want "equity stakes for the government so taxpayers could profit if the companies recover." The government doesn't know how to earn a profit. Government only knows how to punish and tax profit. The government only knows how to create debt. I guarantee your paycheck isn't going to get any larger. We're going to be so far in debt, it's just going to be debt service. The focus in this country used to be on the private sector. In the good old days, what was good for GM was good for America. That was then; this is now, the era of morbidly obese government. And Obama The Hut is growing it exponentially. Government is the problem, not the solution. The blue areas experienced below-normal temperatures for 2008.
Quotes and Facts Quote: "There is one president at a time. President Bush is still the president. He's graciously invited President-elect Obama to the White House tomorrow to begin their conversations of the transition. So we respect that. He will be the president until January 20th. However, giving--given, really, the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one. So we will be working closely with his administration. We're reviewing the agencies now. He will be making key personnel decisions. He gets national security briefings every day now as well, but he will not be the president until January 20th." - Valerie Jarrett, the co-chair of Barack Obama's Transition Team Fact: Presidents govern, manage and lead. They don't RULE. China, North Korea, Venezuela, and most countries in Africa have "rulers." We don't, yet. Apparently, in the view of the Obama Transition Team, the citizens of the United States have elected a "ruler," not a leader.
Remember when Bill Clinton used bake sales to help balance the federal budget?
"Nutritional disobedience." This could open up a black market for chocolate chip cookies. Or, perhaps The Piedmont High water polo team could qualify for an Obama bailout. There are smart, healthy alternatives. We have a sports/energy drink that is not loaded with sugar called Chi3 Energy. What we don't need are government prohibitions. Obama and his cronies just gave AIG another $25 or $50 billion. Why won't they bail out Circuit City? Obama is going to need people to have televisions to be able to watch him. In the meantime McDonald's and Walmart are earning huge profits, 8.1% for McDonald's. That's higher than the 7% earned by the "evil" oil companies. The bottom line is we should be applauding the businesses that are succeeding and not bailing out the businesses that have failed.
Mucked Up By Chet Motyka
Quotes And Facts Quote: "Barack Obama will establish a $2 billion global education fund to work to eliminate the global education deficit and offer an alternative to extremist schools." - Change.gov: Office of the President-Elect Fact: We are going to be paying for schools that attempt to convert terrorists. Quote: "Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year." - Change.gov: Office of the President-Elect Fact: To "require" people to provide "service" to others. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. Quote: "Section 2, Purposes. Provides authority to the Treasury secretary to restore liquidity and stability to the US financial system and to ensure the economic well-being of Americans." - Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 Fact: The Treasury secretary was given $700 billion to work with. The well-being of Americans has NOT been ensured. The liquidity and stability to the US financial system has NOT been restored. The Treasury secretary has failed to meet his objectives. We need some accountability. The Treasury secretary needs to be terminated. Rep. Rahm Emanuel held paid position on troubled GSE's board from 2000-2002, when Freddie Mac was accused of accounting and campaign finance irregularities. "That's not change, that's more of the same." I thought The Chosen One was going to solve everything. Michael Alix was head of risk management for Bear Stearns for two years until the institution imploded. He has been promoted to a position in the Federal Reserve Bank supervising the health of other banks. "You're kidding me," said economic policy expert Dean Baker, of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Economic Policy and Research. "[Alix] was the guy on the mast charged with yelling 'iceberg' just before the Titanic introducted its bow to a floating chunk of ice," wrote financial expert John Carney. This sounds like a government operation, promote the incompetent. Will this hold true for Obama? Guess who pays for the bailout. Obama The Orator Rhetorical ability is imperative in politics. Obama has it. Here is one thing to consider: Smooth talkers win at single's bars and in politics; often with similar outcomes for the listener. Democrat Back at the time of the founding of our Republic the word "Democrat" was an epithet. Back then, if you called someone a Democrat you might be challenged to a duel. In the late 1700s a Democrat was "someone who panders to the whims of the masses." Not much has changed, only nowadays we elect them. Read the whole article By Ali Sina if you dare.
Bishop Cornal Garnett Henning thanked God for having "given us a Moses." All hail The Chosen One, Comrade Lord Obama.
Quotes and Facts Quote: "The only thing that bothers me is how quickly we got it up there." - Barack Obama on skyrocketing gas prices Fact: Obama didn't care that gas prices were high and didn't do one thing to lower them. Obama, through his own admission said that he would destroy elements of the US economy and bankrupt the coal industry. And now, through his own admission, Obama wasn't concerned about skyrocketing gas prices but was fascinated with "how quickly we got it up there." Here is the Obama timeline: January: I want to bankrupt the coal industry; I love skyrocketing electricity prices. He later runs an ad: I'm going to save the coal industry. Too many jobs will be lost. I'm here for the little guy. Biden on September 17th: "No coal plants here in America " Will the real Obama please stand up? I think Comrade Obama is standing up, but no one is paying attention to where he actually stands; against our country and our economy. Throughout his campaign, Obama has been telling you but you haven't been paying attention: We've have to punish Big Drug. We have to punish Big Oil. We have to punish Big Energy. We have to punish Wal-Mart! In the long run, he is going to punish you, the sheeple who are mesmerized by him and robotically support him. Under Obama, energy prices will skyrocket. That's his intent! And he is spellbound with how effortlessly it will be to accomplish this. Obama has as his number one desire, to tear down the greatness of this country so that we are not better than any other nation. And he is excited about it. Quote: "We're going to fundamentally change this country." - Barack Obama Fact: Obama means "fundamentally change" as in the way we define the United States of America. He's going to allocate free health care. He's going to allocate free college tuition. He's going to allocate free loans. He will take the money from other people and spread it around. This all sound wonderful on the surface, but nothing is FREE. This is what is practiced in Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Mugabe and Argentina. Obama brings a Third World mentality of socialism, spreading the wealth around, to this country; and that's why he's popular in Europe and in the Third World. And this "change" is coming to you. Quote: "At the end of this race, I want to congratulate John McCain on the tough race that he fought." - Barack Obama Fact: Obama is classless. He complimented McCain on the race that he ran and flipped
McCain the bird. Jordan was assigned to draw a scary Halloween mask in art class. Being a diligent student, Jordan drew a scarred vampire with bloodshot eyes and with blood dripping from its nose, mouth and down its cheeks. The art teacher even helped the boy shade the sketched eyes to give the drawing a creepier look. Apparently, his homeroom teacher thought the mask was too scary and called campus police. As a reward for completing his assignment, Jordan was told that he could not return to school until he passed a psychological evaluation. Quotes and Facts Fact: In this faltering economy Obama wants electricity to "skyrocket." Obama is going to cost you and your household more money. Fact: Obama wants his own SS: "Civilian security force"! Is this like the Soviet Union under Communism where neighbors ratted on neighbors for anti-government statements? Show us your papers! Quote: "John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic ... You know I don't know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness." - Barack Obama Fact: Obama deems you to be a selfish person if you do not want the government to seize your wealth and redistribute it to people who don't pay taxes. President Obama? Never in the previous 100 years has someone so utterly inexperienced and whose position is so extreme to the left been so close to becoming our president. It is beyond imagination that we as a country have come to this. Here are a few points to consider before you vote for The Chosen One: "What has Obama ever accomplished?" The best his supporters can come up with is "He was elected to the U.S. Senate." Study his Senate election. He had two opponents self-destruct with scandal. His win was no sterling achievement. There is NO constitutional right to vote in a presidential election. We're about to discover a few days from now how smart our founding fathers were in this regard. Obama is a creation of the Chicago political machine. Numerous times during his political career Obama had the opportunity to either vote or make statements against the corruption that permeates Chicago's political machine. Not once did he choose to do so. How did Obama prevail in his first election in Illinois? He ordered his campaign operatives to go to the voting office and labor hundreds of hours combing over petitions to have his opponents disqualified from the ballot. This would indicate that this Presidential competition is Obama's first actual election encounter. We've learned that, under Obama, one of the appropriate functions of government is to confiscate from those who have and give to those who have not. A different phraseology: Take from those who achieve, and give to those who achieve not. Karl Marx was of a like mind to Comrade Obama. Obama's "spread the wealth around" mantra means that he believes that we do not depart our homes each morning to work for ourselves and our families. Under the belief of Comrade Obama, we work for the government. We belong to government, not to ourselves. The government shall determine how much of the money we earn we deserve to keep; the remainder goes to people the government decides to be more deserving of the fruits of our labors. Obama's candidacy would have faltered before an educated electorate. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Our pathetic government school systems no longer teach American History to any practical degree. Obama also tells us that 95% of small businesses will not have their taxes increased. This line works because our government educated electorate cannot comprehend the idea that it doesn't matter what percentage of small businesses are hit with tax increases; it's the percentage of small business employees employed by the crucial 5% that matters. Thousands of employees working for "small businesses" will cast a vote that, a year or so down the road, will cost them their jobs. Obama promised to bankrupt the coal industry if they tried to build any more coal-fired power plants. When was the last time any president or presidential candidate made an overt threat to bankrupt a huge American industry? Obama said that his "cap and trade" policy for controlling greenhouse gas emissions will cause electricity prices to "skyrocket." There goes your Obama middle class "tax cut." Comrade Obama will have to spread more wealth around. A foreigner with no knowledge of our country or our people were to see the Obama infomercial, they would consider America to be a country mired in abject misery and depravation. The top 10% of income earners in this country pay over 70% of all income taxes. The top 1% of income earners earn approximately 19% of all income, but pay almost 39% of all income taxes. Obama calls these productive American citizens "selfish." However, people who wait for Obama to transfer or "spread" some wealth from someone else to their pockets are not "selfish." Based on his record, Obama will destroy your right to be armed outside of your own home for your own protection. Surveys in Israel show that 76% of Israeli citizens do not want Obama to win. American Jews will vote for Obama by virtually the same margin. What do Jews in Israel know that Jews in America do not? Peter Nicholas is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times who has been traveling with Obama for nearly the entire campaign. Nicholas writes "After all this time with him, I still can't say with certainty who he is." Obama has called home schooling a fraud. Once in office and everyone who chooses to home school will be forced to send your kids back to government schools for their indoctrination. Higher prices coming to a Walmart near you. Obama's instant unionization bill will definitely result in the unionization of Wal-Mart's workforce and higher prices for you. There goes the rest of your middle class "tax cut." Quotes and Facts Quote: Fact: Through his own admission, Comrade Obama intends to bankrupt the coal industry.
So, when you hear someone say, "The rich don't pay their 'fair share' in taxes," you are listening to an economically ignorant fool.
News crews shot footage of Obama and his family having a little "Halloween fun" around his neighborhood. Obama told reporters, "That's enough. You've got a shot. Leave us alone." Obama "did not disguise his irritation." You would think that an astute political hack would welcome this additional publicity only days before the big election.
Comrade Obama ordered the Polish cameraman to "get back on the bus." Das Ist Verboten! But it's OK for his stooges in the media to harass an average American citizen like Joe the Plumber just because he dared to question Comrade Obama. Obama should know; that's the price of fame when you desire to be a public figure. Apparently, The Chosen One has a nasty side. Could the real Obama personality disorder be surfacing?
Obama Clause and his wise old Biden Wizard of Oz will promise you the yellow brick road to paradise if you click your heals three times (and vote a few times while you're at it) and dream "There's no place like Obamaland."
Let's analyze this. Obama's brother live in a shack on $10 a year. Obama's aunt lives in a slum. Just who is being selfish? Time for a reality check! He doesn't have to pay; Comrade Obama will order you to pay for all of his pipedreams.
Hey, it's only your money. You better watch out.
The magic list grows. In Sarasota, Florida, Obama promised he would:
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!" An Obama aide said that Mr. Obama himself was the first to realize that expectations risked being inflated.
Australia becomes a police state.
They claim this is to "protect the freedom of expression and privacy rights of their users". In their view, this can only be accomplished through mandatory government censorship of communication. If you recall, this was tried in early 20th Century Germany. Note: The reporter needs to employ spell check to correctly spell "consfiscated."
An iron pipe or an anchor can be formidable weapons in the hands of a criminal. Melt criminals, not guns.
I'm still waiting for Alec Baldwin to follow through with his promise four years ago. Perhaps he can get a group rate and join his brother Stephen. It is nice to see that Democrat political hacks know how to control spending and focus on important issues a time of "financial crisis."
Your Federal tax dollars at work! Poor Jane Fonda "cries all night" and her poor back is hurting. She is now "a bundle of nerves." She believes that the Chosen One, Comrade Obama, is the only one who can save her. This is the mindless hysteria that will be selecting your next president. Erica Jong stated, "Bush has transformed America into a police state, from torture to the imprisonment of reporters." Correction, it was Biden and Obama who chastise and refuse to speak any further to reporters who dare to ask "difficult questions." Get ready for the Obama police state. A McCain supporter put up his campaign signs. His signs kept getting stolen. Having a background in electrical engineering, he decided to electrify his third sign and install a surveillance camera. A 9-year-old boy with an Obama-Biden sign grabbed the McCain-Palin sign and got a jolt. The kid's father was upset that his kid, who apparently is in training to be a career criminal someday, was shocked. His excuse was that his kid just wanted to see how the sign was put together. Right. Quotes and Facts Fact: Proof that Obama is a typical, untrustworthy political hack. "That's not change, that's more of the same." This is the mental capacity of the typical Obama supporter. Quotes and Facts Quote: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." - Alexander Tyler 1787 Fact: Think about this. Isn't this exactly what we're seeing now? In reality, hasn't this been the theme of Democrat Party election politics for almost as long as you can remember? Here we have Barack Obama promising that he's only going to raise taxes on the evil rich who make over $250,000 a year while 95% of Americans will get tax cuts. Think of this in terms of votes; higher taxes for 5% of the voters, lower taxes for the other 95%. It really doesn't take all that much mental power to decipher how this is going to work in an election. You seize money from the people whose votes you don't need, and give it to the people whose votes you do need. Simple! The result is that people have discovered that they are able to vote themselves liberal gifts from the public treasury. Who is promising those magnificent gifts of entitlement? That would be Barack Obama. What percentage of voters do you imagine are going to vote for Obama purely because he is promising them someone else's money? My speculation is that the number would be high enough to constitute the margin of victory for The Great Redistributionist, Comrade Obama. Once upon a time, I had this wild idea that if you wanted something, you worked hard until you got it. That was then. This is now. Nowadays you vote for it. That's "change you can believe in." Quote: "No, I don't think change is possible in any political system unless there is a dictator running the country and not a representative government." - Dr. Jay Gross Fact: Dr. Jay is a strong supporter of Comrade Obama. This explains his adoration for Obama and big government. Through his own admission, he is fond of the idea of a "dictator [like Obama] running the country and not a representative government." Dr. Jay has proven his disdain for freedom and all that made our country great.
If you do something that embarrasses Obama or Biden, they are going to go after you, embarrass you, intimidate you, and attempt to silence you.
Biden and Obama are disastrous without the prompter.
An Obama campaign spokeswoman last week had said the campaign has "no ties" to ACORN. Comrade Obama is far too busy to be bothered with details.
Global Warming strikes again.
The bottom line: Comrade Obama's socialist plans will cost jobs and increase prices on goods. Vote once but vote often.
Welcome to the ObamaNation. Biden Can't Handle The Tough Questions This time in Philadelphia with Anchors Angela Russell and Chris May Russell: Well, I just note that according to the Small Business Administration, numerous small businesses are classified making under four million. No I think a lot of small businesses would be affected. BIDEN: No. No. Y-y-you're -- you're getting this mixed up, with all due respect. RUSSELL: Mmm-hmm. BIDEN: Their sales are over four million. We say if you make under a hundred million, you're a small business, but the actual profit -- what you pay taxes on, 98% of what the small businesses make, what they pay taxes on -- are less than $250,000 a year. They're apple and oranges. May: The Washington Times are reporting you paid more than $2 million in campaign cash over the years to family members for campaign services that they provided for you. There's nothing illegal about it, Senator, but some people think it doesn't exactly pass the smell test. Your response to the criticism of this practice of yours? BIDEN: Well, first of all, $2 million they say I paid family members? MAY: Uh, in excess of $2 million in fact. BIDEN: No. Well, that's not true! That's not true! MAY: $1.8 million for media consulting to Joe Slade White & Company - BIDEN: Yeah! But that's not -- that's not my family. MAY: -- $50,000 in payments to your sister - BIDEN: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow up here, old buddy. Joe Slade White is one of the leading Democratic consultants. For the last eight years, my sister works for that company and pays a salary. She is not a partner in that firm. She doesn't own that firm. That money is not going to her. That money is going to a major, major Democratic consulting firm. It's a ridiculous assertion coming from the right-wing Washington Times! MAY: Another one hundred - BIDEN: That is simply not true. This whole interview only aired one time before the Obama campaign got it removed from the KYW Eyeball News at 4 website. How dare this TV station approach the vice president of The Messiah this way? This is the "fairness" of the Obama campaign. If you do something that embarrasses Obama or Biden, they are going to go after you, embarrass you, intimidate you, and attempt to silence you. If Biden can't handle a couple of local TV anchors' questions, how can he expect to have the fortitude to execute the office of President, if necessary? Campaign Slogans Tell Us A Lot "A chicken in every pot. A car in every garage." - Herbert Hoover 1928 (Brought us the Great Depression with these promises.) "Spread the wealth around" - Barack Obama 2008 Obama says 95% of Americans are going to get a tax cut. The Bush tax cuts are going to expire in 2010. Obama is going to increase taxes as he allows them to expire. Your taxes are going to go up automatically. Obama said, "This is not a tax increase, it's not a tax increase. It's just a tax cut expiring." If you do the math, the practical effect of letting a cut expire is that you will be paying more in taxes and have less disposable income. Obama preaches socialism, envy and racism. He tears down America, our society and the American people. He then claims to represent the middle class when the middle class is his target. Jack Kennedy stated in his inaugural address, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Obama's campaign rings with, "Ask not what your country can do for you, demand it; mandate it!" Obama's supporters and worshippers are going to vote because they believe that because they are Americans they are entitled to the federal government solving all of their problems, providing their income and their economic security. This means enormous trouble if you believe in freedom and self-reliance. The Obama Campaign is saying that this whole notion that redistributing wealth (Obama's statement to Joe the Plumber) is a distraction. This is not a distraction; it's the core of who Obama really is. Obama is trying to ensure that everybody understands he's not who he is. When a candidate proposes to use the power of government to steal money from tens of millions of citizens to give to other citizens who have not earned it, it is socialism. Obama is the candidate who proposes this with his "spread the wealth around" plan, and that would make him a Socialist. Oops. We're not supposed to mention that. Socialism is a "distraction." We're not supposed to utter the word Marxist either. It's not productive. So we're being told that we can't be truthful. Being truthful could hurt The Chosen One. We don't have to say it. Obama said it and believes it. He smiles and speaks with platitudes with reference to fairness and screwing the rich and all of the standard socialist rhetoric. And, as we have already seen (Obama's campaign has tried to unleash federal prosecutors against a private group that opposes him.), he will attempt to shut down those to dare to object to his policies. Obama is a charismatic demagogue. Nothing more. Quotes and Facts Quote: "And to the extent as radical I think as people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn't that radical. It didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it's been interpreted. The Warren Court interpreted it in the same way that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. It says what the states can't do to you. It says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf." - Barack Obama 2001 Fact: Barack Obama calls himself a "constitutional professor" or a "constitutional scholar." The fact of the matter is Barack Obama was an anti-constitutionalist professor. He studied the Constitution and he flatly rejected it. Through his own admission, he despises the Constitution because it "is a charter of negative liberties." He thinks it is flawed. Obama looks at the government as something that can do something to people, and he is angry that the Constitution limits the role of government in people's liberty. He doesn't like the idea of liberty, and he needs to "change" it! How can Obama sincerely, with any integrity at all, take the oath of office as President? "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Quote: "But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society." Barack Obama 2001 Fact: Here we go again with Obama's "spread the wealth around" mantra. This is nothing new. Redistribution of wealth is not a "distraction." It is the core of Obama and his ideals. Michael Savage predicts the future under Comrade Obama.
Quotes and Facts Quote: "I'm going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans." - Barack Obama Fact: Nearly one-half of working Americans eligible to vote don't pay federal income taxes. Obama has changed the definition of "tax cut." When government withholds money from your paycheck and gives that money to someone else who has not earned it; it's called welfare. Under Obama's plan, a couple earning, for example, $30,000 and owing no federal income taxes at all will get several checks from Obama's federal taxpayer-funded treasury. These welfare "tax credits" will be labeled "tax cuts." In the ObamaNation, "tax credit" and "tax cut" translates into "payment." See how simple this is to follow? Here are some examples of Comrade Obama's "spread the wealth around" payment plan: A $500 "make work pay" payment. The harder you work and the more you succeed the lower these payments become. Comrade Obama's tax plans are about punishing success and rewarding failure. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" Karl Marx Quote: "John McCain wants to tax your health insurance benefits." - Barack Obama Fact: He is correct. But, as Paul Harvey says, "And now, the rest of the story." Here is the story of two friends. Jim and Phil work for two different companies. Jim's company provides health insurance. Phil has to buy his own. Jim's boss gets a tax deduction for the cost of his health insurance. Phil does not get a tax deduction for the cost of his health insurance. Phil is paying a great deal more than Jim for the same policy. Comrade Obama should be able to recognize that this is not fair. Here is the reason for this unfairness. For decades the government has attempted to coerce people into receiving insurance through their employers. You become acclimated to the idea that someone else is responsible for your health care. Effectively, government subsidizes the cost of Jim's health insurance, but not Phil's. McCain has an idea of a $5,000 tax credit for every family to pay for their own health insurance policy. Here is how this has to work: Everyone has to start from the same starting line. (No cheating. Remember "fairness.) If you recall, Jim is subsidized, Phil is not. To accomplish "fairness," McCain eliminates the tax deduction your employer gets for your health insurance. Now we are fair and balanced. Everyone receives the $5000 tax credit. Note: With the Fair Tax, none of this would be necessary. Problem solved. The welcome was for SPC Lauren Boitet, a resident returning from serving in the military in Iraq. "I'm just glad to be home," said SPC Lauren Boitet. "They removed the welcome home signs and balloons and flags," said Natalie Boitet. Boitet claims when they tried to recover the signs it turned into a confrontation with the association manager. The Boitet family said that in the past the association had ignored other signs. "There have been signs for birthdays and parties and they've never taken them down," said Dyan Boitet. Alan Williams is President of the Pace Island Homeowners Association. He said that "they could be viewed as political and supporting the war." Williams claims any resident can pick up the phone and call any board member for prior approval. He said that did not happen. You need approval from the Comrades before you dare to welcome someone home who is serving in the military. Judge rules that voters don't have standing to "police" constitutional requirements for president. Translation: This judge has determined that citizens do not have the right to question whether a presidential candidate meets constitutional requirements. Judge R. Barclay Surrick stated, "Plaintiff would have us derail the democratic process by invalidating a candidate for whom millions of people voted." Translation: You no longer have a right as a citizen to question your political leaders. It doesn't matter if the candidate's requirements as set forth under the Constitution are invalid. "We The People" have just lost our rights to the socialist police power of government. CBS News cameraman Jim Quodomine was arrested, handcuffed and put in a squad car for an hour after recording a peaceful protest outside a local church. When CBS 2 HD's reporter on the scene, Christine Sloan, protested and said he couldn't arrest the cameraman, the officer said, "I can do whatever I want." The officer even threatened to arrest the reporter and stated, "[This is] none of your business. Stay away or you'll be sitting in the car." The reporter and photographer were not trespassing, as they were shooting the story on public property. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I've been working hard to bring the bacon home." - Senator John Kerry Fact: Kerry is a champion of pandering pork projects. Kerry buys as many votes as he can with your money. Additionally, Kerry voted for the $700 Billion bailout bill saying it was "flawed but necessary." Through his own admission, this flawed political hack knowingly supports flawed legislation. This is your future. If you dare to express your disapproval for Comrade Obama and his policies, you will be sought after by the Secret Police. Roger Hedgecock details:
Joe the Plumber didn't threaten anyone or commit any crimes. Yet government officials are scrutinizing a private citizen who dared to question Comrade Obama. Obama Campaign Cuts Off TV Station After Reporter Asks Biden Tough Questions Barbara West of WFTV Orlando, FL conducted a satellite interview with Senator Joe Biden. She quoted Karl Marx and asked how Obama isn't being a Marxist with the "spreading the wealth" comment. Biden asked, "Are you joking?" West replied, "No." West also asked Biden about his comments pertaining to Obama being tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America's days as the world's leading power were over. Biden replied, "I don't know who's writing your questions." Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife. Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign wrote, "This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election." McGinnis said the Biden cancellation was "a result of her husband's experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West." WFTV news director Bob Jordan said, "When you get a shot to ask these candidates, you want to make the most of it. They usually give you five minutes." He added that political campaigns generally pick and choose the stations they like and stations often pose softball questions during the satellite interviews. "Mr. Biden didn't like the questions," Jordan said. "We choose not to ask softball questions." Biden can't handle tough questions and the Obama campaign doesn't want to play anymore. There should be no "tough questions" for someone running on a presidential ticket.
Andrew T. Durham attempts to wake up the sheeple.
"That's not change, that's more of the same." Time For Some ObamaNation Fun When you visit your next restaurant, engage your server in a conversation about the upcoming election. If your server indicates that he or she is supporting the Chosen One for "change," use this (print a few, they better get used to spreading the wealth around):
Who Is Overtaxed? In 1980 the highest tax rate was 70%, but the top 5% of income earners were only paying 37% of all income taxes. At present the highest rate is 35%, and the top 5% are paying 60% of all income taxes. Presently, the bottom 50% of income earners are only paying 3% of all income taxes. In the Comrade Obama world, that isn't "fair." Obama wants to "spread the wealth around" until the bottom 50% pay less. Is that fair? Facts are facts, here is your chart:
Quotes and Facts Quote: "I think most people understand, uh, that if you're not, um, caring for your family, uh, then you're probably not, uh, the kind of person who's going to be caring for other people." - Barack Obama Fact: Obama doesn't care "for other people." Not even his own family. His half-brother, George Onyango Bodongo Hussein Obama, lives in squalor on a dollar a month in a hut outside of Nairobi. If the "caring" Obama sent him 20 dollars, it would double his brother's annual income. Quote: "Radio and media generally should have a higher calling than just reflecting a particular point of view. They should use their authority, their broadcast power, to present an informed discussion of public issues ... The country was well served [by the Fairness Doctrine]. Public discussion was at a higher lever and more intelligent in those days than it has become since." - New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman Fact: The Fairness Doctrine is not about intelligent, informed discussion. It is about government power to control communication and shut down resistance. Quote: "I think Joe [Biden], sometimes, engages in rhetorical flourishes." - Barack Obama Fact: This is how Obama explains Biden's mindless gaffes. Remember, when you say something stupid, simply respond, "I was engaging in rhetorical flourishes." How presidential. An artist in New York has set up an exhibit that features cardboard cutouts of Sarah Palin and her youngest daughter. People can join the "photo-op" by donning a vest and gun, and a lot of people are shooting Sarah Palin. What do you think the media and public reaction would be if this same exhibit were about Barack Obama?
The Clinton administration considered a plan to levy a one-time tax on the value of all privately owned pension and 401K plans in this country. They were stopped by congress in 1994. Joe Biden told a cheering crowd, "Their pensions go first." He was referring to "big company executives." The question remains, what are you going to gain if they rape executives? You will never see any money seized by the government. Additionally, how long until they rape and pillage your pension? Keep dreaming: That could never happen here under Comrade Obama and our Imperial Federal Government. Just keep drinking the big government potion and the Comrades will teach you to think that everything is OK. According to Burleigh County North Dakota Commission Chairman Jerry Woodcox, "Any kind of a plan, if it's a good plan and a progressive plan is going to take some property rights, but that's part of our job - to channel evolvement, to get a good development, to have it proper and do it right." Woodcox does not own any property that would be affected and has claimed that he does not see how the Burleigh County Comprehensive Plan infringes on individual property rights. Interestingly enough, he then claimed that it will take property rights away. Comrade Woodcox will decide what is best for you. Shyan Din owns a gas station. Din decided to charge $2.99 for regular gasoline at his station, which is about 30 cents cheaper than the average price for gasoline in the area. People line up to fill up their tanks. The local county code enforcement officer to told Din that he is causing a hazard and his business license may not get renewed. The government is punishing him for offering lower gas prices. Din said, "I think it's my right. This is a free market, a free country." Government control, coming soon to a business near you. Can you spell "Illegal?"
Ann Coulter fluently explains the connection between Ayers and Obama as this topic is apparently verboten from publication by the mainstream media. The cover-up continues. If Obama has nothing to hide, why doesn't he simply produce his original birth certificate to the courts? The Army Times recently polled all military branches. Except where noted, data include
responses from active-duty, National Guard and reserve members who described themselves as
registered and likely to vote. The military OVERALL - McCain 68%, Obama 23% The Army - McCain 68%, Obama 23% The Navy - McCain 69%, Obama 24% The Air Force - McCain 67%, Obama 24% The Marines - McCain 75%, Obama 18% Hispanics or Latinos in the military - McCain 63%, Obama 27% Blacks in the military - Obama 79%, McCain 12% White/Non-Hispanic in the military - McCain 76%, Obama 18% Other Race Specified - McCain 58%, Obama 30% Men in the military - McCain 70%, Obama 22% Women in the military - McCain 53%, Obama 36% 18-34 year-olds in the military - McCain 65%, Obama 27% Age 35 and older in the military - McCain 70%, Obama 21% Active Duty Military - McCain 67%, Obama 24% Guard and Reserve - McCain 71%, Obama 21% Military Retirees - McCain 72%, Obama 20% Military Officers - McCain 70%, Obama 22% Enlisted Troops - McCain 67%, Obama 24% Additional poll questions: Which of the candidates would do a better job as president handling domestic issues,
such as education and the economy? Which of the candidates would do a better job as president handling the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan? Which of the candidates would do a better job as president handling military personnel
issues, such as pay and benefits? Which of the candidates would do a better job as president handling Defense Department
issues, such as weapons purchases, the size of the armed forces and national security
strategy? You are not likely to find this information presented by the mainstream media. Quotes and Facts Quote: "The whole world is waiting, folks. The whole world is waiting. I know almost every one of these major leaders in the world by their first name -- not because I'm important, because they were young parliamentarians when I was coming up and we've been hanging around a long time. Tell you what, and mark my words. Within the next -- first six months of this administration, if we win, we're gonna -- we're gonna face a major international challenge, because they're going to want to test him, just like they did young John Kennedy. They're going to want to test him, and they're going to find out this guy's got steel in his spine. You're not going to like what we do; you're not going to appreciate our response. Please hang with us. Our poll numbers are probably going to be low after this happens, so please hang in there with us, 'cause it's going to be bad. It may not look like we're doing the right thing. We're going to need your support. We're going to need you to hang in and support us. You're going to need to remember the love you had for us right now when this attack happens." - Joe Biden October 19, 2008 Fact: Biden is predicting that we will be attacked within six months after Obama is elected. We haven't been attacked since 9/11, and Biden is worried. Biden is telling us that Obama is going to take the kinder, gentler approach with these international thugs and is not going to do anything, except unconditionally talk with them. People aren't going to like it at first, but they'll get used to being submissive after awhile. Biden thinks international issues are some sort of game, some sort of "test" to win approval, and predicts disaster if Obama is elected. Through Biden's own admission, "You're not going to like what we do," is predicting the American people, including the Chosen One's followers, will not be pleased with Obama's direction. That's not a spine of steel, that's spineless. Why would anyone continue to support these political hacks? Weren't they saying just a couple of weeks ago that once The Messiah was elected, the world would love us again? Biden knows that Obama isn't ready to deal with issues of foreign policy and is preparing his followers for disappointment. During the Democrat primaries Biden specifically said that Obama wasn't ready, that the presidency was not a place for on-the-job training. But again, why is this going to happen in the first place? They have been hyping that once Obama is elected the world is going to love us. We were going to discard all of this distrust and dislike for the United States. They said there was going to be universal worldwide love for the United States and Barack Obama. What happened and why are they backpedaling? For the record, JFK had a missile crisis that he botched. He was tested and the American people didn't like how it was handled. Biden's prediction is that an "attack" is going to happen and Obama will botch his test as well. Biden is telling us that Obama is going to do something unpopular within the public arena in the area of foreign affairs because he says that "poll numbers are probably going to be low after this happens." Biden is predicting disaster. Biden's been given briefings. The transition teams have both been briefed with intelligence on foreign policy. They know what's developing because he admitted five possible scenarios. He's is aware of what is going on. This isn't a typical Biden "gaffe." It's a pathetic plea. Biden is admitting that Obama is weak and will invite attacks. This is first election I can recall that we are being told in advance that we can expect a test of the new president. And Biden is predicting disaster. Is this the type of leadership we need? McCain commented, "Senator Biden told their campaign adorns that when that crisis hit, they would have to stand with them because it wouldn't be apparent that Senator Obama would have the right response! Forget apparent. We know Senator Obama won't have the right response. We've seen the wrong response from him over and over during this campaign. He opposed the surge strategy that is bringing us victory in Iraq and will bring us victory in Afghanistan. He said he would sit down unconditionally with the world's worst dictators. When Russia invaded Georgia, Senator Obama said the invaded country; Georgia -- a small, teeny country -- should show restraint. He's been wrong on all of them." That's actually pretty good for McCain. Sarah Palin also commented, "Senator Biden said at a fundraiser on Sunday, he guaranteed that if Barack Obama is elected, that we will face an international crisis within the first six months of their administration. He told... (boos) He told his Democrat donors to mark his words, it will happen, that there were at least four or five scenarios that would place our country at risk in an Obama administration. I guess we gotta say, "Well, thanks for the warning, Joe." Palin added, "I guess the looming crisis that most worries the Obama campaign right now is Joe Biden's next speaking engagement. (laughter) The real problem is that these warnings from Joe Biden are similar to his earlier assessment. Remember, throughout the primary -- it wasn't that long ago -- he said, Barack Obama wasn't up to the job, he's not ready to be president. He said, I quote, "The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." The same Joe Biden said he would be "honored to run" on the ticket with John McCain because, he said, "the country would be better off with John McCain." In Obama's world, it is easier to attack an American citizen like Joe "The Plumber" than to stand up to foreign enemies who threaten us. That is pathetic! Quote: "Barack Obama claims that he will cut income taxes for 95% of Americans. The problem is more than 40% pay no income taxes at all. So how do you cut income taxes for folks who don't pay them? What he's going to do is write them a check and call that a tax cut, even though it's really a tax credit. And where is he going to get all the money for all those checks? By raising taxes on America's families and on our small businesses and folks just like Joe the plumber, and Barack Obama is playing with words to hide his real agenda of redistributing the hard earned money of American families and I mean, you've got to hand it to Joe the plumber in Toledo. He's the one who succeeded in finally getting Barack Obama to, in plain speak, explain what his intentions are for these quote/unquote tax cuts." - Sarah Palin October 21, 2008 Fact: This is correct and what I have been saying for weeks. Apparently, Sarah has been studying my website. At least this time he is only flip-flopping on the outcome of the world series.
Obama has no backbone at all.
What happened to private property rights and trespassing? Parents need to teach their kids to stay off of other peoples' private property without permission. Get ready for 'change' we haven't seen since 1965, or 1933. The following have very good chances of becoming law in 2009 or 2010.
"That's not change, that's more of the same." Way more! The Fairness Doctrine Government censorship may make a return. Through his own admission ("spread the wealth around") Obama is a socialist. People know he's a socialist, and he is preaching "change." You may recall an eloquent speaker in 1930s Germany who appealed to the youth movement who referenced "change" and spread the wealth around. Unfortunately, it was too late before people recognized the excessive growth of government control. The most dangerous "change" will come from Congress in the form of the Fairness Doctrine that Obama will be all too eager to endorse. The Fairness Doctrine mandates equal time for different political viewpoints. Sounds good so far, but the judge and jury controlling all speech will be the Imperial Federal Government. Broadcasters will continually have to ponder what the government will think of anything they present. This sounds more like Nazi Germany than America, but that's what the political hacks will do to shut down opposing viewpoints. It will be tolerable to express a "different" opinion, as long as you agree with the government. Government control of communication, that's dangerous "change" indeed. Sarah Palin Is Similar To Another Great President Who is this mystery person? I am under 45 years old, I am Teddy Roosevelt in 1900.
Good for Ashleigh. I hope she continues to express her opinion. That's the courage and change we need. Allegations of voter fraud continue as a Georgia family claims the vote of a mentally challenged relative was stolen.
Is Obama A Natural Born Citizen? Quote: "Contrary to the rumors you have heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton." - Barack Obama October 16, 2008 While Obama may have been joking here, the question remains: Why do Obama and the DNC continue to defy the courts in an attempt to silence the challengers on this important issue, rather than simply present the original birth certificate document as proof of his American citizenship? If there is nothing to hide, presenting the document would reasonably be the easiest method of resolution.
Wouldn't it be reasonable and prudent to present the document?
Is this what we have to look forward to for the next four years? "That's not change, that's more of the same." The Obamas Are Just Like You And Me For a light snack, Michelle Obama ordered lobster apps, two whole steamed lobsters, Iranian caviar, and Champagne at the Waldorf Wednesday afternoon when she was there with Barack Obama. Obama keeps telling us he is just like you and me. I don't know about you, but I can't recall, even when I was in New York City, ordering Iranian caviar for an afternoon snack. In reality, I have no desire to eat Iranian caviar, or any other caviar, or anything else from Iran for that matter. Obama is just like you and me. How does he ever deal with those agonizing moments that go by in between his afternoon caviar and champagne snacks? And he says that others are out of touch? Quotes and Facts Quote: Fact: Three letters? More proof that Biden is functionally illiterate. A burglar broke into a house while the owners were asleep. He thought he would help himself to their plasma TV. The intruder was shot multiple times and died a short time later. The homeowner will not face any charges. It looks like the burglar won't be watching the World Series. Quotes and Facts Quote: "There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area." - Congressman John Murtha Fact: Congressman Murtha called his constituents racists. They'll probably re-elect him anyway. Why bother with real "change" and vote against an incumbent who is arrogant enough to insult you. Wait, Dr. Jay is from Western Pennsylvania. According to Congressman Murtha, he must be a "racist." Joe The Plumber Wins The Debate While this was McCain's best debate of the three Presidential debates he participated in, he never delivered the knockout punch. The real star of the debate was Joe The Plumber, who was mentioned at least 15 times by my count. By way of history, at a rally in Ohio on October 12th, Obama told Joe, an aspiring small business owner of a plumbing company, that he proposed to raise taxes on Joe because Comrade Obama wanted to "spread the wealth." All Joe desires is to purchase a business and employ a few people. Obama specifically told him, "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Does anyone see a problem with Obama's theory? When you use the police power of government to "spread the wealth around," that's Socialism. Barack Obama thinks this is a good idea. Barack Obama is a Socialist. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" Karl Marx This is "change" in the wrong direction as it will continue to erode our freedom exponentially. This should have been easy for McCain to pull off. Even I, a Mega-Star Television Host, could have delivered arguments on the issues based on obvious facts. McCain's paramount, brilliant line in my opinion was: "I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago." Unfortunately, John McCain couldn't get the Ten Count in the debate. If this matters, statistically, McCain is a better speaker than Obama: Obama stuttered "uh" 238 times while McCain only stuttered "uh" 26 times. So much for Obama being touted as this articulate orator. It is reprehensible that Libertarian Bob Barr was barred (pun intended) from the debate. Now that would have livened things up. Regrettably, if we don't have "change" in the right direction and take our country back from the reigning political hacks, you can look for more censorship in our future. Hopefully, the American people will vote on actual issues and not these prepared press conferences camouflaged as debates. Dr. Jay Resurfaces and Endorses "Marxism is a good theory" From: Dr. Jay Gross [mailto:edubytes@atlanticbb.net] The spread of wealth is 'not' taking money away from the wealthy, it's providing opportunities and recognizing abilities in 'all' people in our population. A government forced, or police enforced, redistribution of wealth is no where near what Obama wants. Government ownership of private industry is an antithesis to capitalistic effort. Individual strength and goal setting is the direction the 'people' must learn. That's the fault and the potential destruction of our society. You're off base on this. Marxism is a good theory, but not possible because it is against capitalism and individual initiatives. We are and will be far from that structure. Obama has a problem, as we all do, in getting ALL of the People to have the same drives and ambitions. This ambivalence and lethargy is what is dragging us down and making our Country second rate in the world. [Business gets nowhere without energetic, hard working non-apathetic workers.] I eloquently replied: You contradict yourself in one message. First you state, "Individual strength and goal setting is the direction the 'people' must learn." I agree. Then you write, "Marxism is a good theory Obama has a problem, as we all do, in getting ALL of the People to have the same drives and ambitions." It is not Obama's nor the government's job to get "ALL of the People to have the same drives and ambitions." By the way, that sounds like a socialist position to me. Everyone must be the same. You support Comrade Obama well. What would I expect from a dishonorable person such as yourself. It is clear that you can't even keep a promise to yourself. On September 30, 2008 at 10:49 PM you wrote, "George....this is the last time I will respond to your rantings." You are weak minded and driven by emotion, not reason and logic. It is no wonder you look to big government for coddling. George Dorunda Some people are screaming "separation of church and State." This college student bows down to The Chosen One, The Holy Obama as her "Personal Jesus."
Does anyone see a problem with this growing religious cult worshiping the Dali-Bama?
Obama's "rhetoric" sounds a great deal like Bush on many policies. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Wait a minute; I am getting my Comrades confused. The Democrat-Republican Party is the only party we need in a one party system. Hail to the Comrades. A tax credit for businesses who hire new employees. Fact: If taxes were lowered on these businesses without condition, they would be able to hire more employees. Eliminating all capital gains taxes on investments in small businesses and start ups. Fact: Small businesses and start ups don't pay "capital gains taxes." Most investments in small businesses are made at a personal level by the business owner. This is a worthless solution. Fast track loan guarantees for the auto industry so they can build energy-efficient cars. Fact: Another Government bailout. In a free society and marketplace, the marketplace shall decide the winners and losers. Another company will step in to fill the need if a poorly managed company fails. Save jobs by creating another government program: a Jobs and Growth Fund, which will give money to states and local communities for pork barrel projects. Fact: Go to a government office and observe the efficient productivity. It is not the job of Government to create jobs, and shouldn't be. Cut taxes for 95% of workers. Fact: Over 40% of workers don't pay income taxes. The magic term is "income tax credit, which is a check sent to people who don't pay taxes, otherwise known as "welfare." Extend and expand unemployment benefits and discontinue taxes on unemployment benefits. Fact: How long do we permit people to stay on unemployment benefits? No fines or penalties to withdraw up to 15% from your IRA or 401k. Fact: This was McCain's idea. Obama says that "John is absolutely right." A three month moratorium on foreclosures. Fact: Obama does a Kerry flip-flop. At one time he called this a "disastrous plan." However, there is pandering to be done and votes to buy. So, people who should be renters can remain in their homes for another three months rent FREE. The Treasury should "help unfreeze markets" for individual mortgages. Fact: Comrade Obama wants the Imperial Federal Government to "help" people with student loans, car loans and credit card loans as well. Where does it stop? Comrade Obama believes that America is great because of government. All hail Comrade Obama. Government Power Grab Originally written in 2005 but even timelier today. CLICK HERE to Order Ted Nugent - Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto By Libertarian Andrew Davis
Quotes and Facts Quote: "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." - Barack Obama October 12, 2008 Fact: When you use the police power of government to "spread the wealth around," that's Socialism. Barack Obama thinks this is a good idea. Barack Obama is a Socialist. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" Karl Marx This is "change" in the wrong direction as it will continue to erode our freedom exponentially. Finally! Illegal is illegal.
Do you wonder who is currently a member of the Trilateral Commission? You should, because it's their New International Economic Order that is bringing us financial and political chaos. See how many references you can find for Goldman Sachs - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was CEO of Goldman prior to accepting the Treasury position. These are people whose influence needs to be ripped out of the political process in Washington, DC:
No, this is not a joke. A seven-year-old Connecticut girl ended up on a voter registration form submitted by ACORN. Most states prohibit paying per signature, but ACORN workers earning $8 to $9 an hour still have to hit their quotas. And many need the money - including some ex-cons in work-release programs. Perhaps Obama needs to fork over more than his initial $800,000 campaign expenditure to ACORN. State authorities in New Mexico, Indiana, Missouri, Connecticut, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada have launched probes of bogus voter registration forms filed by ACORN. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Quotes and Facts Quote: "I assumed that he [William Ayers] had been rehabilitated." - Barack Obama Fact: If Obama, through his own admission, assumes a known terrorist "had been rehabilitated," he has proven that he is naive. Perhaps Obama also feels that Bin Laden has been rehabilitated. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work." - Barack Obama November 2007 Fact: Through his own admission, Obama was associated with ACORN Barack Obama Believes In The American Dream Up To $250,000 After that, you are the evil rich and will be ordered to pay your "fair share" of higher taxes. Obama's American dream is the United States becoming a full-fledged, acknowledged, unmistakably socialist country. Back when this movement began in the 90's, ACORN filed a lawsuit against Citibank. It was settled out of court, and the parties listed include "Obama, Barack H., Illinois." Obama was part of the group that sued Citibank to force it to make loans to people who couldn't pay for them. Obama handed the American dream of home ownership in a systemic way to those who weren't qualified to have it. In the process he has torpedoed the American dream of those who earned what they had through tanking the market and frozen lines of credit. People like you went out and earned it. You worked for it and experienced the American dream. Now, as a result of Comrade Obama and his cohort political hacks, the American dream has been punctured because people who couldn't qualify at the time were given access to the American dream of home ownership. Obama created the "crisis" (a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder) and now is rushing in to fix it by limiting the American dream. So, attention Bill Gates and other entrepreneurs out there, Barack Obama has set the limit on how far the American dream can go. He wants you to be good, but don't be too good. That wouldn't be "fair." The question is, how long before the bloated, overspending Imperial Federal Government decides they need more money for pork to buy more votes and lowers that $250,000 limit? Someday everyone might be considered the "evil rich." If you doubt it could happen to you, think again. Government corruption, control and greed are winning and the sheeple are blindly walking into the abyss. Illegals have five million fraudulent home mortgages while you're paying yours! This is just one more example of the lax lending laws put into place by political hacks like Barney Frank that have contributed to this economic crisis.
These fraudulent straw purchases of mortgages by illegal aliens have affected every state in the union.
Note: When searching for information on Google, you might want to search the cached page links as many of the original sources and articles have mysteriously disappeared. I wonder why. Quotes and Facts Quote: "Actually I'm cutting more than I'm spending so that it will be a net spending cut." - Barack Obama October 7, 2008 Fact: Barack Obama's statement doesn't even come close to be true. According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Barack Obama will increase spending by $425 billion over his first term. However, he is only planning $144 billion in spending cuts. This results in a net increase in the deficit by $281 billion. Obama fails basic math. Quote: "It [healthcare] should be a right." - Barack Obama October 7, 2008 Fact: The standard rights guaranteed and protected by our Constitution are such things such as freedom of religion and speech. The right to peacefully assemble and complain about government. You have the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. All of these rights can be recognized and honored without any other party having to give up either a portion of their lives or their property. It doesn't cost anyone anything for you to own a gun, speak your mind, worship your God, or stand on the street corner with a like-minded group to protest the government. Healthcare comes in the form of both treatment by health care professionals and the administration of therapies or drugs. For you to exercise your "right" to healthcare, some individuals must sacrifice some of their time attending to you, and some individuals must surrender a portion of their property in the form of drugs and treatment devices to be utilized in your care. If you believe that you have a "right" to healthcare you are saying that you have a right to a portion of someone else's life as well as a portion of their property. Where in the Constitution does it state that anyone has the "right" to healthcare or any other commodity? Giving one person a "right" to the services of another. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. According to STATSIndiana, In 2007, Indianapolis/Marion County had an estimated population of 876,804. Of that number 232,607 were below 18 years of age, for a total of 644,197 people in Marion County/Indianapolis 18 or over and thus eligible to vote. (Indiana allows felons to vote as long as they are not incarcerated). So we have 644,197 people eligible to be registered in Marion County/Indianapolis, and 677,401 people registered. Congratulations go to Indianapolis for having 105% of its residents registered! "Get Out The Vote." Many of these irregularities involve ACORN. Comrade Obama's campaign has, to date, paid ACORN over $800,000 for "get out the vote." A collection of Anti-American Socialist/Leftist thought?
I am not making this inanity up. These socialists think this is "fun to think about." Does this scare you? This is the mindset supporting Comrade Obama. Is this the "change we need" for the future of our country? The Palin/Biden Debate Let's study a couple of facts: According to the "Global Language Monitor", during the debate Sarah Palin spoke a 10th grade level while Joe Biden only managed to communicate at 8th grade level. So much for Biden's extraordinary education. Joe Biden invited us to go with him "down to Katie's Restaurant on Union Street in Wilmington or walk into Home Depot", where he spent a lot of time, and ask anyone there about George Bush's administration. That would be a difficult task without Dr. Emmett Brown's "flux capacitor" and Delorean to travel back in time. Katie's went out of business 25-30 years ago. You might be able to go to Home Depot with Joe and help him pick up a wrench for the plumbing repairs he frequently handles following that long train ride home he talks about all the time. More typical political hack exaggerations. Quotes and Facts Quote: "President Bush insisted on elections in the West Bank, when I said, and others said, and Barack Obama said, 'Big mistake. Hamas will win. You'll legitimize them.'" - Joe Biden Fact: Obama had only been in office a few days when the election took place. There is no public record of Obama having said that. Perhaps he said it quietly to William Ayers. Chuck Norris is on target!
"Rock the Vote!" Campaign John Stossel determines that most of these people shouldn't be voting.
I agree. Our country has devolved to its present level as a result of uninformed people voting. This is the prime reason why, as our founding fathers intended, there is no constitutional "right" for any citizen to vote in a federal/presidential election. They were probably able to foresee the American Idol Beauty Pageant chaos we are currently experiencing. Here are the recent statistics: 59% Would Vote to Replace Entire Congress 59% of voters would like to throw them all out and start over again. Only 23% have even a little confidence in the ability of Congress to deal with the nation's economic problems. 49% believe that the current Congress is better than individuals selected at random from the phone book. 33% believe a randomly selected group of Americans could do a better job. 74% of Republicans would vote to throw out the entire Congress as would 62% of unaffiliated voters. Only 25% of Democrats would vote to keep the entire Congress even though it's controlled by Democrats. Why do we continue to re-elect these stooges? Despite these reviews, more than 90% of Congress is likely to be elected this November due to an electoral system designed to benefit incumbents. When the Constitution was written, the nation's founders expected that there would be a 50% turnover in the House of Representatives every election cycle. For well over 100 years after the Constitution was adopted, the turnover averaged in the 50% range as expected. As power, prestige and greed flowed to Washington during the New Deal era, fewer and fewer Members of Congress wanted to leave. In 1968, Congressional turnover fell to single digits for the first time ever and it has remained very low ever since. I am beginning to wonder if we will ever get our country back. McCain Obama Debate - Round 2 Overall, it was a monotonous debate. The questions presented were, for the most part, unimaginative. Town hall format with questions censored by Tom Brokaw. No committee, only the exalted Tom Brokaw (who nominated him as the almighty repressor of thought) reviewed all of the questions and selected the "appropriate" questions including the order in which they would be asked. So much for an open forum. After all, we can't break from the Democratic-Republican Party script. We heard pretty much the same patter from both Comrades that we've heard in the past. One thing is certain; neither of these two candidates spoke about getting government out of our lives. They both expounded government as the supreme solution. It is no wonder why the Libertarians continue to be excluded from the debate process. Obama continued with his delusional propensities in stating that the computer was invented by government scientists. Obama, once again, is wrong. In the United State in 1939, IBM (a private enterprise) started to build a program-controlled relay calculator, essentially the first computer. Socialist Comrade Obama continues to reinforce his worship of big government and his belief, based on propaganda, that government is great and the only solution. Comrade Obama also stated healthcare "should be a right." Where in the Constitution does it state that anyone has the "right" to healthcare or any other commodity? Giving one person a "right" to the services of another. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. Obama, the drearier of the two, tried not to make mistakes. McCain attempted to push a little harder in an effort to gain in the polls. I don't think either completely accomplished their missions. Today's politicians endeavor to avoid telling people what they really think. In this politically correct world, they can't risk "offending" anyone. Now, as an example, if I were in the debate as the Libertarian candidate, this is how I would have responded to Comrade Obama's tax doctrine: "Let me try to make this easy for everyone to understand. Let's say you are looking for work and want a job. I seriously doubt you are going to find a job working for a member of the "middle class." Your prospect of finding a job is, in all probability, better if you apply for one with a small business or a large corporation. Think people! Why would you want us raising taxes on the very entities from which you are seeking employment? We shouldn't be scheming to devise methods that will relieve them of the money that is necessary to hire you like my opponent (pointing at Obama) wants to do. This indicates that he and his supporters are either economically ignorant or their goal is to grow government and their own power at your expense. Do you want businesses to pay taxes to the government only to be wasted? Or, do you want them to use that revenue to expand their businesses and provide new jobs? Your choice. Does this sound harsh? Truth and facts can be painful my friends, but they are only words. When his (pointing at Obama) plan is enacted, that will be dramatically more painful than mere words. Hold onto your wallets." Now, eloquent statements like this could win the debate. And, I wouldn't need to worry about the two minute time limit. People would understand and our founding father would be proud. Unfortunately, there were too many lost opportunities in this debate. Be prepared for the morbidly obese Imperial Federal Government to grow exponentially. McCain, to his credit, at least mentioned the word "freedom." For some reason, Comrade Obama can't bring himself to utter that word. Freedom is a dangerous word to socialists. Sarah Palin must be devastated to hear that. What is the likelihood that Sarah Palin would be attending anyway? Quotes and Facts Quote: "Senator Barack Obama has pretty much only voted along his party lines. In fact, 96 percent of his votes have been solely along party line." - Sarah Palin Fact: Sarah Palin was incorrect. Obama voted with his party line 97 percent of the time. That should be no surprise. Biden is a hypocritical cheapskate! In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080. But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325. By contrast, Biden (D-Del.), Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, has donated a total of $3,690 since 1998 despite his higher Senate salary. The Palin family gave more to charity in the last two years than Joe Biden has in the last eight combined. Remember, Democrats are only generous if they can be generous with your money. Obama's Record Shows, He Will Raise Taxes Comrade Obama has proposed a redistributionist tax plan, which would generally raise income and payroll taxes on the so-called "wealthy," (based on his track record, that could be on people earning as little as $42,000 annually) and use that extra tax revenue to provide an assortment of tax breaks for middle- and lower-income taxpayers. Obama's tax-raising agenda includes increasing the top tax rate to 39.6 percent; raising capital gains and dividend taxes somewhere between 20 percent and 28 percent (Do you have a retirement IRA or earn dividends at your bank? Hold onto your wallet!), and imposing a 2 to 4 percent payroll tax surcharge on people earning $250,000 or more. Further, Comrade Obama's voting record clearly demonstrates his bias toward higher taxes. During just three years in the U.S. Senate, Obama voted 94 times for higher taxes, and voted for a Congressional budget resolution which called for raising taxes on people earning as low as $42,000 annually. Only government can demand you hand over your wallet and get away with it. Unless you overdosed on Democrat-Flavored Kool Aid, you realize that Barney Frank fought to keep the Republicans from instituting more oversight of Fannie Mae in 2004. Fact: Barney Frank worked to deregulate Fannie Mae throughout the 1990s. Barney Frank's partner was a Fannie Mae official in the 90s and was one of the officials developing the subprime mortgage strategy that brought about this disaster. President Clinton's Department of Housing and Urban Development tried to impose a new regulation on Fannie, but was thwarted by Frank. Clinton now blames such Democrats for planting the seeds of today's economic crisis. Clinton stated, "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was president, to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." Does collusion and conflict of interest come to mind? Our current economic crisis was caused by politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, who perverted the American Dream by treating home ownership as an undeniable right rather than what it actually is, a privilege. President Bush assertively promoted the benefits of home ownership through diverse policy positions, including an irresponsible zero down-payment initiative for some homebuyers. Furthermore, he praised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac even after concerns regarding their accounting standards began to surface. The idea that owning a home was a privilege and not a right began to change in 1992 following a flawed Boston Federal Reserve Board study which allegedly found slight discrimination in loan and mortgage lending by banks and mortgage lenders. Politicians, or as I prefer to call the, political hacks, didn't care that the study was bursting with errors. The study found discrimination took place when five minority applicants were rejected for special low-income loans even though the applicants were rejected because they made too much money to qualify for a low-income loan, not because of their race. The report also classified as 'rejected' the applications of eight minority borrowers albeit these borrowers voluntarily withdrew their mortgage applications. The study's negligence also went the other way. The study reported that a white applicant was approved for a $3,115,000 loan to purchase a home valued at $445,000. It was later demonstrated that the actual loan was approved for $311,500, a lesser amount than the $3 million reported and more notably, less than the home's purchase price. When these and other errors were corrected, no substantiation of discrimination existed. Unfortunately, political hacks cannot be concerned with accuracy when there are votes to buy. They used the report as the basis to fix a problem which didn't exist. Leading the charge for "change" was President Clinton who immediately embarked to revise the Community Reinvestment Act to bestow federal officials the power to pressure banks to make loans they otherwise considered too risky or uneconomical. Traditional lending requirements were labeled 'outdated' and discriminatory. These were: (1) Banks were told that a "lack of credit history should not be seen as a negative factor" and that "past credit problems" should be viewed and considered in light of any "extenuating circumstances" so loans could be extended when they otherwise would have been denied. (2) Banks were encouraged to permit borrowers without sufficient money for a down-payment make-up any deficiency with "gifts, grants, or loans from relatives, nonprofit organizations, or municipal agencies." Banks considered this risky as home buyers would have little or no equity in the property. But what is a little risk when we are dealing with the entitlement mentality and there are vote to buy. (3) Banks were also instructed that borrowers who received child support, welfare payments or unemployment benefits could count that as 'income' for borrowing purposes. Excuse me, but if you need to count child support money intended for your child, or are in such horrific economic shape that you're relying on welfare payments to manage your finances or are unemployed, perhaps, you shouldn't be buying a house. Political hacks can't be concerned with economic, commonsense details when there are votes to buy. Community groups like ACORN (Enter The Chosen One, Comrade Barack Obama), threatened to cry racism if banks didn't increase their loans to subprime (unqualified) borrowers. Banks typically avoided subprime loans as they carried a larger risk of default. But with law on its side, ACORN and other groups intimidated lending institutions into making these loans. Banks learned all too soon however that making subprime loans could in fact increase their profits without escalating their risk. Banks would extend loans to subprime borrowers, then sell them to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, two "government sponsored" entities charged with making home ownership affordable to all Americans, whether the purchasers could "afford" it or not. Hey, it's only taxpayers' money. Banks, Wall Street, and mortgage lenders were enthusiastic to extend mortgages to subprime borrowers because they could make plenty of money without carrying any risk. Fannie and Freddie (The Imperial Federal Government, You and Me) carried all the risk. Once Fannie and Freddie bought the loans, it freed up the banks to make even more high risk subprime loans. Everyone was a winner. The subprime borrower got the money to buy a house that they couldn't afford and should not have bought in the first place. The banks generated mortgages and made a nice profit with no internal risk. And, Fannie and Freddie executives made tens-of-millions of dollars in salaries and bonuses by hitting their annual goals. Unfortunately, to keep this scam going, the already low lending standards were continually lowered to help the next group of subprime borrowers qualify for mortgages that they couldn't afford. No one had any incentive to ensure that these new subprime borrowers were capable of making their regular mortgage payments. Why be concerned with pesky little details when you have the government to back you up. The banks that extended the loans were not concerned because they planned to sell the loans to Fannie or Freddie (We the people). Fannie and Freddie weren't concerned either since it wasn't their money. Federal regulators began warning executives at Fannie and Freddie about increasing risks of non-payment by subprime borrowers. The companies didn't care and did nothing. When the regulators took their concerns to congress, their warnings were met with scorn and contempt. By coincidence, the politicians who received the most political contributions from Fannie and Freddie happened to be their biggest defenders: Chris Dodd (D-$133,900), John Kerry (D-$111,000) and Comrade Barack Obama (D-$105,189). Representative Barney Frank, who has been a fierce defender of Fannie and Freddie, actually said while arguing against more regulation, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing.... " There were apparently more votes to buy. And, why be concerned when you are gambling with taxpayer (our) money. Senator Chris Dodd, in praising Fannie and Freddie said, "I, just briefly will say, Mr. Chairman, obviously, like most of us here, this is one of the great success stories of all time. Senator Charles Schumer added, "And my worry is that we're using the recent safety and soundness concerns, particularly with Freddie, and with a poor regulator, as a straw man to curtail Fannie and Freddie's mission." And, the political hacks' mission of pandering and vote buying. Fact: In the last four years, Comrade Barack Obama received more money from Fannie and Freddie than any other senator, with the exception of Senator Dodd. Obama is part of the problem not the solution. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Before entering the senate, Obama filed a class-action lawsuit against Citibank, alleging that the bank was red-lining, or not doing enough lending in certain areas (subprime loans). That lawsuit was eventually settled. Barack Obama helped cause the problem he now desires to fix. This is classic Borderline Personality Disorder, create the crisis and then come forth as the hero to solve the problem. The Federal Reserve Board is not without blame either. It was doing its part by throwing massive amounts of cash at would-be home buyers by keeping interest rates artificially low. With low interest rates, speculators began to look at houses as business opportunities, while others began looking at their homes as huge piggy banks, rather than a residence where you lived and raised a family. Alan Greenspan, another culprit in the matter, encouraged this behavior and proudly said, "American consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the traditional fixed-rate mortgages..." President Bush, responding to September 11th foolishly encouraged us to "go shopping" rather than behave in a financially responsible manner. Home equity loans accelerated. The SEC also shares the blame. It failed to adequately regulate mortgage brokers, the credit rating companies, and naked short-sellers. The SEC acted only after the markets froze-up and finally addressed mark-to-market rules. Additionally, they refused to examine how the credit-default-swap market could grow from $919 billion in 2001 to over $54 trillion by 2008. This permitted companies to make wild financial bets with the spurious confidence that "insurance" would be there if everything failed. And it did. Home-ownership rates, which had been comparatively constant for 25 years, began a 10 year upward climb beginning in 1995.This was around the same time that the government, with prodding from ACORN and other community groups, began its assault and pressured banks to make the now famous subprime loans. The politicians, banks, lenders and Wall Streeters were overjoyed because they were all making oodles of money. It was the party of the 90s that we are all paying for now. We have reached the edge of an abyss. The contemptible bailout was designed to buy time for the politicians. After all, it is an election year and there are groups to pander to and votes to buy. The "bailout" will delay the impact until after the November elections. Not one politician has said that this bailout legislation will solve our economic problems. If anything, we will be in worse shape because even in this "crisis," our politicians can't resist spending and buying votes, with our money. This bill is loaded with pork. It includes an extension of the rum tax benefits for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands ($192 million), tax benefits for companies that manufacture wooden arrows for children ($6 million), car racing tracks ($128 million), a provision that forces insurance companies to treat mental health problems like physical problems ($3.8 billion) and a gluttony of other disgusting pork line items. And while political hacks were spending our money, international markets led by the United Nations (just what we need), are calling for more international regulation. Additionally, China has taken this opportunity to call for "a diversified currency and financial system and fair and just financial order that is not dependent on the United States." Meanwhile, there are increasing international indications that the dollar is losing its place as the reserve currency of the world. The politicians from both major political parties continue to deceive us. They, led by Comrade Obama, promise us better healthcare and more government programs. To pay for these additional government programs, and someone will have to pay for the continued growth of our morbidly obese government, you can look forward to higher taxes as the debt swells and government revenues fall. The political hacks caused and perpetuated the problem while capitalism, which brought us the highest standard of living in the world, is increasingly attacked and discredited. It is greed, not capitalism that has been discredited by our current "crisis." However, the greed of Wall Street is nothing compared to the greed of our politicians who have continued to expand their power and control at the expense of our liberty, freedom and country. These are tough times that require us to educate ourselves and help others understand what has brought us to this point and the severe consequences of what will occur if we permit this to continue. The people who caused this "crisis," including Comrade Obama, are the same people who are telling us that they know best how to solve it. Only a fool would believe their current promises. Thomas Jefferson said that we need a revolution every 20 years or so. We are long overdue. Only this revolution will begin at the ballot box. It is time to fight and take our country back. Quotes and Facts Quote: "We can't afford another four years of a failed administration." Barack Obama Fact: We can't afford a President, who thinks that there are 57 states, not counting the one he hasn't been to, and Alaska & Hawaii. We also can't afford a Vice-President who believes that FDR was President and made announcements on television in 1929 (Television wasn't available for commercial development by RCA until 1939). Additionally, Mastermind Biden recently told a wheelchair bound state senator to stand up and take a bow. Now that's certainly Presidential material. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have living proof that the Three Stooges had kids. It is possible that Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama could split a handful of battleground states in a manner that leaves each just short of victory. If that happens, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives would pick the president but it's unclear whether Democrats would have enough votes to send Obama to the White House. The House last decided an election in 1824. In the United States, presidential elections are determined on a state-by-state basis rather than a nationwide popular vote. Each state, along with the District of Columbia, is allotted a number of votes in the Electoral College that correspond to the number of representatives it has in Congress. To become president, a candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes. If McCain wins Virginia, New Hampshire, Florida and Ohio but loses Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Mexico and Iowa to Obama, both candidates could end up with 269 electoral votes. Other, less likely scenarios -- McCain losing Virginia and New Hampshire but winning Michigan, for example -- also could result in a tie. Under the U.S. Constitution, the House would then decide the election when it meets in January, with each state getting one vote -- regardless of its size -- if the chamber has to break a tie. Democrats, who control the 435-seat House, outnumber Republicans in 27 state congressional delegations. Republicans have a majority in 21 state delegations. Two states have an equal number of Republican and Democratic representatives. Some members could feel pressure to vote for the other party's candidate if he carried their state or district or if he won a clear margin of the national popular vote. However, they would also be under extraordinary pressure from party leaders to stick together. The dispute probably would not be confined to Congress. Look to the courts to decide developing skirmishes. Other possible scenarios: Before the House meets, the Obama and McCain campaigns could try to convince the Electoral College voters who actually cast each state's electoral votes to switch their support. This has happened occasionally in past elections but has never affected the outcome of an election. Electors in roughly half of the states are bound by law to honor the popular vote. While the House picks a president, the Senate picks the vice president in the event of a tie. The Democratic-controlled chamber could pick Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden even if McCain wins the House vote. The newly minted vice president could become acting president if the House doesn't reach a resolution by the time President George W. Bush leaves the White House on January 20. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would become acting president if neither chamber could settle on a president or vice president but she would have to resign her post. Do you think for one minute that these buffoons in Washington are capable of effectively making an intelligent decision? And the question is: What happens when 42 midget fighters decide to tackle a lion? Spectators cheered as the entire Cambodian Midget Fighting League squared off against the African Lion. The Cambodian Government allowed the fight to take place, under the condition that they receive a 50% commission on each ticket sold, and that no cameras would be allowed in the arena. Tickets were sold-out three weeks before the event. The fight was called in only 12 minutes, after which 28 fighters were declared dead, while the other 14 suffered severe injuries including broken bones and lost limbs, rendering them unable to fight back. Yang Sihamoni, President of the fight league was quoted before the fight stating that he felt since his fighters out-numbered the lion 42 to 1, that they " could out-wit and out-muscle [it]." He was wrong. After a night of debating, it is nice to see the "journalists" are capable of focusing on the important issues. These people are pathetic, mindless fools. It's nice to see that political hacks in Maryland are focusing on the important issues.
Government, I can live without it.
The cycle continues. Pork Spending In The Bailout In the proposed bailout agreement, Sen. Christopher Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee and other Democrats desire to pre-direct that future funds (profits) not be returned to the taxpayers via the treasury but that they be used to underwrite potential questionable (maybe even illegal activities) of certain nonprofits which have had a hand in promoting and expanding access to "no money down" loans for minorities, illegal voter registrations and extensive lobbying activities. (This is what caused the problem in the first place.) Other pork earmark "extenders" in the bailout bill include: A provision repealing a 39-cent excise tax on wooden arrows designed for children. A provision will save Nascar track builders $109 million this year. A research tax credit worth about $8.3 billion a year for companies such as Microsoft Corp. and Harley-Davidson Inc., and subsidies for the overseas financial services earnings of U.S.-based multinational corporations such as General Electric Co. and Citigroup Inc. A provision to subsidize renovations of restaurant franchises and cut import duties on wool and wood. Virgin Island and Puerto Rican Rum (Section 308) Mine Rescue Teams (Sec. 310) Mine Safety Equipment (Sec. 311) Domestic Production Activities in Puerto Rico (Sec. 312) Railroads (Sec. 316) Auto Racing Tracks (317) Wool Research (Sec. 325) We really needed this? You are paying for it. Both McCain and Obama stated they opposed earmarks. "That's not change, that's more of the same." We have lost our country to Entertainment Tonight and American Idol watchers, celebrity worshippers, and those who depend on government entitlements. This is another byproduct regulation courtesy of the Socialist bailout. Premiums on virtually every health insurance plan will be forced to include this coverage, paid for by you. As a result, more people will be forced to drop insurance and the political hacks will scream about the large and escalating amount of people who are uninsured. All the while, it was the Socialist political hacks that caused the problem in the first place. As Michael Savage says, "Liberalism is a mental disorder." I suppose that will be covered. I predicted this bailout would exponentially grow our already morbidly obese Federal Government and cost us more in the long run. I was right! The billionaire casino mogul explains that with government at the helm, Americans will pay the price.
Bailout Signifies Karl Marx's Comeback In his Communist Manifesto published in 1848, Karl Marx proposed 10 measures to be implemented after the proletariat takes power, with the aim of centralizing all instruments of production in the hands of the state. Proposal Number Five was to bring about the "centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly." The taxes that will be levied to finance this bailout package may keep a few firms alive, but will siphon off capital, destroy jobs and make businesses less productive. Increasing the money supply is an invisible tax that redistributes resources to debtors and those who made imprudent investments. By the way, the Dow went up almost 500 points today. Where is the "Crisis?" The political hacks created this "Crisis" and now these same people are rushing in to "solve" the crisis. And the economically ignorant populace can't wait for the Imperial Federal Government to come to the rescue. Karl Marx would be delighted. All hail Comrade Obama! Quotes and Facts Quote: "If and when I am president of the United States, this rescue plan will not be the end of what we do to strengthen our economy. It will only be the beginning." - Barack Obama September 30, 2008 Fact: We have already established that the socialist bailout plan attacks the United States Constitution. Through his own admission, if Obama is elected president, this "will only be the beginning" of Comrade Obama's assault on the Constitution and our freedom. This is terrorizing "change" like we've never seen. Dr. Jay Doesn't Want To Play Anymore From: Dr. Jay Gross [mailto:edubytes@atlanticbb.net] George....this is the last time I will respond to your rantings. Change is needed. ACORN has nothing to do with the current situation because it is an activist organization. In other words; Barrack does not equal the functions or purpose of ACORN. You are just spreading the rumors you hear or read. That's dishonest and warped. I was mistaken about you. Dr. Jay I, of course, responded eloquently once again. Dr. Jay, Facts are not rumors. I was mistaken about you as you presented you were open to information. The Obama campaign admitted failing to report $800,000 in campaign payments to ACORN. In other words; Barrack does equal the functions or purpose of ACORN. It is sad that you are so easily brainwashed by the oligarchy. Talk to you soon, George Obama - ACORN - Voter Fraud - Change? Follow the timeline of numerous cases against ACORN in this election season alone. Washington July 26, 2007, Seattle Times Felony charges filed against 7 in state's biggest case of voter-registration fraud. The defendants, who were paid employees and supervisors of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Florida Oct. 13, 2007, PRNewswire A Florida state attorney is investigating thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations associated with the leading organizer of Florida's Amendment 5 ballot initiative. But this is just the tip of an iceberg of illegalities, fraud and contradictions connected to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) ... Former ACORN Miami-Dade field director Mac Stuart has declared an intent to sue ACORN and has made charges of rampant voter fraud operations. Stuart was employed and specifically tasked by ACORN to generate 103,000 new voter registrations from Dade County. He reports that ACORN threw out Republican registrations while paying for Democratic ones. Stuart also charges that ACORN targeted ex-cons and that he personally set up registration tables outside the Miami police department and Dade County jail. Nevada July 7,2008, Las Vegas Review Journal ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, claims to have collected 60,000 new voter registrations in Clark County since February ... Lomax said while he supports the goal of getting more people registered to vote, he sees rampant fraud in the 2,000 to 3,000 registrations ACORN turns in every week. Wisconsin Aug. 6, 2008, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Criminal investigations could be launched against at least six voter registration workers who tried to add dead, imprisoned or imaginary people to the voter rolls, according to the Milwaukee Election Commission and the organization that employed them. "One woman called us to complain because her husband has been dead for 10 years and a voter registration was submitted," Edman said. In about 12 cases, deputy registrars paid by ACORN were "making people up or registering people that were still in prison," said Carolyn Castore, ACORN's state political director. And in other cases, workers used the same address for numerous voters or used driver's license numbers that did not fit the voters' birth dates, Edman said. But most of the fraud involved submitting duplicate cards for voters who were already registered, and forging the voters' signatures, Castore said. Ohio August 27, 2008, The Plain Dealer A national organization that conducts voter registration drives for low-income people has curtailed its push in Cuyahoga County after the Board of Elections accused its workers of submitting fraudulent registration cards. Board employees said ACORN workers often handed in the same name on a number of voter registration cards, but showing that person living at different addresses. Other times, cards had the same name listed, but a different date of birth. Still another sign of possible fraud showed a number of people living at an address that turned out to be a restaurant. ACORN has submitted about 75,000 voter registration cards to the Cuyahoga board this year. Michigan September 14, 2008, Detroit Free Press Several municipal clerks across the state are reporting fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications, most of them from a nationwide community activist group working to help low- and moderate-income families. The majority of the problem applications are coming from the group ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now ... Pennsylvania Sept. 18, 2008, The Bulletin: Philadelphia's Family Newspaper A community organization, with longstanding ties to Barack Obama, has, according to numerous reports, repeatedly run afoul of voter registration laws both locally and nationally. Philadelphia election officials recently accused ACORN, of filing multiple fraudulent voter registrations during the 2008 Pennsylvania primary. The case has been referred to the U.S. Attorney's office, according to Philadelphia Deputy Election Commissioner Fred Voight. Delaware County election officials have made similar allegations against the group, and criminal indictments are pending. This past July 24, Dauphin County detectives offered a $2,000 reward for information about the whereabouts of Luis R. Torres-Serrano, an ACORN worker, who was accused of submitting more than 100 fraudulent voter registrations. New Mexico Sept. 18, 2008, Judicial Watch Blog This week officials in New Mexico's most populous county (Bernalillo) notified federal authorities that more than 1,000 fraudulent voter registration cards were submitted to the clerk's office. ACORN, which pays workers for each registration, is the prime suspect since it has handled thousands of new voter registrations in New Mexico since January. County workers subsequently discovered that at least 1,100 new registrations list Social Security numbers for people already in the county's database of registered voters, names of registered voters with different birth dates and addresses that don't exist. These are not isolated incidents. During Obama's days as a community organizer he was intensely involved with ACORN. ACORN has resorted to voter fraud, to get their Messiah, Comrade Obama, elected. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Socialist Bailout Plan Attacks United States Constitution The preamble of the United States Constitution: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Section I of the bailout bill: "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Section 2, Purposes: Provides authority to the Treasury Secretary to restore liquidity and stability to the US financial system and to ensure the economic well-being of Americans." The Constitution promotes the general welfare of Americans. The bailout bill ensures economic well-being of Americans. There is an enormous difference. Our founding fathers never intended for government to guarantee or "ensure" anything. There is nothing in the Constitution about ensuring general welfare, only promoting it. The crisis is this bill bestows ultimate power to the Treasury Secretary to do whatever he wants to do to "ensure economic well-being." That is limitless power in the hands of one individual. That's socialism. Keep in mind that anytime the government guarantees something, hold onto your wallets. The political hacks created this "Crisis." Creating a "crisis" is the easiest way to manage the behavior of a frightened citizenry. The buzzword during this election has been "change." This is terrorizing "change" like we've never seen. For those of you who care to read it. One thing is certain, according to Barack Obama, John McCain is "absolutely right" on many issues as Obama repeated the phrase numerous times. Published: September 30, 1999
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are GSEs (Government Sponsored Entity). Fannie and Freddie were backing up the banks and lending institutions that were making subprime and almost worthless loans under instruction from their controllers in Washington. To his credit, John McCain tried in 2005 to endorsed a bill that would bring some oversight to Fannie and Freddie. That bill was stopped cold by a Democrat solid party line vote. Don't believe me? Do your homework unless you have been brainwashed by Obamamania and are voting the Democrat solid party line. In this bailout proposal, the Democrats want to seize a portion of profits from the bailout and give them to "community groups" to be used to create more of the same types of loans that are causing our problems. Comrade Clinton and his cohorts caused the problem. What makes you think that Comrade Obama and his cohorts will solve the problem? Talk about putting the fox in the henhouse. "The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign."
Keep in mind that if we prosecuted anyone running a misleading political ad, Washington would be vacant in a matter of weeks. Is anybody paying attention? There is something called the First Amendment and political free speech. All hail Comrade Obama. Gas Panic Solution This occurs throughout the country from time to time. A temporary interruption occurs in the gas supply due to a storm or some other natural disaster. People panic and hoard gas, spot shortages occur caused by this behavior, the market does what it is designed to do based on supply and demand, prices spike, and political hacks (prodded by ignorant consumers) scream about price gouging. Political hacks attempt to win votes from ignorant voters by promising to investigate the proposed culprits (business owners) for this alleged "price gouging." The solution: Don't investigate them. Reward them. "Price gouging" is precisely what the system needs. Encourage it. Turn the free marketplace loose and let it work. The problem is panic buying. People see their gas gauges approaching the three-quarters mark and rush to fill their tanks up to the brim, along with every other gas can they own. This overtaxes the supply system (keep in mind that this would occur without a natural disaster) resulting in long gas lines and shortages. The solution is not government control but free market supply and demand through price structure. When the demand for gas exceeds the supply, permit gas stations respond by raising the price of gas. Political hacks, who seem to get their share of extra face time in the media during these "emergencies," attempt to keep prices artificially low through threats of "price gouging." When demand is not stifled by price, it exasperates the problem. Again, government is typically the problem, not the solution. When prices rise, people will react by not topping off every vehicle they own. People will begin to think rationally and purchase what they actually need to get them through the next few days until the system can catch-up from the supply interruption. They'll wait for the prices to come back down. And they will come down. When the system catches up and tanks are full, gas station operators will begin lowering the price of gasoline to attract customers back to the pumps. You may even see a good old fashioned gas price war. Gas will be plentiful once again. Political hacks eager to get a little more face time in the media will continue to scream about "price gouging" and the need for government regulation. However, there is nothing wrong with the free market system resolving these shortages with the greatest device for allocating limited resources. Price. The free market system works every time it's tried. Problem solved. Unfortunately? Therefore, according to the Obama Campaign, Obama For America, it would apparently be fortunate if non-US citizens could register to vote. That's OK, if elected Obama will rectify this unfortunate condition. Now that's change! Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wisconsin) forced Congress to vote on a stop-gap continuing resolution worth $1 trillion in spending with less than 24 hours to review its contents. When asked by Bloomberg News about whether the process has been secretive, Obey bluntly replied "You're damn right it has because if it's done in the public it would never get done." He wanted to "avoid his colleagues' 'pontificating' on the content of the legislation" because "that's what politicians do when this stuff is done in full view of the press." He said "we've done this the old fashioned way by brokering agreements in order to get things done and I make no apology for it." "Old fashioned" back-room politics. "That's not change, that's more of the same." St. Johns County school board member Beverly Slough stated, "They're so competitive and worried about their GPA and we as a group of high school principals didn't think that was healthy." In the minds of government school officials, competition is unhealthy. Students should all blend in with the rest of the sheeple. There can be no achievers. How pathetic! House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told CNSNews.com on Wednesday that restoring the ban on new offshore oil drilling leases "will be a top priority for discussion next year" if the Democrats retain control of Congress. Congressional Democrats bowed under pressure to public opinion by choosing to allow the ban to expire. Unfortunately, public opinion doesn't matter after the Comrades are elected. "That's not change, that's more of the same." The party scheduled a debate Wednesday night on a resolution that would censure Lieberman and ask the veteran politician to resign from the Democratic Party. Our country is dealing with the financial "crisis" and the political hack Democrats waste time chastising someone who dares to speak out against their status quo. 30-year party veteran Audrey Blondin, said Lieberman's very public support of McCain over Democratic nominee Barack Obama is hurting the state party. How dare he speak out against party lines and Comrade Obama. The resolution says Lieberman's actions exhibited "extraordinary disloyalty to countless Connecticut Democrats without whom his career as an elected official would never have been possible." Fact: Joe Lieberman ran as an Independent. I wonder if Joe Lieberman considered the Libertarian Party. Remember, to political hacks, freedom of speech only exists if you agree. All hail Comrade Obama. The Problem with the Solution The people who are attempting to decipher this credit debacle, the political hacks of the Congress of the United States, possess an approximate 18% approval rating. The president's is roughly the low 30s. Fact: The group that four out of five people believe is not doing an adequate job is working on a method to resolve this fiasco. Additionally, in a little more than a month, we're going to return roughly 95% of these hacks to Washington to perform the deplorable job that they're notorious for. Only in government, through the courtesy of a government educated electorate, could this type of gross mismanagement be permitted to continue. Police said a man was robbing the store at gunpoint when one of the two clerks pulled out his own gun and shot him in the neck. This 18-year-old predator who thought it would be real cool to rob a convenience store at gunpoint will never rob a convenience store again. Problem solved. The government paid more than $1 billion in questionable Medicare claims for medical supplies that showed little relation to a patient's condition, including blood glucose strips for sexual impotence and special diabetic shoes for leg amputees. Other questionable claims included wheelchairs or wheelchair accessories for patients listed as having a deformed nose or sprained wrist. Billions more in taxpayer dollars may have been wasted over the last decade because the government-run health program for the elderly and disabled paid out claims with blank or invalid diagnosis codes, such as a "?" or "zzzzz." Medicare officials say even smiley-face icons could have been accepted. The $400 billion program has been cited by government auditors as a high-risk for fraud and waste for nearly 20 years. And people like Comrade Obama want government to control more of your healthcare. "That's not change, that's more of the same." John Stossel nails it!
Didn't I say that?
Comrade Obama May Debate Himself What would you expect? If Obama decides to debate with or without McCain, why not invite the candidate from the country's third largest political party, Libertarian Bob Barr, to debate the issues? Perhaps The Chosen One isn't up for a real challenge. After all, it is far easier to debate yourself. Obama said that you have to "deal with more than one thing at once." It's time to put your money where your mouth is Senator Obama. Financial Crisis - Which Washington Comrades Are To Blame Fannie Mae was run right into the ground. And, it was Democrats, along with a little cooperation from Republicans, who are responsible. Big government strikes again. Former Fannie Mae Chairman and CEO Franklin Raines was the White House budget director under Bill Clinton. He was also cited by the Washington Post as an economic advisor to the Chosen One, Barack Obama. Obama, in his short career in the U.S. Senate rapidly became the second largest recipient of campaign contributions from Fannie Mae, ahead of even John Kerry. Additionally, we have Jamie Gorelick who served as Bill Clinton's Deputy Attorney General. She installed the Intelligence "Wall of Separation" that helped lead to the disaster we endured on 9/11. Then she served as Vice Chairman at Fannie Mae. In 2002, she told "BusinessWeek" that Fannie Mae was "very, very strong" and was "managed safely". For her efforts, driving the company to the brink, she received $26 million plus bonuses. Also, Fannie Mae is seriously involved with the Congressional Black Caucus. Interim CEO Daniel Mudd described the connection Fannie Mae and the Congressional Black Caucus shared as a "family" relationship. The Caucus forced Fannie Mae to obtain mortgage loans for millions of Americans who couldn't afford them. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the worst offenders in this housing loan crisis, which in turn caused numerous banking institutions to plummet with it. The crisis has had a domino effect throughout our financial institutions. In reality, AIG was to some extent brought down because it held $600 million in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It appears that the democrats including The Chosen One, Comrade Barack Obama have their fingerprints all over this calamity. Obama's Conditions for This $700 Billion Bailout Obama: The government should make the taxpayers help other Americans who are facing home mortgage foreclosures. Translation: Take from those who have and give to those who have not. Once again, Karl Marx would be proud. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Comrade Obama is behaving like Karl Marx and Biden is behaving like another Marx, specifically Groucho. Actually, Groucho was more quick-witted and sophisticated. Obama: Top management CEOs will have to "pay a price for their poor leadership." Is he referring to criminal prosecution? CEOs are hired by shareholders. Let the shareholders, through their boards of directors, deal with CEO penalties. Furthermore, company management and stockholders should suffer the consequences of their bad investments. Obama: The American taxpayers must be rewarded for financing the bailout. May wonders never cease, I agree with Obama on this point. A process needs to be put in place by which we get our money back, including interest. Unfortunately, with the government handling this transaction, the "American taxpayers" are highly unlikely to see any revenue. Too much "pork" and too many votes to purchase. Obama: The government program must have independent oversight. That is a no-brainer! This is too immense of a deal to leave exclusively in the hands of the political hacks that are, by and large, responsible for the debacle in the first place. Obama: Opposes the existing plan to permit the Treasury Secretary to, for all intents and purposes, become king banking czar. This much power in the hands of a single person, regardless of how proficient they may be or which party they represent, is extremely dangerous. Besides, you never know who may occupy that position in the future. What if his buddy, Ted Kennedy, was in the driver's seat (pun intended)? Doesn't that make you want to run out and buy some Super Fudge Chunk. One scoop or two? Conspiracy? Read the following quotes from some of our most prominent historical figures and a few of today's political hacks. "I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world . . . no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." Woodrow Wilson (He was the President that signed the creation of the Federal Reserve into law in 1913.) "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debt." Henry Ford "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933 "We shall have world government whether or not you like it . . . by conquest or consent." James Warburg (Rothschild banking agent, financial adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt), 1950 "The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States... They will rule the future." Barry Goldwater, U.S. Senator, 1964 "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to bright lights and publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller (Trilateral Commission Founder), 1991 "Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful! This would especially be true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government." Henry Kissinger, 1991 "In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." Strobe Talbott, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, 1992 The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event," George W. Bush can become what is best described as a "dictator": "The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government." This directive, completely unnoticed by the media and given no scrutiny by Congress, literally gives the White House unprecedented dictatorial power over the government and the country, bypassing the U.S. Congress and obliterating the separation of powers. The directive also placed the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of domestic "security." "We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market." - Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." - Barack Obama "The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more." - Michelle Obama Socialistic control and growing the behemoth, morbidly obese Imperial Federal Government continues. Karl Marx would be proud. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." The original draft of the proposed bill says, "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency." This is the financial equivalent of the Patriot Act, and we know how successful that is. Quotes and Facts Quote: "When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn't just talk about the, you know, princes of greed. He said, "look, here's what happened.'" - Vice-Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, September 2008 Fact: Television didn't exist in 1929. And, if it did, Franklin Roosevelt wasn't the president. While some people may think Joe "Biden is a sharp cookie," this proves undoubtedly that Joe Biden is an incompetent, babbling, delusional fool. Unfortunately, we already have an abundance of these in the congress and the senate. And let's not forget that Barack Obama thought there were 57 states. These guys are living proof that The Three Stooges had kids. Sarah Palin--Tell us why you think she's a good choice By Chet Motyka
Political Correctness Won, Banks And We The People Lost Twenty years ago the catchword in the media was "redlining." Back then, newspapers crammed with hard-hitting analytical reports about evil and racist mortgage lenders that refused to write real estate loans to various minorities and other applicants who lived in lower-income neighborhoods. Albeit, these applicants had bad credit and poor employment histories, but that doesn't matter in the world of the politically correct. Congress set up processes called Research the Community Redevelopment Act, whereby community activist groups and organizers (Enter The Chosen One, Barack Obama) could effectively stop a bank's efforts to grow if that bank didn't create loans to unqualified borrowers. Thus, the creation of the "subprime" mortgage. Do you remember "no money down" being shouted across the country? Lenders were aware that a high percentage of these loans would become valueless, but they had to pay this extortion to satisfy the politically correct if their banks were to expand and grow. ACORN was one of the advocate groups. One presidential candidate did a great deal of community organizing for ACORN. (Enter again The Chosen One, Barack Obama) The worthless loans to unqualified borrowers were packaged and sold. The speculation was that the loans would be eventually paid off as rising home values fronted a few of these borrowers to either access equity through re-financing or sell and move on up the ladder. This politically correct scam is being presented to the American public by some of the same political hacks that were responsible for its creation (Enter yet again The Chosen One, Barack Obama) as evidence of the failure of the free market and capitalism. The fact is that this is the inevitable result of big government and political correctness interfering in free market economics. So, there you have it. You can thank me later for this brief lesson in political correctness and economics 101, a course not readily available in our failing government schools. But that's another lesson for another time. Yes, the problem rests our morbidly obese government and the all too many We The People who appear to be content watching reruns of American Idol while these political hacks rape and pillage our country. Gas stamps would work like traditional food stamps. When was the last time you saw someone using food stamps or, excuse me for not being politically correct, their EBT card, who wasn't equipped with a cell phone, IPod and driving a car with $4000 rims. Suggestion: Get rid of the toys first. Another vote buying government giveaway. The political plunder continues! "That's not change, that's more of the same." Compare And Contrast: Obama - Palin Quotes Obama: "If we have actual intelligence against Bin Laden or other key Al-Qaeda officials, and we -- and Pakistan is unwilling or unable to strike against them, we should." Palin: "In order to stop Islamic extremists, those terrorists who would seek to destroy America and our allies, we must do whatever it takes, and we must not blink." Palin: "I believe that under the leadership of Ahmadinejad, nuclear weapons in the hands of his government are extremely dangerous to everyone on this globe, yes. We cannot just concede that, oh, gee, maybe they're going to have nuclear weapons." Obama: "A nuclear Iran would pose a great threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon." Palin: "I believe that under the leadership of Ahmadinejad, nuclear weapons in the hands of his government are extremely dangerous to everyone on this globe, yes. We cannot just concede that, oh, gee, maybe they're going to have nuclear weapons." Obama: "I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel." Palin: "I don't think that we should second-guess the measures that Israel has to take to defend themselves and for their security I don't think we can second-guess what Israel has to do to secure its nation We cannot second-guess the steps that Israel has to take to defend itself." Obama: Shoots hoops. Palin: Shoots and is familiar with the operation of actual weapons.
Apparently, Gibson thinks that Obama isn't qualified and ready for the tough questions. So he served up a few softballs in his direction. Fair and balanced? You decide. Kerry said he is trying to change Washington partly by supporting Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois. "The fact is we have now made that the majority position of the United States Senate," Kerry said. "John Kerry has been in Washington for 24 years," said Kerry's opponent O'Reilly. "We have the same issues confronting America today that we had in 1984." So, through his own admission, even with his own party controlling the senate, he still hasn't been able to implement "change". "The key issue here is that Massachusetts deserves to have experienced leadership at difficult times," Kerry said. Then I have to ask, "Why don't you show us some Mr. Kerry?" Kerry could become secretary of state if Barack Obama is elected president. Nepotism continues. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Kerry said he is not looking for another job, and that he intends to serve his six-year term if re-elected. At the same time, he is not flatly ruling out accepting a position in an Obama administration. This is the typical Kerry fence sitting flip flop. Can't this political hack make a decision on anything? Either he is going to stand form and serve his six-year term or he isn't. "That's not change, that's more of the same." U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ed Schafer handed over symbolic oversized checks for $277,336 to Roberts Brothers Lumber Co. of Ashfield, MA. The money will be part of an approximately $2.5 million project to make wood chips that will be turned into paper, plywood and particle board, among other products. Some of the chips will also be used in home heating, and the project will include thinning forest of crowded trees and taking trees that need to be removed from urban landscapes. "We're excited to present this check on behalf of the American taxpayers," Schafer said in turning over the check. "The key part here is to make jobs and ... to have a product that's desirable and usable," Leonard H. Roberts, owner of Roberts Brothers Lumber said. Why does this businessman need our money to conduct his business? In business, you invest and if you are successful, you make a profit. If he is a truly successful businessman, then he shouldn't need our money. If he isn't successful, then we should not be subsidizing him with a bailout. Why are we, through the confiscation of our money, paying for this? The political plunder continues. Where was John Kerry? Voting for this vote buying scheme. "That's not change, that's more of the same." The rewritten rules have been drafted in a way to allow the FBI to begin surveillance without factual evidence to back it up. The police power of government continues to grow. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin The threat of global warming is so great that campaigners were justified in causing more than £35,000 worth of damage to a coal-fired power station. The Global Warming Hoax continues.
The Democrat-Republican party at work. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I think there's a really good chance that Sarah Palin could be President and I think that's a really scary thing because I don't know anything about her. I don't think in eight weeks I'm going to know anything about her. I know that she was a mayor of a really, really small town and she's governor of Alaska for less than two years. I just don't understand. I think the pick was made for political purposes, but in terms of governance it's a disaster. You do the actuary tables, you know, there's a one out of three chance, if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term. You know, we were talking about it earlier. It's like a really bad Disney movie, you know? The hockey mom, you know, "Oh, I'm just a hockey mom from Alaska," and she's the President and it's like she's facing down Vladimir Putin and, you know, using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. It's just, it's absurd." - Matt Damon Fact: Matt Damon needs to borrow Obama's teleprompter. This idiot is predicting John McCain's death. Can you imagine the media frenzy if someone predicted Obama's death? I can't envision saying that. Keep in mind that while Matt Damon may not be an actual actuary, he may have played one in a movie. He said, "You know, we were talking about it earlier." This indicates that they ran through this patter ahead of time. How many times did he have to rehearse this monologue? I always thought he was a better actor than this. Keep in mind that roughly a month ago he said, "For a lot of actors our biggest fear is that we're going to start talking about things we don't fully understand and sound like idiots. In the long run I'll do much more good if when I open my mouth I have something worth saying." Matt Damon's "biggest fear" has come true. And, based on the evidence through his own admission, it took him multiple takes to sound like an idiot. This is such fun. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Now, Matt Damon probably doesn't know anything about shooting fish in a barrel, but I am sure that Sarah Palin could provide him with outstanding tutelage. Michelle Walsh wanted to teach her 2nd-grade Girl Scout troop about the presidential election. Walsh said she called both campaigns and asked for free trinkets she could give the 7-year-olds to help them learn. A representative for John McCain responded immediately, sending Walsh a box filled with stickers and signs. The Barack Obama camp wasn't quite so generous. The troop leader said she called Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters and explained why she needed the curios. She was directed to Obama's Web site where she could purchase all the buttons and posters she wanted. It appears that McCain camp outshined the Obama camp in genuine community involvement and "neighborliness." Keep this in mind when you hear The Chosen One expound his great plans for the future. As they say, he doesn't put his money where his mouth is. "That's not change, that's more of the same." The boy's sharpener had broken, but he decided to use it anyway, to sharpen his pencils. The boy -- a fourth-grader described as a well-behaved and good student -- cried during the meeting with his mom, the deputy and the school's assistant principal. He had no criminal intent in having the blade at school, the sheriff's report stated, but was suspended for at least two days and could face further disciplinary action. District spokesman Randy Wall said school administrators are stuck in the precarious position between the district's zero tolerance policy against having weapons at school and common sense. "We're always going to do something to make sure the child understands the seriousness of having something that could potentially harm another student, but we're going to be reasonable," he said. Reasonable? Apparently Randy Wall and the school administrators are incapable of employing common sense and are obviously incapable of executing the duties of their positions. Do they realize that a pencil is a more formidable weapon than a pencil sharpener? Using their illogical management practices, they need to ban pencils as well as numerous other school supplies and suspend, Zero Tolerance you know, anyone found in possession of the weapons. Government schools strike again. Another example of Zero Tolerance = Zero Thought Boston's City Hall is running up a $13,000 tab getting a wind turbine installed to create enough electricity to power just 19 lightbulbs. The city is investigating placing wind turbines at up to six public schools. This is what political hacks call "investing in education." And 16,000 full-time state employees. Some say that managing such a small state budget does not qualify someone to be president. Therefore, running a state with a budget of only $2 Billion must be out of the question. Right? In 1992, the year Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was elected President, his state budget was $2 billion and among the smallest in the country. Compared to that, Sarah Palin is an executive giant. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin receiving $16,951 in travel reimbursements, including a per diem travel allowance for members of her family, and for sometimes staying in her home as part of official business. Gerald McBeath, professor of political science at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and an expert on Alaska government and politics said, "The state, or wherever you work, pays for your air ticket, and pays a per diem, and that's it. It's very simple." She has every right, he said, under state travel policy to claim reimbursement, a policy that has been around "forever." McBeath said although he has met her, he doesn't know the governor well. Additionally, he's had over 100 phone calls from journalists trying to get dirt on Palin. "The state's practices are like that of most states," McBeath said. "People are compensated for their travel costs. That includes the airfare or car fare, and (the state) pays them whatever it costs to keep them alive on the days that they are away from their official station. That's normal." John Stossel exposes the Messiah's economic ignorance.
Quotes and Facts Quote: "I remember him, uh, using this in his campaign against me, saying, 'Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners.' (laughter) And, you know, which -- I didn't know what to tell him. But it's the right thing to do." - Barack Obama November 20, 2007 Fact: Obama said it. This is Obama's accomplishment on education: Supporting legislation to teach comprehensive sex education to kindergarteners. In 2007, Barack Obama complained about Alan Keyes using this argument against him in the Senate race, but then he reinforced the argument by saying, "But it's the right thing to do." The original bill only included grades six through 12. In the actual copy of the bill, the number six is crossed out and the capital K representing kindergarten is in its place. The bill reads, "Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV." It originally said AIDS, AIDS is crossed out, and it now reads HIV. The crossed-out language was dropped from the bill, the underlined words were added in the bill. The bill originally did not include kindergarten. It was specifically changed to include kindergarteners in comprehensive sex education. Obama voted for it because he believed it was "the right thing to do." Obama displayed bad taste, bad judgment and pushed a few buttons. Unfortunately, this is what happens when he is not on the prompter. Bad taste, bad judgment and the ability to push a few buttons. Are these traits of the potential leader of the free world? You decide. Obama's handlers need to keep him on a leash near a prompter. Apparently he is not as polished as they thought. Chuck Norris on Sarah Palin
Chuck Norris comments on Obama and his Coronation
Quotes and Facts Quote: "If I am sitting pretty, and you've got a waitress who is making minimum wage plus tips, and I can afford it and she can't -- what's the big deal for me to say, 'I'm going to pay a little bit more.' That is neighborliness. What's the big deal?" - Barack Obama Fact: The big deal that government is using its exclusive right to use deadly force to accomplish its goals by forcing you to be neighborly through the police power of government. If you choose that you need the money you have worked for and earned for your own family and that you don't want to give it away to someone who can't earn more than the minimum wage, the government takes it from you? If the poor, minimum wage waitress did this she would be arrested. If elected, Barack Obama robs you for her with his Marxist theory, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs?" The Communist Manifesto reworded somewhat under the pretext of "neighborliness." Do you want government to decide when you have enough and confiscate the excess? McCain, Obama, and Your Money McCain has a 100% approval rating on pork-barrel spending for the 2007 legislative season. His lifetime score is 88%. Translation: John McCain voted with the taxpayers 100% of the time. This means that throughout his career in the Senate, John McCain voted with the taxpayers 88 out of every 100 votes. "With the taxpayers" I means he voted in a way that would allow taxpayers (that's you) to keep their money, rather than spend it on frivolous government pork projects. Barack Obama scored a 10% rating in 2007 and an 18% lifetime rating. And, while we are at it, Joe Biden scored a 0% rating in 2007. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Quotes and Facts Quote: "Health care is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT for all Americans, not just an expensive privilege for the few." - Ted Kennedy Fact: Nowhere in the Constitution does it state anything about a Fundamental Right to healthcare, or any goods or services for that matter. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 84% of Americans have health insurance. This would indicate that "the many," an overwhelming majority of people, not "the few" have health insurance. It might be expensive, but so are other products such as auto insurance and homeowners insurance. You don't have the "right" to those either. By the way, everyone has access to healthcare, even without insurance. It is against federal law to deny health care to someone who needs it. Giving one person a "right" to the services of another. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. Dr. Jay Responds From: Dr. Jay Gross [mailto:edubytes@atlanticbb.net]
George, I'm sorry you feel picked on. Your statements did sound like they came from a very uneducated person. By 'fox' guarding the hen house I have several meanings: The investigation of phony Palin is not be bi-partisan. Foundations are very good sources for those who need assistance. Unfortunately many wealthy people set up foundations to avoid taxes and feather their own nests. Privatized SS is only 'good' if it is controlled by an independent group or a truly bi-partisan committee. Sure we earned the money, but politicians will rape the 'proposed' invested moneys (we won't own it) as sure as the sun rises every morning. [look what they've done with the trust fund] Do you really think that the Oil companies need the billions of dollars in subsidies and out-right tax breaks given them by the govenment? You've got to be kidding. Where do you think the profits are going that the oil companies steal from the People in fees and gas/oil prices. George Bush is a wealthy man when he leaves office because his buddies [Halliburton and the oil people of Texas and the off-shore rigs have promised him a fortune after he goes home.[ [Cheney is already a multi-millionaire because of his control of Haliburton's non-bid contract to feed, cloth and supply our military.] Why should the government continue to tax the middle class and the poor more, in percentage of income, than the high level money people? That's really disgusting and totally unfair. Those who have money and make a lot of money should shoulder the burdens of those who cannot grab the gold ring in life. That's what government is for - equality. Revitalizing the Constitution and getting back to a Country governed by it and the laws that were made based on it, it more important than any one individual. Our Country has been threatened by our own government as they chose to ignore the Constitutional balance of power. Obama was a professor of Constitutional Law. The media is yelling, as prodded by the Republican party, about 'experience'. What experience did GW Bush have when he stole the presidency? All he knew was his own political family and how to dodge military service and make corrupt money with his power. Don't confuse power with experience. The Republicans have tagged GOOD Democratic government with everything from liberal to socialist. Just look who has made the government so large and a tremendous benefit to the wealthy....the Republicans. Yes we really need change....in our own Country...for our OWN people. Let's stop throwing money at dictators and putting a Trillion dollars into a country we destroyed for no good reason. We allowed government to get out of control. Only a Democratic party run government can salvage something out of the ashes. Don't keep fooling yourself about the lies put out by the Republican politicians. Dr. Jay I, of course, responded eloquently once again. Dr. Jay, I do not feel picked on and never take anything personally. By the way, I am a Libertarian. Neither the Democrat nor Republican parties, who are actually behaving like one singular party in growing government, are desirable. The choice between Republicans and Democrats is now similar to having to choose between zits and a fever blister to adorn your face. Neither is pretty. You assume once again that, because you disagree with my statements, they come from a very uneducated person. You stated, "Privatized SS is only 'good' if it is controlled by an independent group or a truly bi-partisan committee. Sure we earned the money, but politicians will rape the 'proposed' invested moneys (we won't own it) as sure as the sun rises every morning. [look what they've done with the trust fund]" Why do you keep insisting that privatizing is only 'good' through supervision of a government/political "committee?" The idea of privatizing is to keep government out of the picture. It needs to be your money, not the government's. And, then you expose you economic ignorance by chastising oil company profits. Oil company profits are not stolen from people. They are earned. Actually, the profit margin of oil companies is around 7-8%. But then again, I doubt you comprehend the difference between profit and profit margin as you only refer to the billions of dollars earned. Your liberal mantra appears to want to punish companies that succeed while we bail out failing businesses. What's wrong with this picture? By the way, there are plenty of companies out there earning profit margins far greater that 7-8%. Is it your desire that government confiscate those profits as well? You know, for the common good? You stated, "That's what government is for - equality." Unless you believe in a socialist form of government, you are incorrect. This country was founded based on equal opportunity. There is not guarantee in a free society that everyone will achieve the same level of wealth or happiness. However, the opportunity is there. It is unfortunate that some people squander opportunities. You then display your ignorance of our present tax system. "Why should the government continue to tax the middle class and the poor more, in percentage of income, than the high level money people? That's really disgusting and totally unfair. Those who have money and make a lot of money should shoulder the burdens of those who cannot grab the gold ring in life." You are correct in that our present tax system is unfair. But you have it backwards as the burden is on the wealthy. Less than 3.5% of personal income taxes are paid by the lowest 50% of income earners. Over 80% of all personal income taxes are paid by the top 20% of income earners. The richest 1% of households in the U.S. are now paying a record 27.6% of all federal taxes and a record of 38.8% of all federal income taxes. The richest 1% of households only earn about 17% of all income. The top 1.1 million households pay a greater share of the income tax burden than the bottom 90 million households combined. The top 0.1% of income earners pay 17.4% of all federal income taxes. Is this fair? You stated, "Obama was a professor of Constitutional Law." You are incorrect once again. Some of Barack Obama's campaign literature describes him as a former "law professor" at the University of Chicago when in fact he was a senior lecturer. There is a big distinction in academia between tenured professors and untenured professors. The former are somewhat akin to Supreme Court justices. They can hang onto their positions until they are well past their dotage, and can be dismissed only for "gross moral turpitude." According to the University of Chicago Law School, Obama did not have tenure. His formal title was "Senior Lecturer." You stated, "Our Country has been threatened by our own government as they chose to ignore the Constitutional balance of power." You are incorrect. Our country is threatened by our government as they choose to ignore the rights of the individual as well as private property rights. I forgot, socialists do not believe in these rights. Socialists believe that everyone has the right to the same amount of "stuff" whether they earned it or not. You stated, "Only a Democratic party run government can salvage something out of the ashes." The Democrat-Republican party has grown government. That is the problem with the two party system that most people cling to. They volley-serve to maintain their power and control. You contradict yourself as you mentioned balance of power. Shifting control to the Democrat party would turn control completely over to one party. In the hands of Democrats, that would be like throwing gasoline on the fire that is incinerating freedom. Based on your statements, I think you have been brainwashed by the liberal Democrats who believe that big government shall solve all problems. Talk to you soon, George Dorunda Let the Name-calling Begin This "doctor" referred to me as an ignorant, bigoted redneck. I am so proud. That must be because I now reside in South Carolina. Some ignorant, bigoted people apparently assume that most people in the South are all of the above. Feel free to drop him a note. From: Dr. Jay Gross [mailto:edubytes@atlanticbb.net]
George, One of my Democratic voters sent me your ignorant e-mails. Wow, are you wrong. Privatizing SS might not be a bad idea, but the people that want to handle the money you contribute to SS are those who the Republicans support and take lobbyist money from. Go ahead and give them your money. You might not get a dime out of your SS when you need it. [SS is paid to retirees with annual increases of >3%. Who are the profits going to?] You would let the fox guard the hen house. Letting the Republicans brainwash you is typical of the redneck, ignorant people that are bigoted and want to go back to the middle of the last century. Dr. Jay And, of course, I responded eloquently: Dr. Jay, The plans to privatize Social Security allow "younger workers" (however that may be defined) to take some of the money that the government confiscates as Social Security payroll taxes and put that money in a private account. This account would be owned by the individual. Government can't take it away. If the individual dies before retirement the account goes to his family, not to the government. He earned that money. It's his. It remains his. What is so horrifying about this idea? For Democrats, the issue is control. There is a massive segment of our society that is or will be entirely dependent on Social Security benefits when they reach retirement age. These people would be surprised to discover that they have absolutely no irrevocable right to any benefits. You obtain those benefits if the politicians desire you to receive those benefits. Politicians can, absent of any legal recourse on your part, decide to delay your retirement age. This scheme is presented regularly as a solution to the pending Social Security economic crisis. The motive is to delay the retirement age so that older Americans will pass away before they can receive any of their money back, or that they'll collect benefits for a shorter time period before they take the eternal celestial dirt nap. Under Social Security, the money isn't yours. You earned it. However, the government confiscated it before you could get your hands on it. And no, that money is not hidden securely in a Social Security account or trust fund. Politicians get their hands on the money they conveniently call a Social Security "contribution." They use a fraction of it to cover the checks being written during that particular time period to Social Security recipients. The rest of it is gone. Every single penny of it is spent on pork projects such as $100,000 for the Tiger Woods Foundation. Keep in mind that Tiger Woods is one of the highest-paid athletes in the world. Why do you and I need to "contribute," through the use of force by the police power of government, a hundred grand for his foundation? The bottom line is this money is not invested as a private pension plan would. Political hacks, apparently with your support, spend all of it. Actually, squandered might be a more appropriate word. Democrats say that we can't partially privatize Social Security because it would be too expensive. Translation: If the person who paid the money is permitted to invest that money into a private account, the money won't be there for the government to waste on its various vote-buying schemes. If our politicians had been doing what fundamental decency mandated, taking the Social Security tax and setting the revenue aside in the names of future recipients, we wouldn't be discussing privatization today. Unfortunately, in the views of career politicians, you can't invest in the future of our retirees when there are votes to buy and elections to win. Here is another fact you might appreciate: Practically every State has some sort of law that regulates insurance companies. If a private entrepreneur moved to any State in the union and began marketing a retirement and disability plan modeled after Social Security he would be arrested and jailed for fraud. No state government would tolerate such a scheme to exist. It does, unfortunately, exist on the federal level as Social Security, and it exists because the Imperial Federal Government runs a monopoly. The money is seized from working people by force, and benefits may be granted, increased, decreased, denied or delayed as the federal government, or the politicians, see fit. Individuality and independence are poisonous to socialist, collectivist politicians. Now, I must ask you about your own statement. Would you "let the fox guard the hen house?" By the way, you display your own ignorance when you assume my characteristics as "redneck, ignorant" and "bigoted." Apparently, you are easily brainwashed and believe that big government is your guardian and the solution to all you problems and anyone who disagrees must be ignorant. My experience tells me that government is typically the problem, not the solution. You could do far more without the government if it wasn't for the government. Not bad for someone you considered to be an ignorant redneck. Talk to you soon, George Dorunda
Quotes and Facts Quote: "If you've got a gun in your house, I'm not taking it. Even if I want to take them away, I don't have the votes in Congress. This can't be the reason not to vote for me ..." Barack Obama Fact: Obama knows he can't accomplish what he would like to accomplish and take guns away from citizens because he doesn't "have the votes in Congress." Quote: "Privatizing Social Security was a bad idea when George Bush proposed it, and it's a bad idea today. It would take the one rock-solid, guaranteed part of your retirement income and gamble it on the stock market." Fact: There is no guarantee in the present Social Security system. The average increase in the stock market, including the great depression, is around 11%. The return on the money the government confiscates from you for Social Security is 1.5%. If a private investment firm were raping you to this extent, they would be prosecuted for fraud and sent to prison. Government is the problem, not the solution. Things didn't go as planned. The original plans were for a $1.1 million botanical garden in the city's Englewood neighborhood. The proposed garden also would include a gazebo, a parrot sanctuary and a walk of fame. Years later: No garden. No parrot sanctuary. No walk of fame. As a state senator, Barack Obama gave $100,000 in state money to a campaign volunteer who failed to deliver on a plan to create a botanic garden. Obama, the pathetic failure, can't even get a $100,000 grant right, and desires to have the control of a $3-plus trillion federal budget and a $14-trillion economy. People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change, the world's leading authority on global warming stated. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which last year earned a joint share of the Nobel Peace Prize, said that people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further. Keep in mind that the Chosen One, BO, supports the UN and is likely to sanction this lunacy. I think there is a beautiful piece of real estate that we should confiscate in New York City. We could rent the space to the many businesses that were displaced on 9-11. Let the anti-American UN promote the Global Warming Scam in another country. Now, that's change I can believe in. In the meantime, I'm going to grill up a massive steak garnished with turkey breast. Ted Nugent nails it.
Chicago Murders Double Iraq Soldier Deaths CBS announced, "An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period." More people were shot dead where Obama lives than in Iraq, which is a war zone. Should there be a troop surge in Chicago? On one side the evil, lying conniving, scandal riddled, Sarah Palin. On the other, the sweet, caring, wondrous, innocent love between a couple fighting to effect change in America. An amazing coincidence: Us publisher, Jann Wenner happens to be a prominent Obama supporter and donor.
Just what we need, more government employees.
Karl Marx reincarnated! "That's not change, that's more of the same." About 21 percent with salaries of $100,000 or more reported they also live paycheck to paycheck. A quarter of workers said they don't put any money aside for savings each month. Of those who do save, 34 percent set aside less than $100 a month for savings, and 18 percent save $50 or less. 10 percent of workers making more than $100,000 reported putting no money into savings each month or participating in a 401k, IRA or comparable retirement plan. Female workers, 54 percent, always or usually have to live paycheck to paycheck, compared to 41 percent of males. More men (77 percent) than women (72 percent) said they save some portion of their paycheck each month. Unfortunately, if most of these people had more money, they would continue to live paycheck to paycheck. We all make choices. Apparently, these people do not choose wisely. Government is not responsible for the problems people self inflict upon themselves. Quotes and Facts Quote: I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated ... I've already said it's succeeded beyond our wildest dreams." - Barack Obama September 4, 2008 Fact: Obama declined to state that he originally opposed the troop surge. He'll be certain to remind his liberal followers, when opportune. For your convenience, here is what he said in 2002: "That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics." "That's not change, that's more of the same." Quote: "I'm not opposed to drilling." - Joe Biden September 1, 2008 Quote: "Let's say it makes sense to drill. It doesn't, I'm against it." - Joe Biden September 3, 2008 (Three Days Later) Fact: Will this political hack that is running for vice-president make up his mind? He is sounding like the failed John Kerry. "That's not change, that's more of the same." At a Denny's restaurant in Anchorage, AK. That's encouraging! The sales pitch, repeatedly endlessly, is that under Obama 95% of Americans would see their taxes go down. The nature of the tax "cuts" Obama puts in place and the tax increases he is trying to sell could have serious impacts on future economic growth. The idea behind the plan is that a good job with a strong and growing business is a far better way to drive Americans' incomes up than to distribute short-term government handouts, as the Obama plan does. Obama's tax plan is witch's brew of tax credits that are aimed at various groups rather than lower taxes for everybody. Obama pays for these tax cuts by increasing the capital gains tax, keeping America's 2nd highest in the world corporate taxes, and whacking upper-income earners with dramatically higher taxes. All things aimed squarely at reducing economic growth. Modern economies build their wealth through investment and job creation, and Obama's tax plan is aimed squarely at reducing investment and punishing wealth creation. Obama's tax increases to pay for his new programs amount to billions of dollars on investments. Millions of average Americans (that would be YOU) are counting on their investments to help fund their retirement plans in the coming years, and Obama's plan takes a bite out of their future wealth. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Palin pulled in 37.2 million viewers across broadcast and cable networks. That's 55% higher than Day 3 of the DNC, when her Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden, and President Clinton took the stage to 24 million viewers. Just like old, used rock stars, Clinton can't draw a crowd like he used to. In fact, Palin's speech came close to upsetting Obama's historic address, which was the most-watched convention speech in history with 38.4 million viewers. Also, PBS just chimed in to say 3.2 million watched on their network, which brings Palin's total viewership on ad-supported and public airwaves to more than 40 million. Sarah trounced Biden and nearly topped the Messiah. The major difference between the Palin and Obama speeches is people were talking about Sarah Palin's speech the next day. They were not talking about Obama's speech. Quotes and Facts Quote: "He [Joe Lieberman] has every right to make a partisan speech at the Republican National Convention if that's what he wants to do, having said that, that doesn't give him the right to question Obama's role and record in the Senate in the speech." - Jim Manley spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Fact: Joe Lieberman did not have the right to question their Chosen One's role and record? Joe Lieberman not only has "the right to question Obama's role and record," he has the responsibility to expose this Marxist. This is typical leftist political hack, Marxist dogma. If you disagree, you should be silenced. Sarah Palin earns more Libertarian support. Sarah Palin is a threat to the political infrastructure of these United States.
That's real change! If Congress does not act to renew these outdated, anti-energy, and anti-consumer restrictions, these areas will be opened to exploration and drilling beginning on October 1. Recent DOI estimates are that these off-limits offshore areas contain 19.1 billion barrels of oil, the equivalent of 30 years of current imports from Saudi Arabia. It should also be noted that these initial energy estimates often prove to be low. Hopefully, our do nothing congress will continue to do nothing when it counts. Congress should not hinder Energy Freedom Day. Quotes And Facts Quote: "Alaska? Alaska? Alaska, Alaska, come on, man. I don't even know if there's any black people in Alaska. What is the reality in Alaska? There's not even no crack heads in Alaska, no black people. There's not even no, like... crime or, like, foreign policies." - P. Diddy Fact: There are black people in Alaska, 4.72% of the population to be precise. P. Diddy chooses to live in Alpine, NJ. Only 1.51% of the population in Alpine, NJ are black, 1.46% if you don't count P. Diddy. This would mean that Sarah Palin can understand black people more than three times better than P. Diddy. For the record, I can't confirm how many crack heads live in Alpine, NJ. What does P. Diddy have against black people? And, why does he attempt to correlate crack heads with black people? Quotes and Facts Quote: "Well, you know, my understanding is that, uh, Governor Palin's town of Wasilly [sic] has, uh, 50 employees, uh, uh, we've got 2500, uh, in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. Uh, uh, we have a budget of about three times that just for the month. Uh, so I think that, uh, our ability to manage large systems, uh, and to, uh, execute, uh, I think has been made clear over the last couple of years." - Barack Obama September 1, 2008 Fact: Sarah Palin is now Governor of Alaska. She operates a $9 billion budget, and manages $13 billion in revenue. She also runs a government that employs 25,000 people. Sounds like executive experience to me. How much executive experience does Obama have? Additionally, Obama isn't running the campaign. He hired people to do that for him. Unfortunately, he won't be able to hire someone to be president for him. One more point, when will he be trained to speak without stuttering when he doesn't have access to a prompter? Dark Horse Ralph Reed has written a book called "Dark Horse." It's a novel about a presidential election that has been on the bookshelves for quite a while. In this book, Ralph Reed writes about a presidential candidate who surprises everyone by choosing a female who has been the governor of a state for less than two years as his running mate. Coincidence? Or does Ralph Reed possess some sort of psychic powers? Mayor Ray Nagin said no one would be turned away from the city if they tried to come in early, but warned that New Orleans was still in a "very, very vulnerable state." "I don't want people heading in yet," Nagin said. "But if they jumped the gun, we will let them through." Hurricane Gustav was milder than expected. The complete evacuation of New Orleans wasn't necessary, this time. Who does this political hack, Mayor Nagin, think he is telling people when they can and can't return to their property? The next time a hurricane threatens New Orleans, people will remember that they evacuated when told to do so. They will also remember that they were prevented from returning to their property when the threat didn't materialize. One of the primary reasons people resist evacuation is the expectation that they're going to run into harassment roadblocks when they attempt to return to their homes and property. Blame the incompetent fools in government. Lesson: Unwise choices and negative actions have grave consequences. Sarah Palin enjoys a sterling approval rating in a state with arguably the nation's most libertarian-minded populace. Consider the risk that Barack Obama will win the White House with an open-ended mandate for radical but unspecified "change." Our founding fathers believed that, in times of peace, 95% of all governance should originate from local, not the federal level of government. Not one of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence or who participated in the design of our Constitution ever imagined that the federal government would become the unrestrained monster it is today. The primary purpose of the federal government is national security. In addition to that, perhaps basic infrastructure such as roads and bridges. Our downfall was political power, which is out of control. Nancy Pelosi and BO want to save the planet. Obama has a lifetime fascination with Marxism. He actively sought the endorsement of the communist party when he ran for the senate in Illinois just six years ago. A united president and Congress can, as a practical matter, do all or any of the following (plus much more): Take your money and give it to someone else. Tell businesses what to produce and sell, who to hire and what wages to pay. Set all commodity, wholesale and retail prices. Control all energy supplies, communication networks and financial markets Replace all private health-care with a government system. Prescribe the curriculum for all schools. Determine which students get a slot in elite universities. Diminish political and other speech. Enroll all citizens above the age of 17 either in the military or in civilian corps for periodic instruction and service. Children could be required to spend the summer in government "youth" camps. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Unfortunately, it's more of the same activities that occurred in Germany and the Soviet Union less than 60 years ago. Are you beginning to get the picture? When was the last time you heard Obama praise freedom? Quotes and Facts Quote: "Unlike John McCain, I will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America." - Barack Obama August 28, 2008 Fact: John McCain is not suggesting that we give tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas. McCain said he wants to give tax breaks to all companies. Even if you were educated in our pathetic government schools, do you think you can concentrate and think this through logically? We have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world! Our government, through this horrid tax structure, raises the cost of doing business for companies in this country. Many of these companies are global corporations. They will take their businesses to countries that will not rape them with excessive taxes, and there are plenty of haven out there. We need to become one of those havens for businesses. When you give a tax cut to companies, you are giving them incentive to stay in America and not go somewhere else. That's good business. Quote: "I'll eliminate capital gains taxes for the small businesses and startups that will create the higher wage, high tech jobs of tomorrow." - Barack Obama August 28, 2008 Fact: Most small businesses and startups don't have capital gains. It takes years to build up to that level. What he doesn't tell you is he wants to raise income taxes on these same businesses. That will give these startups less money to invest back into their businesses and reduce wages and job opportunities. Unfortunately, most people are economically ignorant and don't know the difference between capital gains and income taxes. And political hacks like Obama love this. Quote: "I will cut taxes, cut taxes for 95% of all working families." - Barack Obama August 28, 2008 Fact: Less than 3.5% of personal income taxes are paid by the lowest 50% of income earners. Over 80% of all personal income taxes are paid by the top 20% of income earners. The richest 1% of households in the U.S. are now paying a record 27.6% of all federal taxes and a record of 38.8% of all federal income taxes. The richest 1% of households only earn about 17% of all income. The top 1.1 million households pay a greater share of the income tax burden than the bottom 90 million households combined. The top 0.1% of income earners pay 17.4% of all federal income taxes. According to The Wall Street Journal, the majority of American families with incomes less than $40,000 pay no income taxes at all! How do you cut taxes when no taxes for 95% of working families when no taxes are paid by 40% of these families? Quote: " the fundamental belief that I am my brother's keeper " - Barack Obama August 29, 2008 Fact: Nobody in the United States is technically uninsured, because everyone has access to hospital emergency rooms. Hospital emergency rooms cannot technically turn away anyone for financial reasons. Therefore, everyone has access to health care. John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis said, "The next president of the United States should sign an executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from describing any American - even illegal aliens - as uninsured. Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely source of payment should they need care. So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved." By the way, did you ever stop and think that some people are "uninsured" because they choose to be uninsured? Also, you can go to Walmart and purchase one of over 300 prescription medications for $4 for a 30-day supply and only $10 for a 90-day supply. If you believe that government could provide these drugs to you for less money, I have some swampland in Florida you may be interested in purchasing. Unfortunately, out of touch Obama said that the private sector simply cannot handle our health care needs. Obama Needs To Learn How Our Government Operates Obama stated that McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time. The last time I checked, Bush, nor any other president for that matter, doesn't have a vote in the Senate. Therefore, there is not a factual method of calculating and comparing any senator's vote with the president. Basic government 101. You would think the Chosen One would have realized this. Then again, what would you expect from someone speaking at what appeared to be another version of the finals of American Idol? The beauty pageant continues. According to the Texas Secretary of State website, Libertarians Bob Barr and Wayne Allyn Root are the only candidates for president and vice-president that will appear on the ballot in the Lone Star State. "Unless the state of Texas violates their own election laws, Congressman Barr will be the only presidential candidate on the ballot; Texas law makes no exceptions for missing deadlines." The son of Barack Obama's vice presidential pick, Sen. Joe Biden, is a top partner at a Washington law firm that has lobbied his father's office, a family tie that could prove embarrassing for a campaign that has positioned itself as fighting lobbyists and special interests in Washington. "That's not change, that's more of the same." This is too easy with these political hacks. Experts say hundreds of thousands of Americans may have lost their homes due to a bill championed by Sen. Joseph Biden, D-DE, Barack Obama's vice-presidential running mate. Congressional Republicans drove the effort to pass the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) of 2005. But Biden - who has enjoyed hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from credit industry executives - endorsed the measure early on and worked to gather Democratic support for it. "That's not change, that's more of the same." Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention. He and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk. Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer. In a video clip, a sheriff's officer is seen telling Eslocker the sidewalk is owned by the hotel. Later, he is seen pushing Eslocker off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic, forcing him to the other side of the street. During the arrest, one of the officers can be heard saying to Eslocker, "You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you." Does this silence and control of the media sound familiar? These Gestapo tactics occurred years ago in Germany. Where are your papers? The Jeep Grand Cherokee was driven by the Democratic presidential candidate during his final four years as an Illinois state senator. Murphy plans to sell the Jeep on eBay after the November election. If Obama wins, she's hoping to get three to four times the current trade-in value of the Jeep. She estimated the value to be $8,000 to $10,000, but according to the Kelley Blue Book, it should be closer to $2,000 to $3,100. Liz Murphy, 45, who owns the Jeep, says it hits her from time to time that the leather on the top of her steering wheel may have been worn out by the next U.S. president. Quotes and Facts Quote: "I am very proud of the Democrats in Congress." - Nancy Pelosi Fact: According to the Wall Street Journal, no Congress in the past 20 years has passed fewer public laws than this one. No Congress in the past two decades has proposed more symbolic resolutions than this one, over 1,900. They are spending one quarter of their work week debating and passing symbolic measures such as creating National Watermelon Month. Now that's something I certainly could not live without and is worthy of our Federal tax dollars. Quote: "That's why I left a job at a law firm for a career in public service, working to empower young people to volunteer in their communities." - Michelle Obama Fact: Michelle Obama's chosen career path led her to make $275,000 per year at a private hospital. Now I don't' have a problem with people making money, but this is not "public service." Quote: "John McCain doesn't think that 47 million people without health insurance is a crisis." - Hillary Clinton Fact: According to the U.S. Census Bureau, that 37 percent of the uninsured live in households making more than $50,000 a year, most of which can afford health insurance. Quote: "I will always remember the boy who told me his mom worked for the minimum wage and that her employer had cut her hours." - Hillary Clinton Fact: Evidently, Hillary failed Economics 101. If the business owner found her employment too expensive at the lower wage, they will be forced to cut her hours even more at a higher wage. Since the minimum wage increase, teenage unemployment is at a 15-year high. By the way, if this mother is not smart enough to earn more than minimum wage, she is probably not smart enough to properly parent a child. Quote: "Even today, as oil companies post the biggest profits in history ... John wants to give them another $4 billion in tax breaks." - Joe Biden Fact: John McCain wants to cut corporate income taxes for all companies. Oil companies are companies. Why do political hacks want you to have the "opportunity to succeed," but if you succeed too much, we will punish you and take those evil profits. Obama is going to tax the people Democrat voters don't like and shower benefits on those likely to vote Democrat. It's called pandering and vote buying. Nothing new here, where is the change? This ad says it all. Right to Health Care Let's analyze this: Giving one person a "right" to the services of another. I thought we abolished that over 100 years ago. Media Bias Don't you find it odd that the media scrutinizes and slams McCain for the houses he owns and heralds Ted Kennedy in a tribute with images on his yacht off Cape Cod? New Haven Connecticut League officials accused 9-year-old pitcher Jericho Scott, of pitching "so hard, fast and accurate that it might frighten or discourage other players." Change in America: Reward failure and punish excellence. Nancy Pelosi said, "You want to talk about drilling offshore? Let's talk about profits made by the oil companies without paying royalties. They're taking your oil without paying any royalties." Translation: Nancy isn't interested in lowering gas prices for consumers. It's all about money being paid by consumers to oil companies and then funneled to the government as a "royalty." Unfortunately, most Americans are apparently too economically ignorant to comprehend political hack Nancy's plan, which is a tax increase on consumers. That's you! Wisconsin Appeals Court ruling overturns speeding tickets based on federal speed limit sign regulations. The signs were not posted in the correct position. George Obama "lives on less than a dollar a month." BO, the person aspiring to be the most powerful person in the world, preaches about poverty and saving the world, and he can't even help his own brother? An analysis by Taxpayers for Common Sense (TCS) found House lawmakers have approved $290 million more in earmarks this year. They've also approved about 200 more projects compared to last year. Government spending through these vote buying schemes is up and paid for by YOU through your tax dollars. 32 states have speed limits of 70 mph or higher on some portion of their roadways. Now the government political hacks want to return us to 1974. "No other law, other than Prohibition, has not been adhered to as much as that 55 mph limit," said Bonnie Sesolak of the National Motorists Association in Wisconsin. "It just wasn't the answer then, and it's not the answer now." Traffic laws are, by and large, for revenue raising purposes. Mortgage and Foreclosure Crisis Not Really a "Crisis" Just the facts: Congress, with prompting from the media, demanded mortgages for people with bad credit, limited incomes and poor job histories. Loans were made to people who couldn't realistically qualify. Under threat of government interference in the banking industry, banks provided credit to people who didn't qualify. In 1999 approximately 62% of privately owned homes carried a mortgage. 97% of homes with mortgages are not in default. If you are capable of doing the math, this means that only 3% of 62% of all homes in this country, or 1.86 out of every 100 homeowners (1.86%), are in default. This government educed problem is NOT a "crisis"! Are candy canes in schools offensive? The U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether a fifth-grade student's religious expression (candy canes) on a classroom project can be considered "offensive" and subject to censorship by school officials. The boy made the ornaments as part of a classroom project in which students develop and "sell" products. School officials told the youngster to remove the message, even though he received an A on the assignment. Why is this even an issue? Government school idiocy. The Democrats can't even plan a convention correctly and think they can run the country. After all, they have known about this convention for over a year. Couldn't they plan any better? And, why aren't limo services coming into town from other areas around Colorado. Could it be that smart business owners know that Hitlary Clinton and the Democrats do not pay their bills? Hitlary still owes millions to vendors from her failed campaign. In the effort of "going green," perhaps the Democrats should rent bicycles to demonstrate their sincerity to reduce their "carbon footprint." Courtesy of the fraudulent NEA and with the approval of the City of Los Angeles. Your tax dollars at work in Mexico.
I have been saying this for years. Education is not a substitute for intelligence and common sense. "Clothing is not a huge issue at Franklin Avenue School," said Principal Leslie Clark-Yvon. Apparently, the problem lies with the mentality of Principal Clark-Yvon and her government stooges. There is a general dress code for all schools that prohibits the wearing of certain clothing. We can't start the war against the individual too soon. Keep turning your kids over to
the government for indoctrination. Killer to Receive Calzones, Pizza With Life Sentence A New York man who pleaded guilty to murder in Oregon in exchange for buckets of fried chicken will get calzones and pizza to go with his life sentence. Deputy District Attorney Josh Lamborn said Multnomah County Judge Eric Bergstrom made the right call in allowing the unusual plea agreement because it saved the expense of a trial and possible appeals. One of its passengers was accused of beheading and cannibalizing another traveler. Good reason. McCain like Batman while Obama like Spiderman. McCain likes ABBA and Roy Orbison while Obama favors Frank Sinatra, Bob Dylan and John Coltrane. This is just the information you need to make your decision easier when you ponder who to vote for this year for president. As I said, this is the American Idol Beauty Contest election. Why focus on real issues when candidates have Batman and Spiderman to save the day. Does Batman wear boxers or briefs? We'll have to ask Clinton. Voting for president is not a constitutional right. Our founding fathers were very wise indeed. Four Mexican soldiers wearing desert camouflage and carrying weapons held a U.S. Border Patrol agent at gunpoint. The agent repeatedly identified himself in English and Spanish. After four minutes the soldiers lowered their weapons and crossed back into Mexico on foot. The government permitted the oil companies to drill and prove many sites, subsequently making them cap the wells and keep the proof of the finds secret. Seismographic testing has indicated that there is as much crude oil on the North Slope of Alaska as in Saudi Arabia. The Postal Service had a net loss of more than a billion dollars in the third quarter of the fiscal year. It's a government operation. And, some people want the government to control the healthcare and energy industries. You want proof? Go to Disney World and observe all the "pretend to be handicapped" riding around on their scooters. Obama voted for a 2005 energy bill that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production. McCain opposed the bill on grounds it included billions in unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry. Now BO flip-flops and demands a tax on what he calls excessive energy-company profits. A new Obama ad says Big Oil filled McCain's campaign with $2 million in contributions and that he "wants to give them another $4 billion in tax breaks." The ad doesn't mention Obama has taken some $400,000 from oil company executives. That $4 billion consists mainly of potential revenue from a McCain proposal to lower corporate taxes on all American businesses. The United States has the second-largest corporate income tax in the industrialized world. Our punishing tax rates are chasing businesses and capital overseas. Day laborers = illegal aliens. The shelters would have to be easily accessible and equipped with drinking water, bathrooms, tables with seating and trash facilities. These requirements would be paid for by the private businesses through the force of the police power of government. This will increase the businesses' exposure to legal actions should these illegal aliens get injured while loitering on company property. Then again, considering this is the Peoples' Republic of California, the businesses may next be required to serve free breakfast burritos while the "day laborers" loiter. "Now I think you will be able to imagine many things Senator McCain will be able to say. He's never been the president. But he will put forth his lifetime of experience. I will put forth my lifetime of experience. Senator Obama will put forth the speech he made in 2002." - Hillary Clinton 2008 A new poll of U.S. women voters showed Women would rather carpool or go on vacation with Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama than with his Republican rival John McCain. Do women think Obama is a better driver and is more amusing on vacation? Is this useless information likely to become reality in the lives of American women? The poll was commissioned by Lifetime Network as part of its "Every Woman Counts" campaign to engage women in politics. Aren't you glad that American women are capable of focusing on the "real" issues? Simple and accurate. Restoring CO2 to the atmosphere with every page view. Carbon Dioxide is NOT A POLLUTANT! CO2 is vital for plants to survive, plants that create oxygen for you and I to breathe. Our carbon dioxide generator farm is restoring valuable carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at the rate of one cubic foot per hit on this website. Every time you use this website, you are helping to restore the carbon dioxide that the plants and trees require to survive. Every click helps to balance the planet. Exxon's profit margin stood at 10% for 2007, which is hardly out of line with the oil and gas industry average of 8.3%, or the 8.9% for U.S. manufacturing (excluding the sputtering auto makers). If that's what constitutes windfall profits, most of corporate America would qualify. Take aerospace or machinery -- both 8.2% in 2007. Chemicals had an average margin of 12.7%. Computers: 13.7%. Electronics and appliances: 14.5%. Pharmaceuticals (18.4%) and beverages and tobacco (19.1%) round out the Census Bureau's industry rankings. In a tax bill on oil earlier this summer, no fewer than 51 Senators voted to impose a 25% windfall tax on a U.S.-based oil company whose profits grew by more than 10% in a single year and wasn't investing enough in "renewable" energy. This suggests that a windfall is defined by profits growing too fast. No one knows where that 10% came from, besides political convenience. But if 10% is the new standard, the tech industry is going to have to rethink its growth arc. So will LG, the electronics company, which saw its profits grow by 505% in 2007. Abbott Laboratories hit 110%. Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett's outfit, pulled in $11 billion last year, up 29% from 2006. Its profit margin -- if that's the relevant figure -- was 11.47%, which beats out the American oil majors. Or consider Google, which earned a mere $4.2 billion but at a whopping 25.3% margin. Google earns far more from each of its sales dollars than does Exxon. Bill Clinton took down as much as $15 million working as a rainmaker for billionaire financier Ron Burkle's Yucaipa Companies. This may be the very definition of "windfall." The bottom line is a windfall is nothing more than a profit earned by a business that some politician dislikes. And a tax on that profit is merely a form of politically motivated expropriation. "I believe this is a victory for the people of South and southeast Los Angeles, for them to have greater food options," said socialist Councilwoman Jan Perry. It sounds to me like government is limiting food options. The ban covers a 32-square-mile area for one year, with two possible six-month extensions. Keep in mind that whenever there is a government ban it is likely to create a black market for the desired products. Be on the lookout for underground Big Macs. Where in the constitution is it government's job to determine what restaurants can serve what food options at what locations? Fast food restaurants opened in these neighborhoods because there was a demand for their products. It is not up to the government to regulate their desires. No one was forcing neighborhood residents to eat at these restaurants. If people didn't patronize them, they wouldn't have a marketplace. What a concept, let the marketplace decide.
Who ever thought the "smartest woman in the world" would prostitute herself so cheaply? What a Presidential way to beg. Actually, after assessing the fair market value of the product, she is still priced a little too high.
We need Rush. As I used to say on the air, "If you disagree, get your own show and say (or do) what you want." It's the American way. I am not sure if this is a world record, but it is consistent with speeches Obama has made in all "57 States." This particular speech lasted 41 minutes with over seven and a half minutes of stuttering. And people criticize Bush's eloquence? Obama definitely doesn't speak like a profound world leader. "We fear that this is a potentially slippery slope where the list could go on and on & and basically restaurants would be criminalized for having an ingredient in one of their recipes," said Jot Condie, president of the CRA. "Consumers are smart and restaurants are very smart and know what consumers want," said Condie, who deems the law entirely unnecessary. As I predicted, the government and their Fat Nazis will soon be telling you what you can and can't eat. Government has no place in our businesses and our diets. In Williston, FL, an armed home invader was shot and killed by a resident after the robber, one of two who had broken into the house, reportedly pointed a gun at him. One of two brothers living at the house fatally shot one of the robbery suspects, Jonathan Gaal, 19. Roger Dan Garrison, 49, told investigators that he was sleeping in his bedroom when he heard his dog barking. He went into his living room and saw two men dressed in black with their faces covered. Garrison's brother, Martin Randy Garrison, 54, was sleeping in the living room on a couch that had a handgun underneath it. Martin Garrison told investigators that he grabbed the gun and shot Gaal at point blank range after Gaal pointed a gun at him. A sheriff's deputy found Gaal in the yard of the residence with a gun in his hand. The moral of the story: Don't break into people's homes. The committee hosting the Democratic National Convention has used the city of Denver's gas pumps to fill up and apparently avoided paying state and federal fuel taxes. The practice, which began four months ago, may have ended hours after its disclosure. In Colorado, consumers pay 40.4 cents per gallon in state and federal fuel taxes. Democratic Presidential Candidate Obama preaches "change." Apparently the messiah and his people think they are beyond paying the taxes that the average American citizen is required to pay. This distinctive political hack behavior doesn't sound like "change" to me. According to Dr David Evans, who was a consultant to the Australian Greenhouse Office from 1999 to 2005, there has not been a public debate about the causes of global warming and most of the public and our decision makers are not aware of the most basic salient facts: The greenhouse signature is missing. We have been looking and measuring for years, and cannot find it. There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None. There is plenty of evidence that global warming has occurred, and theory suggests that carbon emissions should raise temperatures (though by how much is hotly disputed) but there are no observations by anyone that implicate carbon emissions as a significant cause of the recent global warming. The satellites that measure the world's temperature all say that the warming trend ended in 2001, and that the temperature has dropped about 0.6C in the past year (to the temperature of 1980). The new ice cores show that in the past six global warmings over the past half a million years, the temperature rises occurred on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in atmospheric carbon. Which says something important about which was cause and which was effect. Al Gore made his movie in 2005 and presented the ice cores as the sole reason for believing that carbon emissions cause global warming. In any other political context our cynical and experienced press corps would surely have called this dishonest and widely questioned the politician's assertion. The world has spent $50 billion on global warming since 1990, and we have not found any actual evidence that carbon emissions cause global warming. "I want to try to get security for my family, retirement, health issues, all of those things, to try and get myself a little piece of mind." said Mendy Harris, 40, a mother of five who works for a transportation company and lost her rented home in Phoenix after her husband lost his job. Just where in the constitution does it state that the government is responsible for providing security for retirement, health issues and "a little piece of mind?" "Low income and homeless people are more energized than I have ever seen before," said Michael Stoops, executive director of the National Coalition of the Homeless. If they were truly "energized" about improving their lives, they wouldn't be low income and homeless. This should come as no surprise. These people are waiting for someone - Barack Obama - to do it for them. People do not realize that you could do more without the government if it wasn't for the government. The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. Facts: Climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated. Natural variability is the cause of most of the Earth's recent warming. "Global warming" halted ten years ago, and surface temperature has been falling for seven years. CO2 enrichment will add little more than 1 °F (0.6 °C) to global mean surface temperature by 2100. "In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years ... Mars, Jupiter, Neptune's largest moon, and Pluto warmed at the same time as Earth." (I didn't know we sold SUVs on Mars and Jupiter.) Oil Prices Drop - Supply And Demand At Work The price of oil fell six bucks in 15 minutes this morning. Why is the oil price coming down? Because there was a report that inventories are increasing, and why are inventories increasing? People are using less because the price has gone up. When Congress and government stay out of things, market forces level off naturally. Now, let's get government out of our lives and business, start drilling and watch the price of oil really plummet. "It is very sad when every man with a camera enjoying a Sunday afternoon out in the park with his children is automatically assumed to be a pervert." Does this sound familiar? Coming soon to a paranoia filled government controlled public park near you. Raising taxes, increasing government spending and demonizing business? That is straight out of the New Deal of the 1930s. Economists and historians have concluded that New Deal policies are what prolonged the Great Depression. The political issue is whether socking it to "the rich" in the name of "fairness" gains more votes. Is this change for the better? It sounds like more of the same political hack jargon to me. Corey Ramsey entered the Sanco Drug Store in southeast Roanoke with the intent to rob the establishment. When the 22-year-old went into the convenience store, the store's owner Robert Kennedy pulled out a gun. The two struggled over it and, according to police, Kennedy shot and killed Ramsey. The criminal was dead and the store clerk was injured. The family of Corey Ramsey now says that the store owner, who was protecting his property with a legal handgun, went too far and should be punished for killing Corey. "The guy went too far because, since he got robbed four times... he just took it out on Corey," says Ramsey's fiancée Violet Barber. The fact is that Corey was trying to rob the store. "I know Corey was wrong for going in there and trying to rob the place, but he was unarmed," says Ramsey's friend Vanessa Moore. "Corey was a good person. He wouldn't have harmed anyone." Hello Vanessa! Corey was wrong! He was a bad person who tried to rob someone of their property. And even though he was "unarmed," he wrestled with the store owner for his gun. Therefore, Corey was a threat. Ramsey's friend Dana Lucas said, "I think they are showing the public you can kill somebody if they go on your property." Absolutely! And hopefully, more people will catch on and legally protect themselves when criminals illegally go on their property with intent to do harm and commit crimes. This reminds me of the parents who use the excuse, "He's not a bad kid. He just fell in with the wrong crowd." Fact: Corey was not "a good person." He was a thug. He is now a dead thug. Dead thugs are good thugs. A federal judge has overturned a decision by the U.S. Forest Service to allow oil and gas drilling near a forest and a river in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula. "The drilling might affect the Kirtland's warbler, an endangered songbird that nests in the area." Thank your local environmentalist wacko as you pay more for your gasoline and energy. For the first time in decades, and perhaps ever, the richest 1% of tax filers will have paid more than 40% of the income tax burden. The top 50% will account for 97% of all federal income taxes, while the bottom 50% will have paid just 3%. Barack Obama has decided the rich still don't pay enough. He would redistribute the tax burden even more heavily on small business owners and the entrepreneurial class (two-thirds of the tax filers in the highest income tax bracket are small-business owners.) Economist Glenn Hubbard of Columbia University has shown that in 1970, when the highest tax rate was 70%, the top 1% shouldered 16.7% of the income tax burden. Today the top tax rate is 35% and the same class of taxpayers pays a whopping 39% of the burden. The worst way to "soak the rich," Mr. Hubbard finds, is to raise tax rates. This Robin Hood scheme has proven that it won't work. But it sounds really good to ignorant voters on the campaign trail. At least 14 Democratic members of the House and one senator, John Kerry, have holdings ranging from several thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars in companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. or partnerships such as Schlumberger and Hornbeck Offshore Services. "I always vote against the companies I own," said Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.). "I don't give a damn." Cohen owns $15,000-$50,000 of stock in Chevron, $50,000-$100,000 in Exxon Mobil, and $15,000-$50,000 in Schlumberger, a highly profitable oil-services company that provides technical expertise and equipment. Apparently Representative Cohen is an economic idiot. When Kerry ran for president four years ago, he criticized President Bush's "energy policy of Big Oil, by Big Oil, and for Big Oil." Kerry has tens of thousands of dollars invested in those same companies. Kerry's financial disclosure reports show two investments in Exxon Mobil worth between $65,000 and $150,000 combined. He also showed a stake in BP worth between $15,000 and $50,000. A Florida teen whose arm was ripped from his body by an 11-foot alligator said he knew the canal was infested with alligators before taking a 2 a.m. swim. You can't fix stupid! Cable TV was one of the family's budget-cutting casualties, leaving Sadie, 9, and her 7-year-old sister without their favorite cartoons and shows. One sign read, "All of my mom's monny goes to the gas tank!" The other sign read, "mom had to cut cabel." Evidence in this case shows that these kids would probably be better off staying away from television and concentrating on their spelling. People grew up without cable TV for years unscathed. OIL prices "will not come down," said OPEC president Chakib Khelil. Send this to everyone you know that is economically ignorant and blames the "evil" oil companies for high gas prices. Two studies released show that federal ethanol mandates have placed significant pressure on food prices, while any effect on gasoline prices has been "almost too small to measure." The study concludes that ethanol actually has had little effect on gas prices, only about 4 cents per gallon. "Consumers will suffer as food and fuel costs rise and supplies of corn-based foods diminish. The overall economy will be damaged from higher inflation and lost jobs in the food production sector." "The increase in retail food prices due to biofuels is estimated to be 23-35 percent above the normal increase in food prices that would occur over 2-3 years. Accordingly, biofuels are now becoming a significant factor in higher food prices."
Let's see, the sun becomes more active. As a result, the earth becomes slightly warmer through natural occurrence. Actually, the earth has cooled in recent years and has been predicted to, by these same scientists, to cool over the next decade. Now to hold a public trial and persecute those evildoers believed to be responsible for the natural occurrence. Does this sound familiar? Talk about a modern-day witch-hunt! And these idiots call themselves "scientists?" We need to "accuse" these alleged scientists "of being fully aware of the disinformation about climate change they are spreading." "When you are in that kind of position," masquerading as scientists "who have been putting out misinformation even via organisations that affect what gets into school textbooks, then I think that's a crime." As the small amount of food ran out, the survivors debated whether they should eat the pilot. During the discussion I wonder if they considered the finer points of pilot dining such as what parts do you start with and who gets the best parts? Also, do you barbeque or boil? What if someone yells out, "I've had pilot before and it isn't very good?" Florida columnist Michael Mayo wants to hold oil hostage for a national hurricane insurance program. That's just what we need, another government program. In this idiot's mind, it is the federal government's job to ensure that others pay for insurance for someone who decides to live in a high risk uninsurable hurricane area. He continuously talked about being "fair." Where was the fairness when our own government decided that American companies couldn't drill off of our own coasts while other countries are perfectly capable of doing so? Where was the fairness when Barack Obama said he wants the government to tax windfall profits from private oil companies and distribute it to non-achievers to pay for gas? Where is the fairness when oil company executives are dragged to Congress like criminals because they actually make a profit in their businesses? It's "unfair" that Florida has been the problem and not the solution of American energy policy for so long. "FEMA may be hindered in its ability to perform disaster response in an effective and timely manner." The response to those storms exposed deep flaws within the agency, including breakdowns in its ability to track food, water, ice and other supplies. FEMA's logistics systems do not track disaster goods from initial shipment to final delivery. And the political hacks want this same government to "control" our healthcare and the flow of our oil. A new study finds that natural variations in how clouds form could actually be causing temperature changes, rather than the other way around, and could also lead to overestimates of how sensitive the Earth's climate is to greenhouse gas emissions. "Since the cloud changes could conceivably be caused by known long-term modes of climate variability, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or El Niño and La Niña, some, or even most, of the global warming seen in the last century could simply be due to natural fluctuations in the climate system," says lead author Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama-Huntsville. Yet, the political Global Warming Scam continues. He is calling for construction of 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030 and pledging $2 billion a year in federal funds to make clean coal a reality. Perhaps McCain does have a brain when it comes to "alternative energy." Put the government in control of oil and gas production and you can look for gasoline prices to triple. This can be proven by looking at all of the other programs that government controls. The Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply. They want to control the flow of the oil supply, not improve it. When has government improved anything? "We (the government) should own the refineries. Then we can control how much gets out into the market." - Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) "You cannot drill your way out of this." - Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA), chairman of the House Select Committee on Global Warming What else would you expect from an idiot from the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts who believes in the manmade global warming scam. The concept of Government controlling business. Hitler would be so proud of our elected fascists. Apparently so. Southwest Cove, which is part of Willoughby State Forest, has had a reputation for being nude friendly for about a quarter-century. The beach is on public land that isn't visible from the highway. The state -- which has no laws banning public nudity -- advises visitors with a sign at a trail head leading to the beach that warns ''be advised, you may encounter nude bathers.'' Regulars say the nude beach is an accepted part of the area that doesn't cause any trouble. Yet some residents want to be able to use the beach without having to worry they or their kids will confront a (gasp) naked person. They're pushing the town to pass an anti-nudity ordinance. How many of these parents get distressed with local movie theatres showing films depicting murder and violence? The bottom line is nobody is forcing these people to go to this beach. Here's an option: go somewhere else. If you've seen two, you've seen them all.
This according to an ignorant government school teacher, Martha Smith. I have one question for Martha, or anyone else out there who would care to provide me with this information: Precisely, where in our United States Constitution does it guarantee a right to a government education? It's astounding that this uninformed fool is teaching the youth of this country. And, thanks to our political hacks in Washington, we can't. Yet they want to run your health care. Diane Feinstein said, "Candidly, I don't think the taxpayers should be subsidizing something that doesn't need to be. There are parts of government that can be run like a business and should be run like businesses." What happened to the rubbish of "when we federalize, we professionalize?" I can think of hundreds of government programs that don't "need to be." Obama said, "I'll make oil companies like Exxon pay a tax on their windfall profits, and we'll use the money to help families pay for their skyrocketing energy costs and other bills." Windfall Profit Tax by definition: A tax levied on an industry by a politician eager to pander to economically ignorant voters who, for whatever reason, are upset with that industry. The economic ignorance of the American people is astounding. Most people couldn't tell you the difference between a profit and a profit margin if their flat-screen TVs depended on it. Oil company profit margins (the amount of money they earn for a dollar of sales) have in fact declined to some extent. Meanwhile, banking institutions, cosmetics companies and pharmaceutical companies are just part of a long list of businesses that earn more than the evil oil companies. But oil companies are a hot topic at the moment. Thus, they become cannon fodder for political hacks like Obama. Keep in mind that if you own mutual funds or have a pension, Obama is talking about taxing YOU! Taking YOUR MONEY! Obama is talking about taking the savings, investments and retirement funds of middle class Americans. That would be YOU! Not oil company executives. Not George Bush and Dick Cheney. YOU! It is too bad stupidity isn't painful. Unfortunately, the American people would rather continue to be ignorant to what is in fact going on because they are too busy watching reruns of American Idol. The U.S. government knows where it can get its hands on more untapped petroleum than exists in the proven reserves of Iran or Iraq, which have 136 billion barrels and 115 billion barrels, respectively. We are responsible for artificially increasing oil prices. It is our oil that sits untapped beneath our deserts, our forests, our swamps and our oceans. It is our politicians -- the ones we freely elected, and re-elected, and re-elected -- who are not allowing our oil to be drilled by us and sold to us. In February 2006, Interior's Minerals Management Service (MMS) published the report on offshore oil resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). It determined there were 85.9 billion barrels of "undiscovered technically recoverable" oil sitting off our beaches. Just this offshore portion of our undiscovered oil is more than all the proven oil in Venezuela, and more than all the proven oil in Russia, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain combined. Of the 279 million acres of federal land "with potential for oil or natural gas resources," 60 percent is off limits to leases as a matter of federal statute or administrative policy. Another 23 percent is open to leases with "restrictions." These include such things as "lands that can be leased but ground-disturbing oil and natural gas exploration and development activities are prohibited" and "lands that can be leased, but stipulations ... limit the time of the year when oil and gas exploration and drilling can take place to less than 3 months." You elected Congress. It paid you back with $4.00-per-gallon gas. D.C. police will seal off entire neighborhoods, set up checkpoints and kick out strangers. Under an executive order expected to be announced today, police Chief Cathy L. Lanier will have the authority to designate "Neighborhood Safety Zones." At least six officers will man cordons around those zones and demand identification from people coming in and out of them. Anyone who doesn't live there, work there or have "legitimate reason" to be there will be sent away or face arrest. The no-go zones will last up to 10 days. Peter Nickles, the city's interim attorney general said, "I'm not worried about the constitutionality of it." Why should the law matter to an attorney general? Does anyone see a problem with this? Kristopher Baumann, chairman of the D.C. police union and a former lawyer, called the checkpoint proposal "breathtaking." "I think they tried this in Russia and it failed," said Shelley Broderick, president of the D.C.-area American Civil Liberties Union and the dean of the University of the District of Columbia's law school. One of the freedoms Americans cherish is the freedom of movement. Our freedoms are rapidly disintegrating. For this episode of government school idiocy, we take you to the City of Chicopee, Massachusetts. Adam is a seven year old Chicopee boy who, after much fundraising, finally received a service dog to help him with his disabilities. Adam's mother Sue asked Chicopee school officials last fall about bringing his service dog into school. Permission was denied. You see, Richard Rege, the Superintendent of Chicopee Public Schools said, "No one has given me any documentation to prove that having the dog with Adam during the school day would in anyway have a positive impact on either his health safety, or access to the educational program." The facts: Massachusetts state law guarantees that trained service dogs be allowed in all public
places. Plus, under the This sounds simple to me and is something that any reasonable and intelligent person should be able to comprehend. If Mr. Rege is incapable of comprehending and abiding by these basic laws, he is apparently incapable of properly administering a school system. Read it for yourself. This is another scheme for political hacks to seize more wealth from American taxpayers. Global warming is a political hoax, nothing more. Hitlary Care or Omaba Care, they both shall bring similar quality healthcare to a hospital near you. Heather Degasperis, 60, has a dangerous bacterial condition and was sent by her doctor to Toronto Western because it has the experts for her condition. Mark Degasperis was furious his mother spent five days on a stretcher at Toronto Western Hospital waiting for a room with 25 patients ahead of her, until the Toronto Sun made a call and she was suddenly moved to a room yesterday. Mark said, "I'm angry we pay such high taxes and the more money we throw at the health care system the worse it gets. People shouldn't be lined up on stretchers in the emergency department. If you are sick you should get a room." People who support and vote for pro-government healthcare candidates deserve what they will be getting. The mindless political hack kooks are at it again. Proponents say, "Congress adopted a nationwide 55 mph speed limit law during the oil embargo of the 1970s and threatened to withhold highway funding for any state that didn't comply. It repealed the law 13 years ago, when oil was cheap and gas plentiful. But with prices going through the roof and everyone worried about global warming " Note: Not "everyone" is "worried about global warming." Conservation is great, but it is not practical. Driving 55 will not produce more oil. Driving 55 will not diminish oil imports. Driving 55 will not thwart natural global warming. Driving 55 might save you a little money, but driving 55 is going to frustrate you, particularly when travelling on interstate highways engineered for speeds far greater than our current speed limits. As a result, you'll end up spending more in contrived speed trap related speeding tickets than you will save. Keep in mind that most traffic tickets are for revenue raising, not safety or any other reason.
Experts from 10 countries, including the United States, have defined life-long premature ejaculation. We just couldn't survive without this crucial information. Kanjorski's plan would do the following: H.R. 5800 would tax industries' windfall profits. The bill would set up a Reasonable Profits Board to determine when these companies' profits are in excess, and then tax them on those windfall profits. As oil and gas companies' windfall profits increase, so would the tax rate for those companies. Kanjorski said his legislation will encourage oil companies to lower prices to prevent them from receiving higher tax rates. What is reasonable about the Imperial Federal Government controlling business? After all, just yesterday we had a story about California Congresswoman Laura Richardson who can't manage her own personal finances and mortgage. Do we want these idiots controlling business? This idiot Kanjorski doesn't understand that if you limit or cap profits, you remove any corporate incentive to produce products. This would actually encourage oil companies to reduce production, which would create oil shortages and increase prices. So much for a free market. Many of you may have read "Atlas Shrugged." Wasn't there a comparable government entity in that epic book? The votes to put an idiot like this in Congress had to come from somewhere. She can't manage her own financial business yet she thinks she is qualified to deal with the business of our country. California Rep. Laura Richardson walked away from the mortgage on her $535,000 Sacramento home, letting the house slip into foreclosure and disrepair less than two years after she bought it with no money down. Richardson apparently stopped making payments on her new Sacramento home, and eventually walked away from it, leaving nearly $600,000 in unpaid loans and fees. Capitol Weekly, citing tax records at the Sacramento County assessor's office, reports "... in January 2007, Richardson took out a mortgage for the entire sale price of the house -- $535,000. The mortgage amount was equal to the sale price of the home, meaning she was able to buy the house without a down payment, even though the housing market was beginning to turn. A March 19, 2008 notice of trustee's sale indicates that the unpaid balance of Richardson's loan, which is held by Washington Mutual, is more than $578,000 -- $40,000 more than the original mortgage." In addition to 100% financing on the home itself, the report quotes the woman who sold the house to Richardson as saying she also gave Richardson $15,000 toward closing costs. Another bad risk is now in Congress. Maybe she will save the country and just walk away. The court, in a 7-2 decision, brushed aside concerns that the law could apply to mainstream movies that depict adolescent sex, classic literature or innocent e-mails that describe pictures of grandchildren. The law sets a five-year mandatory prison term for promoting, or pandering, child porn. It does not require that someone actually possess child pornography. Opponents have said the law could apply to movies like "Traffic" or "Titanic" that depict adolescent sex. The Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said it makes a crime out of merely talking about illegal images or possessing innocent materials that someone else might believe is pornography. The law could apply to an e-mail sent by a grandparent and entitled "Good pics of kids in bed," showing grandchildren dressed in pajamas. Global warming isn't to blame for the recent jump in the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic, concludes a study by a prominent federal scientist whose position has shifted on the subject. Warmer temperatures will actually reduce the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic and those making landfall, research meteorologist Tom Knutson reported in a study released Sunday. A group of experts, those who study hurricanes and who are more often skeptical about global warming, attribute the recent increase to a natural multi-decade cycle. NOAA hurricane meteorologist Chris Landsea, who wasn't part of this study, praised Knutson's work as "very consistent with what's being said all along."
States Seize Citizens' Property to Balance Their Budgets San Francisco resident Carla Ruff's safe-deposit box was drilled, seized, and turned over to the state of California, marked "owner unknown." Unknown? Carla's name was right on documents in the box at the Noe Valley Bank of America location. So was her address -- a house about six blocks from the bank. Carla had a checking account at the bank, too -- still does -- and receives regular statements. Plus, she has receipts showing she's the kind of person who paid her box rental fee. And yet, she says nobody ever notified her. To make matters worse, Ruff discovered the loss when she went to her box to retrieve important paperwork she needed because her husband was dying. Those papers had been shredded. And that's not all. Her great-grandmother's precious natural pearls and other jewelry had been auctioned off. They were sold for just $1,800, even though they were appraised for $82,500. Your grandparents may have been correct. You can always trust your mattress, and these days, fireproof boxes are cheap. Officials decided to lock down the Clarke School in Swampscott, MA Tuesday after a raccoon bit a school crossing guard minutes before school was released for the day. The school was placed in lockdown until the raccoon was disposed of. In this case, "disposed of" probably means beaten with a club. Where was PETA? School Superintendent Matthew Malone said, "Everyone did a phenomenal job today. School and public safety officials did an outstanding job. We used an alternate door for dismissal and the students were dismissed in an orderly manner." "Phenomenal job?" This was a "phenomenal job" of teaching our kids to panic. Mindless government schools at work. Although, you never know, it could have been one of those dangerous terrorist raccoon gang leaders. Perhaps next time Superintendent Malone should call the SWAT team and the Department of Homeland Security. We can't be too careful. Oil and Gasoline, the Business Facts According to the Department of Energy, US oil production has fallen 40% since 1985 while consumption's grown more than 30%. In real barrels, US oil production is now below five million barrels a day. It was approximately nine million barrels a day in 1985. Our production has been cut in half in 20 years. At the same time, we've stopped drilling and exploring for new sources. According to federal government estimates, there is an abundance of oil in the domestic areas, Gulf of Mexico, off the coasts and Alaska, 112 billion barrels that we are currently aware of. That would be enough to power more than 60 million cars for 60 years, but we have eco-radical moratoriums on drilling for our oil. The Outer Continental Shelf in the United States contains over 44 billion barrels of oil, and 232 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Eighty-five percent of the outer continental shelf is off limits to domestic exploration due to more eco-radical moratoriums. Yet we have the usual whining and complaining about dependence on foreign oil, and the resulting price increase. In the Gulf of Mexico, there is enough natural gas to heat 60 million homes for 160 years. You can't get the natural gas if you don't get the oil. It's a by-product. The oil market is so big and so complex, there's no one company or person that can manage it, not even OPEC. They can momentarily impact it, but they don't produce all of the world's oil. If OPEC decided to limit their production of oil to a substantial degree for a length of time, a country that is not a member of OPEC would be ready to pump more. That's business. Causes of the Great Depression According To Barack Obama Barack Obama, in response to a question yesterday, said, "I don't think that we're necessarily going in the direction of the Depression." He added, "There are some similarities, though, to the Great Depression, to what happened back in the late twenties and the early thirties and what's been happening now, and the biggest similarity is how we've been dealing with Wall Street and what's happening in the financial markets. As your president, my job is to regulate what happens in the financial markets to make sure that people aren't taking these kinds of risks and that we're having full disclosure." Just what we need, more government regulation. But this raises another question. How did Obama graduate from Harvard not having a clue about the Great Depression? The stock market crash, alone, was not the cause of the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused a worldwide economic downturn. Milton Friedman said that the Great Depression was not caused by the stock market crash in 1929. It was part of a regular downward cycle. However, the single most exacerbating cause of prolonging the Depression was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act, which was government induced protectionism. The act was protectionist policies and tariffs on anything that were imported. Not only didn't this help the economy, but it strangled global trade, which led to the rest of the world suffering an economic downturn. Businesses that suffered most during this period were agricultural, mining, and logging. The New Deal was supposed to get us out of the depression and get an active government involved in solving the Depression. The problem was the New Deal actually backfired and exacerbated the depression. Government solutions never work. World War II pulled us out of the Great Depression. Seventeen percent of the American male population ended up being drafted. That solved most of the unemployment problem. Even women went to work in factories building airplanes and ships. Remember Rosie the Riveter? Obama also said yesterday that the US housing crisis resulted from a lack of regulation and mortgage lenders, investment banks who ended up with worthless assets. We're discovering more about the recent subprime business. Many of the people who are abandoning their homes never lived in them. These people were speculators who got caught in a flip. The latest term is "walk-away mortgage." People walk away because ostensibly they can't afford them. They're walking away because they know they're going to be made whole because they don't have to pay for them. They never lived in these houses, they were flipping them, they were speculating. The Great Depression? Harvard graduate and presidential candidate Obama gets it wrong. Here is one additional note on taxes and the Great Depression: In 1923, the rich paid
32% of all taxes. In 1925, the rich paid 45% of all taxes. In 1929, the year of the stock
market crash, the rich paid 65% of all income taxes. That is a significant similarity to
the present. However, we can fix this with the Among the findings: In Irvington, which accounted for more than a quarter of questionable expenses within the latest round of audits, examiners from the accounting firm KPMG flagged $6,421 for a school board retreat in Atlantic City; $56,721 for advertising; $33,102 worth of office furniture for unspecified employees and $126 for a floral arrangement for one board member. Some 250 purchase orders totaling more than $15.5 million were not supported with invoices. Nearly $1 million in legal fees incurred by the East Orange Board of Education lacked proper documentation or appeared excessive. The district also spent $10,836 for a superintendent's convocation; $23,834 for 14 Dell laptop computers for board members, and $753 to cover the cost of 34 cakes -- with no explanation as to why the cakes were purchased. The Orange Board of Education spent $3,100 for a Christmas party for teachers and support staff and $12,144 for wireless phone services for district administrators. The Gloucester City school district spent $14,901 for a goose-chasing service to remove birds from an athletic field; $70,900 for the installation of sod at the high school; and $6,000 for meals for teachers and administrators. It also spent $2,251 for snacks for a health fair at the high school. Barr said neither McCain nor Barack Obama, the Democratic frontrunner, would rein in a government that he said has grown too powerful after the September 11 attacks. "A vote for the status quo ... is really and truly a wasted vote, because it is not going to do anything," Barr said. Barr has broken with the Bush administration in recent years over its domestic surveillance program and what he called its abuse of due process rights. With the incredible growth of government the Republicans are responsible for, why should I be concerned that the Republicans wouldn't get another shot at the White House? Whatever occurs, this election isn't going to turn out well for people who believe in smaller government, lower taxes and more individual responsibility. We're spiraling this country into a massive assisted care living center. I am not seeing a great deal in this election that is going to alter that course. The fact is, neither the Democrats nor Republicans are going to bring any genuine meaningful and positive "change" to Washington. Obama claims that he stands for "change we can believe in." It's all vacant, political hack rhetoric. Let's get the libertarians into the debate. If the Libertarian candidate polls at 15%, he will be included in the debates. Bob Barr's exploratory committee says he is currently polling at approximately 7%.
The Red Thai manager, Craig Gereau, said children disrupt people who are trying to enjoy a quiet dinner. Great! Hopefully, this restaurant will expand into a national chain. This is the second time this reporter, Michelle Kosinski, has been caught in an embarrassing news reporting fabrication. The "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" fraud continues. What the researchers discovered is pretty significant. They found that the ES&S tabulation system and the voting machine firmware were rife with basic buffer overflow vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to easily take control of the systems and "exercise complete control over the results reported by the entire county election system." They found that a voter or poll worker with a Palm Pilot and no more than a minute's access to a voting machine could surreptitiously re-calibrate the touch-screen so that it would prevent voters from voting for specific candidates or cause the machine to secretly record a voter's vote for a different candidate than the one the voter chose. Access to the screen calibration function requires no password, and the attacker's actions, the researchers say, would be indistinguishable from the normal behavior of a voter in front of a machine or of a pollworker starting up a machine in the morning. In November 2006 in Sarasota, Florida, more than 18,000 ballots recorded no votes cast in the 13th congressional race between Democrat Christine Jennings and Republican Vern Buchanan. Election officials say that voters intentionally left the race blank or failed to see the race on the ballot. But hundreds of voters complained during the election and afterward that the machines had been malfunctioning. Some said the machines simply failed to respond to their touch in that race -- the rest of the ballot, they reported, was fine. Others said that the machines appeared to initially respond to their selection of Christine Jennings, but then showed no vote cast in that race when they reached the review screen at the end of the ballot. Jennings lost to Buchanan by fewer than 400 votes. The race is under investigation by Congress and the Government Accountability Office. But one of the most worrisome flaws in my mind involves that infrared port on the front of ES&S touch-screen machines because it doesn't require anyone to open a machine to hack it. Feds SWAT raid hauls away 'illegal' products, equipment A Pennsylvania farmer has been fined $4,000 for dealing in raw milk in violation of the state's bureaucracy that demands he hold a permit to sell his natural products to friends and neighbors. They apparently needed the SWAT team to secure milk from dangerous cows. Substitute teacher Jim Piculas does a 30-second magic trick where a toothpick disappears then reappears. The resulting charge from the school district - Wizardry! Maybe Jim can make the idiots in government school administration disappear. Government education at its finest. This is another government entitlement program to add to the list. It appears that Americans feel the federal government should help them: Pay for medical care. Pay to heat their homes. Pay their children's day care. Educate their children. Buy gasoline every month. Find them a job. In actuality, the paramount thing that could happen is for the Imperial Federal Government to stay out of peoples' lives. What a surprise. In an exchange with Bill O'Reilly:
Is Hillary Clinton implying that once you make more than $250,000 you are no longer "doing hard work to keep our country going"? Let's keep that in mind the next time she says that she is "working hard." "Those natural climate variations could be stronger than the global-warming trend over the next 10-year period." If we can have "natural climate variations" in the cooling cycle, then why do so many people believe the warming part of the cycle is manmade and not due to "natural climate variations?" "There can be natural fluctuations that may mask climate change in the short term." Perhaps all of the global warming hysteria is part of the world's "natural fluctuations." It only stands to reason that if we can have "natural fluctuations" in the colder direction, we can have "natural fluctuations" in the warmer direction. The answer: Political hacks can't tax "natural fluctuations."
Kristoff Wennersten and 12 of his varsity lacrosse teammates, whom he recruited to help spell out the message at a school soccer match via their derrieres. The players displayed the question, "Will You Go To The Prom With Me? Yes or No?" on their posteriors while mooning Huron senior Carolyn Campbell at a game. Campbell, who accepted the prom invitation by patting the lower back of the player displaying the word 'Yes,' described Wennersten's method as "cute" and said she wasn't upset by the manner in which she was asked. Most students said they found the proposal humorous and thought school officials blew it out of proportion. "It's hard to know what to do," Melinda Campbell said. "It just happened. I hate to say, 'No harm, no foul' because some people were harmed. But it has certainly caused a lot of excitement." Bad taste, yes. But who exactly was "harmed." That's right; we live in the world of the hyper-offended. "Some very nice kids made a really bad choice," said Van Eck whose sophomore son, Forrest, plays for Huron's junior varsity lacrosse team. "I think it all boils down to respect. Who wants a bunch of boys with their butts hanging out (representing the school)? They had to do something." Keep in mind that government school administrators make "really bad" choices every day that negatively impact and harm people. Those are the professional contributors to government school idiocy that need to be suspended. Ragusa was first arrested March 13 and charged with having sex at least three times with a Davidsen Middle School student, then 14, between January and May of 2007. During that relationship, police say she began another with a second Davidsen boy, who was 15 when they started sleeping together in February of 2007. I presume she was attempting to shift to older men. Ragusa and the second teen, who was one of her math students, had sex at least 20 times, according to the sheriff. That is one was to work on math skills. Officers discovered Ragusa and the now-16-year-old boy at his house about 12:20 p.m. Monday, the arrest affidavit states. Ragusa had gone to the teen's house to discuss the criminal case but wound up in bed with him, police said. Hey, the student probably asked about the big bang theory. Detectives nabbed the woman as she was leaving and getting into her boyfriend's truck. Talk about an open relationship. Providing transportation for your girlfriend so she can cheat on you with a middle school student. Danish Analysis This purports to be a view of the American election as reported in Dutch newspaper. "We in Denmark cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election. On one side, you have a lawyer who is married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a lawyer. On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a blonde with a huge chest who owns a beer distributorship. Is there a contest here?"
The president, in this case, is an 18-year-old Pennsylvania high school student who claims he was forced to resign as head of his senior class because he skipped gym and left school to see Democratic presidential would-be Barack Obama. Colin Saltry, a Scranton High School senior, and fellow classmate Joey Daniel reportedly bolted school on Monday to catch a glimpse of the Illinois senator during a campaign stop at "The Glider" restaurant, just minutes away from their school. Saltry and Daniel say they met Obama, snapped photos with him, and even had the candidate sign excuse slips to present to their teachers. But their decision to skip out did not sit well with school administrators, who said the students broke the rules by leaving school without permission. Both Saltry and Daniel were issued one-day suspensions. Saltry also claims school Principal Brian McGraw told him to "start writing his resignation letter," according to the Scranton Times-Tribune Web site. McGraw reportedly denied the claim and said Saltry voluntarily withdrew as class president. The Obama campaign declined to comment on the controversy.
So much for global warming. The real numbers. Be very afraid.
Ethanol Fact We burn more than a gallon of fossil fuels to produce a gallon of ethanol. This makes sense for a government funded operation. Let's continue to keep the subsidies for ethanol preposterously high so that we can take more land out of food production to grow more corn to be turned into this alternative fuel, and burn more fossil fuels in the process. Government demanded a five-fold increase in the production of corn-based ethanol fuel in order to appease environmentalists. Consumer food prices normally rise by about 2.5 percent annually, but they increased by 4 percent in 2007, the biggest increase in 17 years. And forecasts for 2008 are pointing to another rise of 3 percent to 4 percent, USDA said in February. Facts: Ethanol makers will consume one quarter of the 13 billion US corn crop this year. There are about 35 million acres in the United States enrolled in the US Conservation Reserve Program. This is where the government pays landowners to sit on their butts and do nothing with their "environmentally sensitive land." Even if just 5 million of those acres came out of the program, and you planted corn on every inch of that land, you might affect the price by maybe 20 cents. It takes 232kg of corn to fill a 50 liter tank of gas with ethanol. That corn used to fill one car tank with ethanol is enough to feed one child for an entire year. A year! Maybe we can genetically alter babies to drink ethanol. Corn ethanol subsidies totaled $7.0 billion in 2006 for 4.9 billion gallons of ethanol. That's $1.45 per gallon of ethanol (and $2.21 per gal of gas replaced). Even with high gas prices in 2006, producing a gallon of ethanol cost 38¢ more than making gasoline with the same energy. $5.4 billion windfall of profits paid to real farmers, corporate farmers, and ethanol makers like multinational ADM. Where did those subsidies come from: 51¢ per gallon federal blenders credit for $2.5 billion = your tax dollars. $0.9 billion in corn subsidies for ethanol corn = your tax dollars. $3.6 billion extra paid at the pump. This only made us 1.1% more energy independent and only reduced US greenhouse gases by 1/19 of 1%. Ethanol received $11.6 billion in tax incentives since 1968, while the oil industry had received over $150 billion in tax benefit over the same period. However, the oil industry produced 1068 times more energy so the subsidy rate per unit energy was 54 times higher for ethanol. That's like ethanol gets 54¢ and oil gets 1¢. Yet the government political hacks and the media continue to demonize oil companies and hype ethanol. Costs are soaring and Massachusetts lawmakers are weighing a dollar-a-pack hike in the state's cigarette tax to help pay for a larger-than-expected enrollment in the law's subsidized insurance plans. One of the most radical fixtures of the law is the so-called "individual mandate" - the requirement that virtually everyone have health insurance or face tax penalties. Anyone deemed able to afford health insurance but who refused to buy it during 2007 already faces the loss of a $219 personal tax exemption. New monthly fines that kicked in this year could total as much as $912 for individuals and $1,824 for couples by December. The question is, who shall "deem" whether or not someone is "able to afford health insurance?" In 2006, a legislative committee estimated the law would cost about $725 million in the fiscal year starting in July. In his budget, Patrick set aside $869 million, but those overseeing the law have already acknowledged costs will rise even higher. Only in the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts? Not really. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you nationwide. Jerry Zeifman was a head honcho during the Nixon Watergate period hearings. He was the guy who hired Hillary Clinton. He's also the guy who fired her. He supervised her when she worked on the Watergate investigation. He says, Hillary's history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther, goes much deeper than anybody realized. Why? In an interview last week, Zeifman said, "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality." From the April 2 edition of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show:
This is to soothe the bruised egos of educators in lackluster schools in The Peoples' Republic Of Massachusetts.
The head of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has acknowledged it.
This has been the snowiest winter ever in the Ann Arbor, MI area, or at least since 1880 when record-keeping started.
Wait, won't using a snowblower increase global warming? In Egypt. Washington transferred $23 million worth of special aid to the North African nation as part of its assistance in locating smuggling tunnels. The American Army Corps of Engineers plans to send teams to Egypt to help push forward the border fence plans. No timetable has been given yet as to when the wall will be constructed. At least they are consistent with our own border fence timetable. Hillary Clinton called for a second stimulus package, including a $30 billion emergency housing fund. Her proposal also included expanding the Mortgage Revenue Bond Program by giving state housing agencies up to $10 billion to refinance "unworkable mortgages," the Clinton campaign said in a statement. You could do without government assistance if it wasn't for the government.
"Unattended Children Will Be Sold As Slaves." How about changing it to read, "Disruptive children will be eaten." Translation according to this list: Safety equals Government Intrusion and Less Freedom If you want more freedom, move to a place farther down the list. I'm glad that I am moving to South Carolina. If you want true security and less freedom, try the solitary confinement wing of a maximum security prison. Have fun! 1. Connecticut Just when you thought government schools couldn't get any more ridiculous. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Her record may be clean but I can't say the same for the chicken salad in her lunchbox. Just what is she studying at the education conference?
Time to fire up the grill and cook a pork sausage to celebrate. Dallas'
system works too well, eating into revenues, fueling possible changes As I have
been saying for years, traffic fines are about revenue raising, not safety.
More Government School Idiocy
Cost of Illegal Immigration $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that
crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist
Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into
the U. S. from the Southern border. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States." The total cost is over $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR Politically correct feminists should ban all capital letters. Professor Mike Adams is brilliantly entertaining as always.
Home schooling is under assault in California. All children are to be turned over to the government for education/indoctrination.
In Denver, government employees are wasting time and tax dollars by prosecuting children for kissing. How pathetic.
Just what we need, more government standards from the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts.
NOAA got it wrong in 2007. Go figure.
He probably got the idea from watching Prime Time.
TAX INCREASES When a politician calls for a tax increase, their own tax rate should increase by one percent to test their system. New research shows that drinking one bottle of water has the same impact on the environment as driving a car for approximately one mile. I typically have a bottle of water with me while I'm driving for twice the fun and efficiency. Michael Crichton nails Environmental Management and Global Warming.
You don't say.
You are not likely to find me living anywhere controlled by an idiotic homeowners association.
A "tax hike" in Massachusetts? Say it isn't so. Global Warming strikes again.
And he isn't even running.
In their bipartisan zeal to quickly cut a deal on an economic stimulus bill, GOP lawmakers overlooked something that will certainly inflame the conservative base, illegal immigrants could receive a tax rebate check from the government. "No one should have to choose between putting food on the table or staying warm," said Shane Sweet at the New England Fuel Institute. Correction: These people are not choosing between putting food on the table and keeping their homes warm. They're choosing between cell phones, flat-screen televisions, car payments on fancy cars with fancy rims, vacations, lottery tickets, adult beverages and meals at fancy restaurants, and heating their homes.
The charge was failing to use a weapon of sufficient caliber in the shooting of an intruder at his home in Knoxville, TN. He used a .22 when he should have used a .45 or .38. The .22 just wasn't big enough to get the job done. Let's get Smokey the .45 he deserves.
Tax facts: The top 1 percent of income earners pay more than one in every three dollars the IRS collects in taxes. From 1986 to 2004, the total share of the income tax burden paid by the top 1 percent of earners grew from 25.8 percent to 36.9 percent, while the total share of the tax burden paid by the bottom half of earners fell from 6.5 percent to only 3.3 percent. During the same period, the percentage of income the top 1 percent of tax filers paid in federal income taxes rose from 18.3 percent to 19.6 percent. By contrast, the percentage of income the bottom fifth of tax filers paid in federal income taxes dropped from 0.4 percent to zero. The income share of the top 1 percent rose 7.7 percentage points, from 11.3 percent to 19 percent, while their income tax burden rose even more, by 11 percentage points, from 26 percent to 37 percent. This includes a toy gun, which produces a flag saying, "Bang". When have you ever heard of anyone who was caught burglarizing a convenience store with a gun that shoots a flag saying, "Bang?" However, 40 percent of Michiganders who participated in the primary voted for nobody. Faye Buis-Ewing, 72, who has been telling the media she is a 50-year resident of Indiana, at one point in the past few years also claimed two states as her primary residence and received a homestead exemption on her property taxes in both states. The poster girl for the fight against voter identification laws is a criminal. It is the Fair Tax plan that is brilliant! So why is it getting trashed? It's raining iguanas in South Florida. A remarkable cold snap that brought temperatures in the mid-30s to the Miami area Thursday morning also brought lizards falling out of trees at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne. Global warming strikes again! A Fairbanks, Alaska couple lost a home to fire because it was just outside the fire service area. Officials told the owner of the house that it was 180 feet outside the area that the Steese Area Volunteer Fire Department covers. The Steese Fire Department responded to the call within two minutes of it coming in but turned back when they realized it was outside the service area. The property owner, Ace Callaway said he saw them turn off their lights and head back to the station. Deputy chief Mike Holzmueller said it's just the policy of all the volunteer departments in the borough to not respond to fires outside their range because they don't pay taxes for the service. What kind of pathetic political excuse was that? The fire department said that it wouldn't save people's burning homes because of taxes. Any good Samaritan or person of common sense would think that if you had the means to help someone, you would. Instead, in this case, volunteers are told to act against their common sense because of this idiotic fixation with taxes. Temperatures dropped to 23 degrees in central Puebla state, where residents woke to snow-covered mountains. Snow is not uncommon at very high altitudes in Mexico during the winter, but this week's cold front brought frost and light snow to towns that normally don't see such weather. All this from the political global warming scare scam. Keep in mind that American citizens don't have a constitutional right to vote in presidential elections. According to Gov. Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature, schoolchildren can now choose their own sex. They are not talking about choosing "sexual behavior or sexual preferences." Kids are going to be taught that they have the right to completely ignore their physical anatomy and choose the status of being "male" or "female." |